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From the adorable pandas in Sichuan to the playful Pallas’s cats in Inner Mongolia, photographer Xie Jianguo has committed himself to documenting China’s rare and endangered animals, 【小题1】 highlights the country’s unique natural wonders.

Xie’s passion for 【小题2】 (photograph) wild animals is evident in his frequent visits to the remote destinations such as the Arctic continent. Since 2012, Xie Jianguo has redirected his lens (镜头) toward his homeland, focusing 【小题3】 wildlife in China. Now his 【小题4】 (footprint) have covered nearly all the provinces and regions throughout China.

During his shooting process, Xie 【小题5】 (place) great emphasis on building a harmonious relationship with the animals he encounters, ensuring that they are undisturbed and represented in their natural state. Xie said, “I am eager 【小题6】 (record) the beautiful moments of wildlife, to not only represent their living conditions but also to raise people’s 【小题7】 (aware) of protecting wild animals and their habitats. 【小题8】 (hopeful), my images can show the biodiversity and the achievements of wildlife protection in China. ”

With the aim of preserving the natural beauty of China 【小题9】 promoting its rich natural image culture to the world, Xie launched a project called “Nature Image China” in 2016. So far, over 100 photo exhibitions 【小题10】 (organize) by the project at home and abroad.
