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The Japanese animation (动漫) director Hayao Miyazaki, a workaholic auteur generally considered to be one of the art form’s most accomplished masters, has been trying to retire since 1997. “I know I’ve mentioned I’m retiring many times in the past,” he told a press conference, “So I know that many of you might think, ‘oh again’. This time is for real.” Cut to 2023: The release of Hayao Miyazaki’s final “final” film, The Boy and the Heron.

With The Boy and the Heron, Miyazaki wanted to go back even further to his childhood. Indeed, the film’s opening scene is inspired by Miyazaki’s experience of growing up during World War Two. Much like an infant Miyazaki, Mahito is evacuated from Tokyo to live in the relative safety of the countryside. It is here, tormented (折磨) by grief, living miserably with his father and his father’s new wife, that he meets the nominal Heron: a half-man, half-bird creature who mockingly tells Mahito that his mother is still alive. It is around this point, as the fish chant for Mahito to “join us”, as the frogs climb over his face, that The Boy and the Heron takes a turn for the strange. Having followed the Heron, Mahito finds himself stranded somewhere between life and death.

How do we live? It is a question that has haunted Miyazaki, a director always torn between optimism and despair, for most of his career: How do you live—as one character in The Boy and the Heron describes it—in “a foolish world filled with murder and thievery”? Perhaps, without getting into specifics, the film’s ending suggests another interpretation: Legacies, successors, even art itself, none of it actually matters. All that matters is that people—Miyazaki’s family, his friends, even the audience—continue to live on, to engage with the real world rather than retreat into fantasy.

【小题1】What do the words “oh again” indicate in paragraph 1?
A.People’s doubt about Miyazaki’s retirement.
B.People’s concern about Miyazaki’s health.
C.People’s eagerness for Miyazaki’s animations.
D.People’s admiration for Miyazaki’s artistic achievements.
【小题2】What does the author intend to do in paragraph 2?
A.Add some background information.
B.Share Miyazaki’s growing-up experiences.
C.Introduce the film.
D.Display the latest film-shooting techniques.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “haunted” in paragraph 3 mean?
【小题4】Where is this text most likely from?
A.A diary.B.A travel guide.C.A novel.D.A magazine.
知识点:电影与戏剧说明文其他著名人物 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

I have a strange and frequent dream in which I am assigned a lead role in a major musical production and eagerly agree to take it on — knowing I can’t sing or act my way out of a paper bag, and knowing I’d rather be anywhere but front and center onstage. The dream always ends before the production starts, to the benefit of my self-respect, the unlucky director’s reputation, and my potential audience—who no doubt would have fled at the first note.

I chalk it up to my one and only experience in such things, my high school’s production of South Pacific, a musical I’d so loved as a teen I could not resist auditioning (试镜) —not for a major role, but as one of the chorus of island women raising our arms in the background.

I was cast immediately, a fact I attribute (归功于) to my olive skin and then long black hair, which overcame any doubts the director might have had about my voice. I could pass as an islander. Not only that, but my mother sewed a skirt for me, a beautiful, vividly colored, and artful feat of sewing. The opening night was a triumph for all. But I haven’t set foot on a stage again.

In his elementary school years, my grandson took a shine to attending live theater with me. But he demurred when I suggested he audition for local children’s productions. “It’s not me,” he declared, even as one of his close friends went from a local stage production to a Broadway role.

But the source of these dreams, decades later, still confuses me. The dreams never give me a hint of why I’d been chosen for a starring role once in an Italian opera without having any singing or acting talent or even an audition, or why I’d decided to go for it, knowing I was completely unequipped and unprepared. I suspect (猜想) these dreams will get me as close to such a reality as I’ll ever be.

For now, I only hope I keep waking up before I have to try an opening note.

【小题1】What can we know about the author from the first paragraph?
A.She has a gift for singing and performing.
B.She always acts as a lead role in musicals.
C.She prefers not to be a focus of attention.
D.She respects the director in performances.
【小题2】What made the director choose the author as an islander?
A.Her appearance.B.Her acting talent.C.Her sweet voice.D.Her beautiful dress.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “demurred” mean in Para.4?
【小题4】What is the author doing now?
A.She is having a try-out for an opera.B.She is remembering an opening note.
C.She is preparing for an Italian opera.D.She is dreaming of being a star on stage.
【小题5】What could we learn from the passage?
A.The author always had dreams.
B.The author succeeded in auditioning once as a teen.
C.The director had a doubt over the author.
D.The author’s grandson attended all the auditions.

Still remember the films which have made you thrilled? Here are some recommended ones by the BBC in 2019.

Captain Marvel

Brie Larson stars as Marvel's latest superhero, Carol Danvers, who discovers her powers as Captain Marvel. Set in the 1990s, the story has Danvers searching for her true identity while tying to save the earth during a war between alien races. The film Avengers may get more pre –release attention, but Captain Marvel might be the fresher film in the release.

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

Quentin Tarantino's films always make noise. Leonardo DiCaprio plays the fading star of a television Western and Brad Pitt is his stunt (特技) double, in a story set in 1969, soon before the Manson murders. All those stars don't come cheap: the film reportedly cost $95 million. With its name similar to Once Upon a Time in the West, this film clearly has big ambitions.

The Lion King

Disney gives one of its most beloved animated films a high-tech remake, using lifelike computer images. James Earl Jones, once again the voice of Mustafa, was apparently the only irreplaceable actor from the 1994 film. Here Donald Glover is the voice of the adult Simba. The theme singer Elton John has reworked songs from the original.

Downton Abbey

Disney gives one of its most beloved animated films a high-tech remake, using lifelike computer images. James Earl Jones, once again the voice of Mustafa, was apparently the only irreplaceable actor from the 1994 film. Here Donald Glover is the voice of the adult Simba. The theme singer Elton John has reworked songs from the original.

Downton Abbey

The Crawley family and their servants all return, except for the characters who have been killed off. The story picks up around 1927, after the series ended on a happy note, with no one in prison and romance all around. Writer Julian Fellowes must have cooked up some disasters. The film's new characters include Imelda Staunton as Lord Grantham's cousin.

【小题1】Which film is considered a science fiction?
A.Captain Marvel.B.Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.
C.The Lion King.D.Downton Abbey.
【小题2】Which is True about Once Upon a Time in Hollywood?
A.It was directed by Leonardo DiCaprio.B.Much money was spent on its producing.
C.Its music sounds noisy.D.It is named after the writer.
【小题3】What can we learn from the text?
A.Captain Marvel tells about a war between men and aliens.
B.The Lion King impresses us with its theme songs.
C.Downton Abbey will involve some new characters.
D.All the four movies are released by BBC.

The film Hacksaw Ridge tells a story of World War II hero Desmond Doss, who saved lives without ever firing a gun. The film stars Garfield as Doss, and is directed by Mel Gibson. The film is based on the 2004 documentary. The Conscientious Objector produced by Terry Benedict. When he was just 10 years old, he first knew about Doss. After becoming a filmmaker, Benedict approached Doss, encouraging him to tell his story.

Hollywood had been knocking on Doss's door for many years, but Doss wasn't interested. “He didn't want to mention his life in the war,” Benedict explains. But when Benedict insisted on making a documentary about his life, Doss finally agreed. Then Benedict spent the next three years interviewing Doss and his fellow soldiers in World War Ⅱ.

Not long after the documentary's debut, Benedict met with the then president of the 20th Century Fox. The two wanted to make Doss's story into a film, Hacksaw Ridge. Then Gibson signed on to direct. Benedict shared his knowledge of Doss with the director and the leading actor Garfield. Benedict took Garfield on a road trip to Chattanooga, Tennessee where Doss lived most of his adult life.

In the film Hacksaw Ridge, in a hard-fought battle in Okinawa, Doss repeatedly ran into the land controlled by the enemies to rescue friends and get them down the hill to safety. Even when the rest of his troop abandoned the battlefield, Doss stayed, searching for survivors and pulling his tired body to get as many of his men home as he could.

“Doss was a very consistent man of faith. He was a rock,” Benedict says, “He was the same in the war. He was the same all the way up until the day he died. He set us a good example.”

【小题1】What can we know about Benedict?
A.He got great admiration from Doss.
B.He shared common experiences with Doss.
C.He was interested in Doss's experience in the war.
D.He became famous after making The Conscientious Objector.
【小题2】What's Paragraph 3 mainly about?
A.The introduction to Doss's birthplace.B.The preparation for filming Hacksaw Ridge
C.The description of details in Hacksaw Ridge.D.The way of instructing Garfield in performance.
【小题3】What does the description of the battle in Okinawa tend to show?
A.Doss's suffering from his bad injuries.
B.Doss's courage and love for his teammates.
C.Doss's disappointment at his troop's quitting.
D.Doss's excellent skills in fighting against the enemies.
【小题4】What was Benedict's wish for people according to the last paragraph?
A.Learning Doss's spirit.B.Guarding against wars.
C.Avoiding violent conflict.D.Having faith in themselves.
