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Our ship sailed on the sea into the Earth’s night. Here, there was no visible light from the Sun or the Earth Engines. But as we looked up, we children saw the starry sky for the first time in our lives. How breathtakingly beautiful it was!

Ms Xing put an arm around us while pointing at the sky with her other hand. “Look, children! That is Proxima Centauri (比邻星), our new home!” With these words, tears ran slowly down her face. Before long, we were all in tears—even the captain and crew. We all looked in the direction that Ms Xing was pointing. There was only one point of light among the twinkling stars that shined constantly: Proxima Centauri—the only source of hope and comfort for a hundred future generations. “Whatever risks we might take, we will finally make it there!” said the captain, in an assured voice.

On our way back from the sea, we saw the first sign that Earth had begun its journey. In the night sky, a huge comet had appeared. It was the Moon, abandoned by humankind. Lunar Engines had been installed to the Moon to force it out of its orbit so that a disastrous crash could be avoided as the Earth sped up and moved away. As it progressed, the gravitational tide of the Moon caused the ocean to swell, creating gigantic waves. We quickly got off the ship to our destination in the Southern Hemisphere. The next few days were the countdown to our departure.

Finally came the big day! As Earth Engines was set at a full power, we got immediately blinded by the bright light from it. This acceleration created massive tsunamis hundreds of meters high that crashed onto the coasts of every continent. Burning hot hurricanes roared through the boiling waves, screaming with wild fury and pulling up almost every tree on Earth.

Our Earth, with its blue tail cutting through the darkness of space, had set out on its long journey, and with it went all of humankind.

【小题1】Why did we all cry when looking up into the sky?
A.Because we had to abandon the Earth.
B.Because we were fascinated by the stars.
C.Because we saw our new settlement.
D.Because we felt lonely in the universe.
【小题2】What was the function of the Lunar Engines?
A.To protect the Earth from a deadly impact.
B.To make sure the Moon runs in its orbit.
C.To keep the moon at the same speed as the Earth.
D.To shelter humans from the tide of the Moon.
【小题3】Which of the following words can best describe the journey?
A.Smooth and steady.B.Endless and hopeless.
C.Exciting and entertaining.D.Ambitious and adventurous.
【小题4】Where is the text probably taken from?
A.A personal diary.B.A science fiction.
C.A travel magazine.D.An academic article.
知识点:自然灾害与防范记叙文航空航天 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!
Dear Li Jun,

Last night I saw a TV documentary(纪实电视节目) about the 1976 Tangshan earthquake in China. I noticed one thing that is common with most natural disasters. The killer disasters come either early in the morning or late at night, when people are either resting or preparing to rest and, unfortunately, when people are least attentive to warning signs.

The Tangshan disaster struck early in the morning when the people were still sleeping. Many people died in their sleep. Miners were trapped deep below the earth. Some died. Survivors waited in the dark. They hoped that rescuers would come and pull them out. It is a horrible thing to be in a situation where you can do nothing to save yourself.

It seems that, Mother Nature has always attacked us as if she were afraid that we would fight back. Otherwise why would she come only as a thief? I have a story to tell you. This one happened in August 1986 in the villages near Lake Nyos in Cameroon’s northwest province. Large amounts of carbon dioxide(CO2) gas had been collecting at the bottom of the lake. It was clear that nobody knew about the gas or about how dangerous it was. Suddenly, before dawn on August 26, 1986, a large quantity of gas was released(gave off) from the lake. CO2 is heavier than air, so it spread out over the nearby villages. The blanket of CO2 floated for 25 kilometres. Many people died in their sleep from lack of oxygen(O2). Before sunrise, more than 1,700 people had lost their lives. And thousands of animals were also killed by the gas. At first scientists believed that the gas was caused by an earthquake or a volcano. However, further studies proved that there had been no volcanic activity. Nobody is very certain how such a large amount of gas was released from the lake. Scientists from the USA, the EU, Japan and Cameroon have been studying the lake for the past twenty years. Yet they still have not found an answer.

Well, Jun, let me leave Mother Nature and her timid(胆小的) way of attacking us. I need to run out for some noodles at a nearby Chinese restaurant.

Take good care of yourself.


【小题1】What were most people doing when the Tangshan earthquake happened?
A.They were watching TV.B.They were preparing to rest.
C.They were mining below the earth.D.They were sleeping.
【小题2】What caused so many people to die near Lake Nyos?
A.A large quantity of poisonous gas.B.A lack of oxygen.
C.A thick cloud in the sky.D.A thief.
【小题3】Which of the following sentences is NOT true according to the passage?
A.People seem to be more attentive to signs of disasters in the daytime.
B.The author is familiar with China.
C.Mother Nature was afraid that people would fight back.
D.Animals were also killed by the gas near Lake Nyos.
【小题4】What does the underlined sentence mean at the end of the letter?
A.The writer decided to leave nature and hide away.
B.The writer decided not to fight with nature because she was timid.
C.The writer decided to stop writing about the topic.
D.The writer decided to attack nature bravely.
【小题5】What figure of speech is used in the name of “Mother Nature”?
A.Simile.(明喻)B.Metaphor. (暗喻)
C.Personification. (拟人)D.Comparison. (比较)

Having lived in California until 1970, my family has felt a number of earthquakes. We have been fortunate, however, to have suffered no bodily harm or property damage.

There is a website that lists all California earthquakes recorded from 1769 to the present. The site lists the dates and times as well as the magnitude and the exact location of any quake that measured more than 6.0. There are only a few quakes that stand out in my memory and, luckily, none is shown in the website. So, my personal experience with earthquakes might be considered insignificant.

There are three earthquakes that are difficult to forget. The first one was in 1955 and our oldest daughter was walking with me in our backyard in Redwood City in California. As the shaking became stronger, I held her to me with one arm as I held on to one of our fruit trees with the other. All three of us (my daughter, I and the tree) shook for two or three minutes that to us felt like hours.

The second one was in 1963. Our entire family was visiting Disneyland in Southern California. The earth started to shake just as we were beginning to walk from our hotel toward the famous landmark.

My third experience with an earthquake was a lonely one in California. It was in my sixties and I was alone in an old church. As the building started to shake, I quickly headed for the door to go outside. I remember I said a little prayer — something like, “Help me get out of here in time, Dear Heavenly Father”. Minutes later, I was safe outside.

【小题1】The author writes the passage mainly to tell us about .
A.a new film about an earthquakeB.how to survive an earthquake
C.his three earthquake experiencesD.how to save children in an earthquake
【小题2】The earthquakes the author has experienced .
A.all caused bodily harmB.are all recorded in a website
C.all measured more than 6.0D.all happened in California
【小题3】What does the underlined part “the famous landmark” refer to?
A.A church.B.Disneyland.
C.A building destroyed by an earthquake.D.The place where the author was born.
【小题4】Which of the following statements is NOT true about the third earthquake?
A.It happened in the author’s sixties.
B.The author succeeded in getting outside.
C.When it happened, the author was in a church.
D.The author was too afraid to walk when it happened.

Stages of Hurricane: Simple Storms Grow Into Giants

A storm progresses through four different stages before it is actually considered a hurricane. First is a tropical disturbance (热带扰动), which has thunderstorms and rotating (旋转) winds. Next is a tropical depression (热带低气压), which is similar to a tropical disturbance, but has winds between 23 and 39 miles per hour. A tropical storm is the next level, which has stronger wind speeds between 40and 73 miles per hour. Once winds reach 74 miles per hour the storm is officially called a hurricane. The wind picks up energy from the warm surface ocean water.

As a hurricane crosses over land, it begins to become weaker or break apart and reduce in strength. This is because it is no longer over the warm ocean water that it needs for energy. At this point, a hurricane can still cause a lot of damage because of high winds, rain, and flooding. But unless it makes its way back over the open ocean, it is downgraded from a hurricane back to a tropical storm.

What’s Your Name, Hurricane?

Hurricanes and tropical storms are given names to help people recognize them. Scientists refer to hurricanes and storms by name as they track them across the ocean.

Before 1953, hurricanes were not given official names. From 1953 through 1978, hurricanes were only given female names, like Isabel, Camille, Claudette, and Wilma. Beginning in 1979, hurricanes were given the names of both women and men. Today, the names alternate male and female, and they are named in order of letters.

For example, in 2010, storms were named as follows: Alex (male), Bonnie (female), Colin (male), Danielle (female), Earl (male) and so on…

There are six different lists of names that change, so the same names are used every six years. The only way that a new name is added is when a hurricane has been particularly deadly or costly and the name is retired, then replaced with a new one.

【小题1】Which of the following is the right order of stages of a hurricane?
A.Tropical depression, tropical disturbance, tropical storm, hurricane
B.Tropical disturbance, tropical depression, tropical storm, hurricane
C.Tropical storm, tropical depression, tropical disturbance, hurricane
D.Tropical storm, tropical disturbance, tropical depression, hurricane
【小题2】What happens when a hurricane crosses over land?
A.It breaks apart and forms tornadoes.B.It returns to the ocean afterwards.
C.It moves more quickly.D.It becomes less powerful.
【小题3】The underlined word “alternate” in paragraph 4 means “____”.
A.take turns betweenB.carry or
C.come fromD.cause trouble to
【小题4】What do we know about the hurricanes?
A.Six common hurricane names are often used.
B.An old name will be replaced every year.
C.Most of them are deadly and costly.
D.They didn’t have official names until 1953.
