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Ways the Pandemic Has Changed Our Relationship with Food for the Better

Some of food-related behavior changes have the potential to become new habits with long-term benefits. Here are five eating-related behaviors that might be kept after the pandemic.

1. Eating family meals together

For the first time, some kids now have two parents home for weeknight dinners. 【小题1】 That highlights the importance of eating together when you can. Research has found that eating as a family helps kids have better self-esteem, more success in school, and lower risk of depression.

2. Kids learning to cook

Some families are making time to get kids involved in the kitchen. 【小题2】 Start with the basics by letting your child arrange simple snacks on a plate. It’s never too title, too early or too late to start giving kids some things to do in the kitchen.

3. Eating more plant-based proteins

People are trying tofu and homemade veggie burgers and finding out that, with the right recipes, these foods can be delicious. Alternatives to animal protein benefit the health of individuals and our planet. 【小题3】

4. Buying food locally and lending a hand in the hunger crisis

Problems in the food supply chain that-have been significant during the pandemic have prompted people to seek local sources of food. 【小题4】 Hopefully this trend deepens our appreciation for who and what it takes to bring food to our table.

5. Changing mindsets about fitness to include self-worth

Eating is one of the most basic ways we take care of ourselves, and recent things have people rethinking how they define fitness. Take pride in both big and small changes you’ve recently put into practice. 【小题5】 It is hoped that what people maintain after the pandemic is more friendliness toward themselves as eaters.

A.Indeed, people tend to think differently about vegetables.
B.In contrast, kids of frontline workers may eat more meals away from their parents.
C.Sales of local produce and community-supported agriculture programs have increased greatly.
D.Don’t lose heart if it seems every kid but yours can cook nicely.
E.However, it might be too hard for overworked parents.
F.They might tum into brand new habits with benefits in the long run.
G.This doesn’t mean you need to become vegetarian, but you can start thinking about meat differently.
知识点:方法/策略健康饮食 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

The negative thoughts inside your head can hold you back from making new friends, connecting with colleagues or sharing your brilliant ideas in meetings. For some people, these negative thoughts become too powerful and require professional attention. 【小题1】 The following are some tips to quiet your inner critic.

Label the voice.

The voice does not define you. Just identify it as an independent entity (实体) and give it a name. Call it your unreliable speaker, your negative Nelly or your passive Bob. 【小题2】


Negative thinking can do a lot on your central nervous system, causing you to react physically. 【小题4】 Whatever your response ― shaky hands, trembling voice, sweaty brow — a slow breathing in and a slower breathing out will help comfort the central nervous system.

Trust that the thought will pass.

It’s just a thought, and ifs just not that important—it’s irrational after all! 【小题5】 You don’t realize you’re empowering those thoughts, getting into a tug of war with them. You can choose to accept its presence in the moment and trust that it will pass.

All in all, don’t let that voice in your head tell you what to do.

A.Don’t waste energy fighting it.
B.Calm your central nervous system.
C.Slow your breathing to calm your thoughts.
D.For others, these negative thoughts will pass very soon.
E.Naming the voice almost turns it into someone else talking.
F.Have you ever started getting negative thoughts and suddenly felt physically bad too?
G.For the majority, simple ways can stop them discouraging you from connecting with others.

Useful Memory Strategies

Form associations between new and remembered information. If you can link new ideas with previously established ones, then you can increase the chance that new memories will be formed. Try coming up with a familiar picture, song, joke, or rhyme that you can associate with the new material. 【小题1】

Repeat new facts as soon as you come across them. It may be boring, but simply repeating new information over and over in different ways will help it stick in your brain better, especially if you space out the repetition over time.【小题2】 Then speak the definition out loud a couple times, and try writing it down once or twice.

Teach someone else the information you’re trying to learn. 【小题3】 Find a classmate or co-worker who needs to learn the same information, form a study group, and take turns teaching each other different concepts. Alternately, ask your friends if they’re willing to learn something new from you.

【小题4】 Simply re-reading the same information isn’t good enough. You have to actually practice finding the information form your memory in order to strengthen the connections within your brain. 【小题5】 If you answer something wrong, you will be more likely to remember it incorrectly in the future as well, so instantly correct yourself and repeat the right answer a few more times.

A.It doesn’t matter if you make mistakes.
B.Test yourself after learning something new.
C.Form a picture in your mind that includes the new fact.
D.Keep trying effective methods and cooperation with others.
E.Teaching others can help you remember and understand things better.
F.Be sure to immediately check your answers to make sure you’ve got them right.
G.For example, if you’re trying to remember the definition of a new word, read it several times to yourself.

Advertisements are designed to persuade us, but which techniques are effective in talking us in to buy things?

【小题1】 Normalization can lead to higher sales of junk food as people start to see these habits as normal. This is like product placement—where products are shown or mentioned in TV shows and films. Beth, an assistant professor of marketing and advertisement, tells us that product placement is most effective when it is not too obvious. 【小题2】 It seems that a subtle (不易察觉的) approach can be more persuasive.

Appealing to our emotions is another strategy advertisers use. 【小题3】 Jannet, a senior lecturer in communication studies, explains that for fear to be an effective tool, we need to believe: when fears are raised, people tend to take action to make a difference, like buying something. But when fears are exaggerated (夸大) or we feel helpless, we are likely to switch off.

Advertisements often show perfect-looking people because marketers believe that we will desire to be like them and buy the products they support. 【小题4】 The research that she mentions shows these ads can make people feel bad and put them off products. These studies say that seeing a more human side of people can lead us to believe them. 【小题5】

So, it seems that the best technique advertisers can use to persuade people is to fully understand the people they are selling to.

A.Some of them use fear to persuade us.
B.One way is simply to describe something as normal.
C.Superstars are gradually losing their commercial value.
D.We become defensive if we know that someone is trying to sell us something.
E.However, a researcher in marketing points out this may not be the best strategy.
F.A common technique to make an emotional impact is to create a memorable slogan.
G.And endorsements (代言) from characters who admit their mistakes can be more believable.
