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Seeing the Good in Others

Many interactions these days have a kind of bumper-car (碰碰车) quality to them. At work, at home, on the telephone, or via email, we bounce off each other while we exchange information, smile or frown, and move on. 【小题1】 In fact, we’re most likely to notice the bad qualities in others rather than the good ones.

Unfortunately, if you feel surrounded by lots of bad qualities in others, you naturally feel less supported, less safe, and less likely to be generous or pursue your dreams. Plus, it functions oppositely. 【小题2】 But actually, seeing the good in others is a simple way to feel happier and more confident. Below are some useful suggestions for you.

Slow down. Step out of the bumper car and spend a few moments being curious about the good qualities in the other person. 【小题3】 Instead, you are opening your eyes, taking off the glasses of the negativity bias, and seeing what the facts really are.

See positive intentions. Recently, I was at the dentist’s, and her assistant told me a long story about her electric company. My mouth was full of cotton wads, and I didn’t feel interested. But then I started noticing her underlying aims: to put me at ease, fill the time until she could pull the cotton out, and connect with each other as people.

【小题4】 Going through school, I routinely picked last for teams in PE. Then, in my first year at UCLA, I gave intramural touch football a try. We had a great quarterback (四分卫) who was too small for college football. After one practice, he told me in passing, “You’re good, and I’m going to throw to you.” I was surprised. But this was the beginning of my realization that I was actually quite a good athlete. His recognition also made me play better, which helped our team.

See positive character traits. Unless you’re surrounded by deadbeats and sociopaths, everyone you know must have many virtues, such as determination, generosity, kindness, patience, energy, grit, honesty, fairness, or compassion. Take a moment to observe virtues in others. 【小题5】

A.See abilities.
B.Cooperate with others.
C.You are not looking through smog-colored glasses.
D.You, too, have positive intentions, real abilities, and virtues of mind and heart.
E.How often do we actually take the extra few seconds to see others’ good qualities?
F.You could also make a list of virtues in key people in your life — even in people who are challenging for you.
G.When another person feels that you don’t really see much that’s good in him or her, that person is less likely to take the time to see much that’s good in you.
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Good study habits are what separate the good students from the ordinary. It’s natural for one not to want to study, especially when there are video games to play, friends to gossip with and exciting TV programs to watch. After a good   study session, you will enjoy all those activities even more. 【小题1】 Read on to learn how.

Pick a place to study. If you find the right place and keep coming back to it, you will be able to focus when the time comes to read the books. Find a place where you can spread out your materials. 【小题2】

Choose a time to study. 【小题3】 The moment may happen in the calm morning hours or after minutes of physical exercises. To develop good study habits, start at the same time each day and plan your other activities around this period.

Mix it up. 【小题4】 It’s natural to want variety so that you stay interested in what you are trying to learn. If you find a particular subject boring, put it between two subjects you enjoy.

【小题5】 This is an important part of developing good study habits. Deep down (在心底,事实上) we are all five-year-olds who just want a candy bar. Let your treat be a chat with friends, a healthy snack, or even a night on the town if you finish a big project.

A.Give yourself rewards to finish.
B.Give yourself some breaks while you are studying.
C.Above all, think about whether it helps you concentrate best.
D.Everybody has points in the day when their brain works best.
E.Noise is okay if you need the sound of music or television in the background.
F.Besides, developing your concentration helps make you a smarter person.
G.Study one subject for an hour, take a break, and then continue with another subject.

Sometimes boys and girls find it really hard to properly deal with the relationship with people of the opposite sex. 【小题1】

Keep a normal and healthy state of mind. Our schools and classes are made up of boys and girls.【小题2】 We should make as many friends as possible. We should keep in contact with the other sex in public instead of in secret.

【小题3】 If you are a shy person, you can also find a way out.【小题4】 As both of you have much in common, you may have much to talk about. If you keep doing like that, little by little, you will gladly find you are also as free to express yourself as others.

Don’t fall into early love. The boys and girls at a adolescence (青春期) are rich in feeling. They are easy to regard the friendship as a sign of love and fall in love with each other at an early age. In my opinion, early love is a green apple that can’t be eaten. An apple won’t taste sweet until it is full ripe.【小题5】 Do keep out of early love.

A.First of all, you can make friends with the students who have the same interest and hobby as you.
B.Of course, there are also some special schools and classes that include only boys or girls.
C.If you have problems of this kind, here are some “dos and don’ts” for you to follow.
D.It is very natural for the boys and girls to make friends with each other.
E.As a result, early love should be forbidden by all the teachers and parents.
F.Don’t be too nervous or too shy.
G.Boys and girls at middle school are too young to carry the heavy duty of love.

How fast we work doesn't just depend on the difficulty of what we are working on; it also depends on how well our brain is functioning. To a large extent, how we deal with work matters a lot. 【小题1】

Designate time for “THINK WORK”. Late morning is an excellent time for most people to tackle their most difficult work, as alertness tends to be high and willpower is not yet depleted. 【小题2】 Meanwhile, I put my phone in do-not-disturb mode and close any unnecessary applications or windows that are open on my computer. If so, I can do “think work”.

Change things up in the afternoon. Our self-discipline and ability to focus is like a muscle in that it gets tired over the course of a day. This makes afternoons an ideal time to catch up with colleagues or schedule meetings and appointments. 【小题3】 So when we're running out of steam for focused work, it's an opportune time to make changes.

【小题4】 Here's the key to an effective task list: Tell your brain WHEN you will complete a task. Scheduling an unfinished task can make a huge difference in our ability to focus. When we don't know when we will do something on our list, our thoughts will typically wander from whatever it is we are doing to our undone tasks. Once we have a plan, we can stop worrying about how much we have to do.

Take breaks throughout the day. 【小题5】 Therefore, feel free to do something fun during your break. You can watch a funny video or eat a piece of chocolate. Or have a snack and drink a glass of water—both things also increase focus.

A.Make a good plan.
B.Complete tasks effectively.
C.Different people take different measures.
D.I do work that takes a lot of focus at that time.
E.But afternoons are also a great time to do creative work.
F.Here are some ways to achieve more while working less.
G.Studies show productive employees take 17 minutes of break time for every 52 minutes of work.
