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When I entered Oxford University, I wasn’t particularly interested in joining the rowing club. I just wanted to know what it is like to row in one of those narrow boats, so I signed up with the intention of quitting after the first session. At least that’s what I thought.

Six months later, I found myself sitting in a rowing boat with three teammates, waiting for a 2000-meter race to start. In the boat alongside us sat a crew from the university’s team, two of whom had won medals at the Beijing Olympics in 2008. My crew was only rowing at college-level and we had only trained a few times as a team, so facing such strong athletes was quite terrifying. I tried to focus my mind on the race, not on my opponents.

Go! We pushed off with all our might and rowed as fast as we could. As we reached the halfway mark, the other crew was ahead of us. But to my amazement we were gaining on them. If we could win the race, we would get through to the final! We pushed even harder, ignoring the pain in our legs and drawing energy from the cheers of our college friends. I could already sense the sweet taste of victory.

But then, disaster. One of my teammates lost control of his oar (桨), knocking him nearly out of the boat. We came to a sudden stop, and watched as our opponents crossed the finishing line. It was the most disappointing moment in my life. I wanted to punch my teammate who had ruined everything and push him into the water. But when I saw how angry he was with himself, I gave him a hug.

Although we lost, I’m still proud of how well we did that day facing a much stronger team. What I remember now is the thrill of racing, not the pain of defeat.

【小题1】What was the author’s attitude to rowing in the beginning?
A.He was curious about rowing.B.He was fond of rowing.
C.He was eager to win in a rowing race.D.He was tired of rowing.
【小题2】How did the author feel when he and his team reached the halfway mark?
【小题3】Why did they lose the game?
A.A group member made a mistake.B.The opponents were too strong.
C.They were worn out.D.They hurt their legs.
【小题4】Which can be the best title of the text?
A.Nothing is impossible.B.Trying your best is the best award.
C.The early bird catches the worm.D.Never quit until the last minute.
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When you’re facing adversity in life, remember the popular saying, “Whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”. 【小题1】 If you’re still struggling with adversity, here are 3 tips that may help.

The mindset

【小题2】 Unfortunately, sometimes you refused to use this positivity for strength. However, having a positive mindset remains one of the best ways of facing adversity. Although it’s hard to smile while you’re getting your heart ripped out, keep in mind that you have this secret weapon-a good mindset. It’s okay to feel sad or angry, but as long as you can feel those emotions and return to positive, you already have a head start on the others who are struggling.


Did you know that facing adversity is a chance to learn something new? Believe it or not, going through negative situations or dealing with mean people can teach you many things about life. For instance, you can learn to be patient when dealing with difficult individuals. 【小题3】 You can even learn how to find peace when you cannot control your situation.

Talk yourself through

Talking to yourself during adversity can work both ways. 【小题4】 This is where you make one of the most important decisions after facing adversity. Instead of saying bad things about yourself, try saying positive things instead. For instance, don’t say, “I can’t do this”, but instead, say, “I can make things right”.

If you’re facing adversity, stay calm and take a moment to understand which way you should approach your problem. 【小题5】

A.It’s actually quite true.
B.Your mindset matters a lot.
C.If you can’t, seek advice beforehand.
D.You’ve heard things about positivity all your life.
E.It can lift you up or it can further bring you down.
F.Then, with skill and wisdom, you can keep moving forward.
G.You can learn to do things differently when projects fall through.

It was their wedding anniversary (周年纪念日) and Ria was waiting for her husband to show up. After some years of marriage, things changed between them. The couple once couldn’t live without each other, but now they would fight over every little things.

Ria was waiting to see if Manoj remembered that it was their wedding anniversary. As the phone rang she went to it, taking it for Manoj’s calling to make up for fights.

However, when Ria picked it up, there was a man who said, “Hello madam. I am calling from the police station. Is this Mr. Manoj Kumar number?” She replied, “Yes it is!” “I am sorry madam but there has been an accident and a man died. We got this number from his wallet. Can you please come and identify body?” the man replied.

“How could this happen?”, she thought to herself. Her heart sank. She said to herself “It’s true!! He left me forever. Oh God! I can die to have another chance to mend for every fight we had. I really lost my chance.” She fell on floor in pain.

Suddenly a noise spread from the doorway, the door opened and Manoj came out and said, “Darling, I forgot to tell you today my wallet was stolen.” In excitement, Ria ran toward the door with a bright smile and a bunch of flowers to hug her husband. Then they both started to celebrate their anniversary with champagne, candles and light music.

We know no one have promised tomorrow. Never waste any moment while you still have chance to value people and relations in life.

【小题1】Why did the policeman call Mr. Manoj Kumar number?
A.To remind Ria to fetch the stolen wallet.B.To ask Ria to go and recognize the body.
C.To congratulate Ria’s wedding anniversary.D.To find out some information about the thief.
【小题2】Who died in the accident?
A.Manoj.B.A thief.C.A policeman.D.Ria’s relative.
【小题3】What can be inferred from the text?
A.Manoj left Ria when she answered the phone.B.Manoj forgot their wedding anniversary totally.
C.The marriage of Ria and Manoj would finish soon.D.Ria still loved Manoj even if they fought sometimes.
【小题4】What might be the main idea of the text?
A.Wedding anniversary is the grave of love.B.All things are difficult before they are easy.
C.Never lose confidence in the face of difficulty.D.Value your love and live a life without regrets.

This fall marks a new beginning for the hundreds of students walking onto a small Midwest college campus, but it’s an especially memorable time for one family. It celebrates three generations starting the new school year together.

Samantha Malczewski, 19, said that when she learned her mom and her grandmother would be joining her and her younger sister Mia Carter, 18, at Carthage College this fall, her eyes were wide open.

“I was clearly already admitted, and Mia was also admitted. And then all of a sudden, they were like, ‘Oh, we’re going too,’” Samantha recalled. “I didn’t expect it.”

Mia said she had an inkling (略知) that their mom and grandmother were interested in going back to school.

“My great-grandma just passed away and I think my mom had the realization that your mom’s not always gonna be there ... and I think it’s just the fact of them simply going to the same classroom every day and just gaining another aspect of spending time together,” the freshman accounting and marketing student said.

Her mom Amy Malczewski had worked at Carthage College for the last 22 years. She said she “always” knew she wanted to enroll (注册) as a student herself though. “I have a little time now. I’m like, you know what, I should get that graduate degree I’ve always wanted. And Carthage has this amazing master’s degree in business and design and innovation, which is really in line with all the things that I love,” said Amy.

Meanwhile, when Christy Schwan heard of her daughter’s plan, she quickly realized they could set on the journey together. The 71-year-old had retired three years before. She said she was drawn to learning about change management.

Amy and Christy are now classmates, studying for master’s degrees in business, design and innovation. Both nontraditional students say they encourage their peers (同龄人) to go for it if they’re also considering going back to school. “My advice to anybody is just, life is so short and if there’s something that you’re interested in, and maybe you’re doubting yourself a little bit, put that doubt aside and just go for it,” Amy said. “Especially if you have somebody that can do it with you, I think it makes it even sweeter, right?”

【小题1】How did Samantha feel when she learned the news?
【小题2】What did Mia think was the reason that her mom and grandmom went back to school together?
A.They wanted to have a richer life.
B.They wanted to fit in with younger groups.
C.They wanted to spend more time with each other.
D.They wanted to learn more about accounting and marketing.
【小题3】Which of the following can best describe Amy Malczewski?
A.Strong and devoted.B.Persistent and brave.
C.Positive and knowledgeable.D.Responsible and professional.
【小题4】What does Amy suggest people do in the last paragraph?
A.Treasure family.B.Go to university.
C.Don’t waste time.D.Go for their dreams.
