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A Blind Man Helped Me See, the Beautiful World

It was late afternoon when the chairman of our company gave me an assignment: I would leave the next day to accompany an important American businessman to tourist sites in northern Thailand. Silently angry, I stared at my desk. The piles of paper bore witness to a huge amount of work waiting to be done, even though I had been working seven days a week. How will I ever catch up? I wondered.

After a one-hour flight the next morning, we spent the day visiting attractions along with hundreds of other tourists, most of them loaded with cameras and small gifts. I remember feeling annoyed at this dense collection of people.

That evening my American companion and I climbed into a crowded van to go to dinner and a show, one which I had attended many times before. While he chatted with other tourists, I exchanged polite conversation in the dark with a man seated in front of me —Hans, a German who spoke fluent English. I wondered why he held his head motionless at an odd angle when listening. Suddenly the truth struck me. He was blind. “Could I sit beside you at the dinner?” he asked. “I’d love it if you’d describe a little of what you see.” “I’d be happy to,” I replied.

Seated at a table close to the stage, Hans asked, “What do other tourists look like?” “All nationalities, colors, shapes and sizes, a gallery of human faces,” I whispered. “Very close to us is an elderly Japanese woman,” I said. “Just beyond her a yellow-haired white boy of about five is leaning forward. They’re quiet, waiting for the performance to start. It’s the perfect living portrait of childhood and old age, of Europe and Asia.” Hans nodded and said, “The music seems out of tune to our Western ears, but it has charm.”

1. 所续写短文的词数应为100词左右;
2. 续写部分为一段,开头语已为你写好。

Then he asked me to describe the musicians to him.

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It was the middle of winter some 30 years ago. I was a young father with three little children depending on me. My college education, however, wasn’t helping me to find a good job in our depressed area. My work as a teacher had dried up and now I was working in a saw mill (锯木厂) for just above the minimum wage.

As I got ready to go to work I wrapped band-aids (创可贴) around my fingers and put more in my pockets. Cutting and piling wood for 8 hours a day had caused my fingers to split and bleed at their tips in the cold, dry, winter air. Then I walked down to my car in the snow and hoped it would start.

That day at work was harder than normal. The machines kept breaking down. And we had to rush to catch back up as the wood piled up. On top of it all the heaters in the building weren’t working and we could see our breath as we spent hours chopping, piling, carrying, and packaging the hard wood flooring to be shipped out.

When the work day finally ended, I walked tiredly toward the time clock, took off my work gloves and inspected my aching fingers. The splits were worse than ever and I had bled through the band-aids again. I tried to straighten out but my bad back cramped (绞痛) up as I did. I started my car and drove back home. I looked at the snow and blinked back tears. I wondered how long I could keep doing this, if things would ever get any better, and why life was so hard.

I tried to put a smile on my face as I opened my front door, but instead one appeared naturally. My daughter ran up to me, yelling “Daddy”, and wrapped her little arms around my neck. I lifted her up and my heart exploded with love.

注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
My tired body didn’t feel so tired any more.
“Happy birthday!” my wife greeted me warmly.

Thoughts don’t have to be “real” or “true” to create failure or success in our lives. They just have to be believed.

Tim had always been weak in math. In high school, he had failed algebra (代数) three times before he eventually passed. Gradually, he began to accept it as an unchangeable fact. Then in college, the biggest problem that stood between him and his degree came in junior year— he had to take statistics, about which all the horror stories were circulating.

One day he was called into his professor’s office. Professor Fine, a short, stout man with thinning hair and a forever smile, sat on the front of his desk reading Tim’s record. “My son, this is your lucky day.” he looked up and repeated, “This is indeed your lucky day. You’re going to be great in stats (统计数据).” He had a huge smile on his face.

“How’s that, Doc?” Tim asked.

The professor shrugged. “You have the second kind of mind. Listen. First kind of minds are the kids who do well in algebra but don’t get stats. But second kind of mind is like yours. Kids who don’t get algebra understand statistics with no problem. They are different kinds of math that take different kinds of mind. Since you failed algebra three times, I’d guess you’d get an A in stats.” He raised his hands over his head.

“Really?” Tim asked, confused.

Professor Fine jumped to the floor and looked square (诚实的) in his eyes. “Really, and I’m happy for you. You never gave up, and now it’s going to pay off.” Then he shook Tim’s hand and slapped his back with great enthusiasm.

Tim was wild with joy at the news.

After that day, each time they met, there was a smile of approval on Professor Fine’s face and an enthusiastic handshake. Eventually, Tim began to tell his friends how well he expected to do in statistics.


This unusual change in attitude affected all Tim’s grades.


After the graduation ceremony, Tim went to professor Fine’s office.

阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。

It was almost dark and some streets were already lighted. Everyone seemed to go home in a hurry. Passing a well-dressed man, little ragged Rafiq called again, holding a paper high up with one hand," Daily Star, Sir, only eight cents..."But the man went on without a word. Rafiq had been up and down the street the whole day crying but there were still twenty papers under his arms.

The shops would soon close and he would have to go home too, carrying papers instead of money. He had longed to have more money tonight to buy a cake for his mother and some bird-seed for his favourite pet Bulbul which was a gift from his father before he died. He had spent all the money both he and his mother possessed to buy papers. It was heartbreaking and more than he could bear to think about that.

"An unlucky day!" sighed Rafiq and his eyes fell on the last page of Daily Star.

An honest boy wanted ---Truefulness and honesty is what he owns.

(Public, 425 Lafayette St.212-967-7555, Mr.Iskandar)

"Honesty?" Rafiq breathed deeply.

"Hello, Rafiq. Haven’t you sold your papers yet? I sold mine 2 hours ago." Rafiq looked up and saw Sardul, another news boy.

"Why? That’s more than 160 copies."

"Rafiq," said Sardul as he drew near to him so that no one would hear what he was going to say. "You must run quickly up the street and shout ‘Hot news!Bomb bursting at local school. Many died’."

"But it’s not in the paper!"

"Nobody will catch you. Just run away quickly before they have time to see, and you’ll sell out and get your money."

Paragraph 1:

Rafiq dipped his hand into his pocket, feeling the few notes and coins there, lost in thought.

Paragraph 2:

The next day at the newspaper office, Rafiq heard Sardul laughing at his failure, and then spotted a gentleman listening patiently outdoors.

