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Culture shock is the feeling of losing direction experienced by someone suddenly subjected to an unfamiliar culture and way of life. 【小题1】. This guide will inform you of the different stages of culture shock, helping you be better mentally prepared.

1. The Honeymoon Stage

The first stage of culture shock is often overwhelmingly positive during which travelers become fascinated with the language, people and food in their new surroundings. 【小题2】. On short trips, the honeymoon phase may take over the entire experience as the later effects of culture shock don’t have time to set in.

2. The Frustration Stage

Frustration may be the most difficult stage of culture shock and is probably familiar to anyone who has lived abroad or who travels frequently. At this stage, the stress of not understanding gestures, signs and the language sets in and miscommunications may be happening frequently. Small things — losing keys, missing the bus or not being able easily order food in a restaurant-may trigger frustration. 【小题3】. These are common phenomenon that people tend to see as natural reactions.

3. The Adjustment Stage

【小题4】. Navigation becomes easier, friends and communities of support are established and details of local languages may become more recognizable during the adjustment stage. People are comfortable with the cultures, people, food and languages of new environments.

4. The Acceptance Stage

Generally — though sometimes weeks, months or years after wrestling with the emotional stages outlined above — the final stage of culture shock is acceptance. Acceptance doesn’t mean that new cultures or languages are fully grasped. 【小题5】. During the acceptance stage, travelers have the familiarity and are able to draw together the resources they need to feel at ease.

A.It will fade out eventually as a result.
B.It can be a difficult and overwhelming time.
C.Travelers interpret culture shocks in unexpected ways.
D.Then, depression and homesickness are bound to follow.
E.People realize a complete understanding isn’t necessary.
F.The experience seems like the greatest decision ever made.
G.Frustration often moderates as travelers begin feeling familiar.
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The illusion of choice is a cognitive bias that causes people to believe they have more control over their lives than they actually do. In fact, it is a false sense of control that can lead to suboptimal decision-making.

The concept is relatively new. It was first referred to by American philosopher and psychologist William James. James argues that choices can be forced or avoidable, and that every dilemma based on a complete logical disjunction, with no possibility of not choosing, is an option of this forced kind. In a paper published in 2000, psychologists Sheena Iyengar and Mark Lepper found that people are more likely to purchase products when they are given fewer choices.

The illusion of choice is often used in advertising and marketing to make people feel like they are in control of their purchase decisions. The same techniques may be applied in voting to make voters feel more confident in their choice of who to vote for.

In reality, the illusion of choice is a false sense of control that can lead to making decisions based on incomplete information. A famous example of this is the documentary The Great Hack. The film explores how the data company Cambridge Analytic a used the illusion of choice to control people’s opinions. In the film, it is revealed that Cambridge Analytica used data from the Internet to create targeted ads for users based on their profiles. The ads were designed to appeal to people’s fears and biases in order to affect their opinions on candidates.

The illusion of choice can be a powerful tool to control people. It is essential to be aware of your own biases and tendencies when making decisions. Take time to consider all of your options before making a decision. Be aware of the potential risks and costs associated with your choices. Seek out multiple opinions before making a final decision.

【小题1】What can be learnt about the illusion of choice?
A.It improves decision-making.B.It helps people to control life.
C.It affects consumers’ behavior.D.It was introduced long ago.
【小题2】How does the author demonstrate his viewpoint?
A.By citing experts’ words.B.By giving examples.
C.By referring to a scientific paper.D.By conducting a study.
【小题3】What is a key factor in avoiding the illusion of choice when making decisions?
A.Sharing multiple opinions.B.Making quick decisions.
C.Being aware of biases.D.Ignoring potential risks and costs.
【小题4】What would be a suitable title for the text?
A.The Origins of the Illusion of ChoiceB.Psychological Process of Decision-Making
C.How the Illusion of Choice Is EmployedD.The Illusion of Choice: A False Sense of Control

Older adults who sleep six hours or fewer a night may have elevated risk for dementia(痴呆症) and other cognitive (认知的) issues, a new study finds.

Researchers at Stanford University measured seniors' (ages 65 to 85) dementia risk and cognitive abilities, finding higher risk in those patients who regularly slept six or fewer hours compared to those who slept seven or eight hours. Those seniors who slept nine or more hours also had lower cognitive functions and other health issues, but the researchers didn't find the same high dementia risk in this group.

The findings demonstrate how important it is for adults to maintain a healthy sleep cycle, especially as they get older.

As adults age, it's common for their sleep patterns to change or become disrupted — leading to longer, shorter, or more irregular sleep. This disruption may be linked to Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia, impacting seniors' ability to remember information, problem-solve, and go through everyday behaviors. Sleep disruption can also be caused by or heighten depression, cardiovascular disease(冠心病), and other conditions.

A recommended sleep time for seniors is seven to eight hours, the researchers said. Six or fewer hours corresponded to short sleep, while nine or more hours corresponded to long sleep.

The Stanford researchers measured levels of beta amyloid, a protein in the brain that is typically found in high levels when a patient develops Alzheimer's. In addition, the researchers used several tests for memory, attention, spatial skills, and executive function to identify patients' cognitive abilities. Those patients sleeping for six hours or fewer a night were more likely to develop dementia, the researchers found. The low-sleep patients   had higher levels of beta amyloid.

The Stanford researchers found that patients with lower sleep also performed worse on memory tests, while those with higher sleep (more hours) performed worse on executive function tests,which measure the brain's ability to switch between different tasks.

―The main takeaway is that it is important to maintain healthy sleep late in life, Winer told CNN.

【小题1】What does the underlined word “disrupted” in paragraph 4 mean?
【小题2】According to the findings, which of the following is NOT related to the disrupted sleep?
A.It is more likely to cause old people to have bad memories over issues.
B.It may contribute to dementia, cardiovascular disease and other illnesses.
C.Some daily behaviors perhaps differ from those whose sleeping is normal.
D.It tends to bring all the old people to undergo brain scans and cognitive tests.
【小题3】What can we infer from the study?
A.A proper sleep time for seniors is seven to eight hours.
B.Low and high sleep patients were both poor at memory tests.
C.Executive function test is applied to measure the capacity of brain.
D.Keeping a healthy sleep for older adults late in life is crucial.

The latest IPCC report does not mince words(直言不讳地) about the state of our planet: we must act now to achieve global change at a scale that has “no documented historical precedent(先例)” in order to avoid the climate disaster that would result from a 2 degree C rise in average global temperature. Climate change already affects the world's most helpless people including poor rural communities that depend on the land for their livings and coastal communities. Indeed, we have already seen the clear asymmetry(不对称) of suffering resulting from extreme weather events, such as hurricanes, floods, droughts, wildfires and more.

So far, advocates and politicians have tended to focus on reducing fossil fuel(矿物燃料) consumption through technology and/or policy, such as a sharp carbon tax, as climate solutions. These proposals are, of course, essential to reducing manmade carbon emissions(排放)-71 percent of which are produced by just 100 fossil fuel companies.

Yet the international focus on fossil fuels has overshadowed(使......显得不重要) the most powerful and cost-efficient carbon-capture technology the world has yet seen: forests. Recent scientific research confirms that forests and other “natural climate solutions” are absolutely essential in reducing climate change. In fact, natural climate solutions can help us achieve 37 percent of our climate target, even though they currently receive only 2.5 percent of public climate financing.

Forests' power to store carbon dioxide through the simple process of tree growth is staggering:_one tree can even store an average of about 48 pounds of carbon dioxide in one year. Recent research show undamaged forests are capable of storing the same amount of the carbon dioxide emissions of entire countries such as Peru and Colombia.

For this reason, policy makers and business leaders must create and strengthen ambitious policies to prevent deforestation, and support the sustainable management of standing forests in the fight against climate change. Protecting the world's forests ensures they can continue to provide essential functions aside from climate stability, including producing oxygen, filtering water and supporting biodiversity. Not only do all the world's people depend on forests to provide clean air, clean water,oxygen, and medicines, but 1.6 billion people rely on them directly for their livelihoods.

【小题1】According to the passage, climate change ________.
A.will surely achieve at a scale that is more serious than ever before
B.will only affect people living in the poorest rural regions
C.is likely to lead to more frequent extreme weather events
D.is entirely determined by fossil fuel consumption
【小题2】What's the finding of the new research?
A.Reducing fossil fuels is the most powerful and cost-efficient technology.
B.Forests are vital to reducing climate change due to their storage power.
C.Most of our climate targets can be accomplished with the help of natural climate solutions.
D.Natural climate solutions have proved less efficient than conventional solutions.
【小题3】The underlined word “staggering” in Paragraph 4 means ________.
【小题4】What's the author's purpose of writing this article?
A.To compare two different approaches to dealing with climate change.
B.To argue against the view that focus on fossil fuels reduction counts.
C.To urge scientists to do more research into natural climate solutions.
D.To point out forests are the most powerful weapon for fighting climate change.
