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Small changes and gradual habit-building are great strategies for progressing towards large goals. They can include losing weight and increasing physical activity with the ultimate goal of keeping healthy. 【小题1】

Why Step and Not Jump?

If those large goals are so important, why not jump towards them instead of taking baby steps? 【小题2】 For example, running a 10k if you rarely even walk for exercise. It can be easier to start with walking for 10 minutes three days a week.

Small steps can lead to a good cycle of success bringing success as you establish habits, hit mini-goals, and note your progress. This increases confidence and motivation, making it easier to stay in it for a long time.

How to Take Small Steps?

Break it down. That larger goal may seem far-off and unattainable, but breaking it down into smaller goals establishes a defined path that you can travel. Instead of worrying about what you might do next year(e. g. going on a foreign trip), you can check off the list things you can do today or this week(e. g. going to the gym). 【小题3】

Track your progress. Track your progress to see how well you are doing and where you might improve. Your parents can help with tracking healthy eating, weight, and physical activity. 【小题4】 It also keeps you focused on the long-term benefits.

Adjust as needed. Assess your progress regularly, such as weekly or a couple of times a month. 【小题5】 Consider it a re-routing process, and not a failure. This change can keep you motivated and on track as you make progress towards those big goals.

A.This is how you can use small steps.
B.Keeping a record of progress can increase motivation.
C.Things you can do today are good small steps to consider.
D.And then you can re vise your goal and path to it as needed.
E.Taking small steps can be the best way to hold onto the gains.
F.A large goal can be so challenging that it is hard to work towards it.
G.Here are some tips on why and how to take small steps to reach big goals.
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Reasons to Spend More Time Alone

Whether you’re a social butterfly or a recluse(隐士) or somewhere in between, everyone can benefit from some alone time every once in a while. 【小题1】 Anyone who spends the majority of their time alone is considered as antisocial or maybe even depressed. Here are a few reasons why you should spend more time with yourself.


Taking care of your brain is just as important as taking care of your body. Any kind of social interaction can be exhausting after a while. Time spent alone allows you to recharge and it allows your brain to refocus and slow down for a bit.

Make your own rules.

When you’re alone, you’re in charge and get to make all the rules. You don’t have to worry about stepping on someone’s toes or catering to others, 【小题3】 And there is no need to compromise or please anyone but you.

Be more productive.

Constant communication in teamwork is encouraged since it improves efficiency and could lead to more innovative ideas. Research shows however, that working alone every now and then can enhance productivity. 【小题4】

Time to reflect.

【小题5】 But even just five minutes of a long time can give you a chance to slow down and look inward. Processing your thoughts and experience is necessary in order to stay grounded and positive. Taking time out allows you to redirect yourself and focus on your goals and purpose.

A.Everyone needs self-reflection.
B.Allow your brain to rest and recharge.
C.Everything seems so fast-paced nowadays.
D.You can indulge in your hobbies and interests.
E.This might not be achieved during group work.
F.So it’s quite necessary to spend more time alone.
G.Unfortunately, solitude (独处) is often viewed negatively.

Personal development doesn't just happen. 【小题1】 Self-development requires hard work, devotion and an ever-growing skill. So,what new skills do you need to power forward?

On your journey toward your best self, you need to set goals. The key is balance : If your goals are too high, you'll get discouraged when you fall short. 【小题2】 The better approach is to think in milestones. If you want to be a novelist, don't set a goal to finish a book in a week. Focus on getting a couple of pages done each day, or on writing a chapter each week. This measurable progress is more sustainable and fulfilling.

【小题3】 To keep going when times are tough, you have to learn how to manage your stress levels. If light walks help you keep your head on straight, schedule one for your lunch period every day. If you need to take Sundays off to recharge for the next week, it's more than acceptable to do so.

Organization is a skill that comes more naturally to some people than others. If you're a naturally messy person, start small. Otherwise, you'll be at a loss. 【小题4】 Clean up your bedroom or your car. If physical cleaning is stressful, start by cutting out files from your computer. Believe it or not, one clean space can set the tone for the rest of your life.

On the road of personal development, you'll run into some barriers. Nobody but you can remove these from your path. 【小题5】 Perhaps anxiety is keeping you from doing your best work. Instead of struggling through it, quietly take a mental health day.

A.Personal growth needs stress management.
B.Focus on the places where you spend the most time.
C.You can't expect to wake up the next day with new skills.
D.Don't let personal challenges stand in the way of your growth.
E.That's why problem solving is a vital skill for self-development.
F.You absolutely don't need to disclose why you're taking a sick day.
G.Start too small, and you'll become satisfied with your progress too early.

A child plays many roles, such as friend, neighbor, son or daughter. Simply reminding children of that fact can lead to better problem-solving and more flexible (灵活的) thinking, finds a new research from Duke University.

“This is some of the first research on reminding kids about their many roles said lead author Sarah Gaither, a professor at Duke. “Such reminders improve their problem-solving skills and how flexibly they see their social worlds.”

In one experiment, Gaither and her workmates looked at 196 children, aged 6 and 7. All were native English speakers. The first group of children was reminded of their various identities, such as son, daughter, reader or helper. A second group of children was reminded of their many physical features. The rest of the children were reminded of other children’s many roles, not their own.

All the children solved many tasks. The first group of children showed stronger problem-solving and creative thinking skills. For example, when shown pictures of a bear looking at a honey-filled beehive (蜂巢) high up in a tree, these children had more creative ideas for how the bear might get the honey, such as turning over a bowl as a seat.

The second group of children also showed more flexible thinking about social groupings. When asked to group different photos of faces, they suggested many ways to do so. For example, they identified smiling faces VS unsmiling ones, and old VS young faces. The other children mainly grouped people’s faces by race and gender.

“We often only think about ourselves in connection with one important group at a time,” said Christopher Marlowe, a schoolmaster in Durham, North Carolina. “When we remind kids that they have various identities, they think more and remember that there are many other groups. They are more open-minded.”

【小题1】Who is Sarah Gaither?
A.A reader.B.A professor.C.A reporter.D.A schoolmaster.
【小题2】What can we learn from the experiment?
A.The research was intended for people of all ages.
B.The first group was reminded of various identities.
C.Children in the second group are the most creative.
D.All tasks were solved by the other children.
【小题3】Why are photos of a bear talked about in Paragraph 4?
A.To remind children of childhood.
B.To make children more creative.
C.To show the result of the research.
D.To inform children of wildlife protection.
【小题4】What’s Christopher’s attitude to the new research?
