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Plastic, once seen as a revolutionary material for its wide application and convenience, has become a global environmental crisis because it is non-biodegradable. The ubiquity (无处不在) of plastic in our daily lives has led to an increasing amount of plastic waste, causing great harm.

One of the most alarming examples of this crisis is the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, a floating mass of plastic waste in the North Pacific Ocean. It is estimated to be twice the size of Texas and consists of everything from microplastics to abandoned fishing nets. Marine life often mistakes plastic particles for food, leading to ingestion and death. Additionally, the chemicals used in plastic production can pollute water and soil, and finally threaten marine ecosystems.

Plastic waste is not limited to the oceans; it also impacts the land. Landfills overflow with plastic waste, emitting (排放) harmful greenhouse gases as plastics break down slowly over time. The production of plastics is highly energy-intensive and contributes to greenhouse gas emissions, exacerbating climate change. Furthermore, plastic litter is evident in urban and rural landscapes, destroying the natural beauty of our planet.

Beyond its environmental impact, plastic poses serious health risks to humans. Many plastics contain harmful chemicals, which can be found in food and drinks when plastic containers are used for storage and heating. These chemicals have been linked to a range of health problems, including developmental issues and cancer.

In conclusion, the problem of plastic pollution demands urgent action. A comprehensive strategy for cutting down on plastic is essential to tackle these challenges and safeguard the well-being of our planet and its inhabitants.

While reducing the consumption of plastic may seem challenging, it is achievable through a combination of policy measures, technological innovations and changes in consumer behavior. Governments must issue laws to ban or heavily regulate single-use plastics and promote alternatives. Businesses should adopt sustainable packaging practices, and individuals can reduce plastic consumption by making conscious choices.

【小题1】What does the example of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch show?
A.Animals rely on plastic waste to survive.
B.Plastic is too widespread to remove.
C.Plastic waste is harming the oceans.
D.Plastic poses health risks to humans.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “exacerbating” in paragraph 3 probably mean?
【小题3】What is the last paragraph mainly about?
A.Ways to cut plastic consumption.
B.Problems of handling plastic.
C.Alternatives for plastic products.
D.Some benefits of banning plastic.
【小题4】What is the best title for the text?
A.Plastic Packaging Is Everywhere
B.Plastic Consumption Should Be Reduced
C.How Should Plastic Be Used
D.How Plastic Products Affect People
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With over 4. 1 billion people, or around 55 percent of the world’s population, living in urban areas, cities and towns worldwide are getting increasingly congested. In addition to spending many hours stuck in traffic, residents are also exposed to high air pollution levels caused by transportation emissions. Now, Saudi Arabia hopes to revolutionize urban living with “The Line”— a city designed around nature, without cars and roads!

“The Line” is designed by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS). Located in NEOM — a 10,000-square-mile high-tech planned development on the Red Sea coast in the northwestern Saudi province of Tabu — The Line will be the cornerstone of MBS s Saudi Vision 2030. The plan aims to diversify Saudi Arabia’s oil-dependent economy into other sectors, like tourism, and create exciting job opportunities for its citizens.

The 105-mile-long city, expected to cost between $100 billion and $200 billion, will be built along a straight line and is made up of several self-sustaining communities. To ensure all services are within a short, five-minute walk, each community will feature a three-layer infrastructure (基础设施).

The top “pedestrian layer” will be void of cars and roads, allowing residents to freely walk and bike in the surrounding green spaces. The second “service layer”, will include all essential daily services, such as schools, leisure facilities and grocery stores. The third “spine layer” will house high-speed subway and autonomous vehicles capable of transporting residents across communities in less than 20 minutes. The entire city will be powered with renewable clean energy sources such as solar and wind, and possibly even hydrogen.

If all goes according to plan t construction of this complex project will start before the 1st quarter of 2021. In addition to providing up to a million residents with a clean and stress-free living environment, The Line is expected to create 380,000 new jobs, start economic diversification, and contribute an astounding $ 48 billion to Saudi Arabia’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by 2030. More importantly, MBS believes it will provide governments worldwide a “blueprint for how people and planet can co-exist in harmony.”

【小题1】We can infer that “The Line” will be_________.
【小题2】What is The Line meant to result in?
A.Low crime rates.B.High unemployment.
C.Super communities.D.Diverse economic sectors.
【小题3】What can be found on the second layer?
A.Medical clinics.B.Bus stops.
C.Underground trains.D.Cycling lanes.
【小题4】Which of the following is the best title?
A.Saudi Arabia Has Created A Green City With No Cars Or Streets
B.“The Line” Will Be The Cornerstone Of MBS's Saudi Vision 2030
C.“The Line”— Blueprint Of People And Animals Co-existing In Harmony
D.Saudi Arabia Announces “The Line”— A Low Carbon City Without Cars

The impact of the man-made climate crisis on Antarctica is scientifically undeniable: stable ice shelves are retreating, air temperature increased by 3 degrees Celsius. krill(磷虾)numbers are declining, melting ice is contributing to sea level rise, and polar bears and seals are getting displaced. “Antarctic biodiversity could decline substantially by the end of the century if we continue with business as usual.” Jasmine Rachael Lee, lead author of the University of Queensland study says.

Published in the journal PLOS Biology, the study finds population declines are likely for 65% of the continent’s plants and wildlife by the year 2100. The most vulnerable(脆弱的)species is the Emperor penguins. In October 2022, the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service listed Emperor penguins as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act(ESA), as experts predict the flightless seabird will see a 26% to 47% dip in its population by 2050. “This listing reflects the growing extinction crisis and highlights the importance of the ESA and efforts to conserve species before population declines become irreversible(不可逆转).” said Service Director Martha Williams at the time.

Aside from Emperor penguins, other Antarctic specialists, like the Adélie penguin and dry soil nematodes, were also highly vulnerable. We urgently need a combination of global and local conservation action to best conserve Antarctic species. Global action and global voices to help relieve climate change—because the biggest threat to Antarctica is coming from outside of it. And then we need local actions to help protect biodiversity against local threats and give them the best chance of adapting to climate changes. This will help to save our iconic(代表性的)species like the Emperor penguins and all of Antarctica’s unique and highly adapted inhabitants. It will also help humankind, as we rely heavily on the priceless services the Antarctic provides in regulating our climate and capturing sea level in its ice sheets.

【小题1】What can we learn from Paragraph 1?
A.The impact of climate crisis is usually denied.
B.Conservation efforts are badly needed.
C.Air temperature on Antarctic increases 3℃ annually.
D.Sea level rise results in seabirds losing their habitats.
【小题2】Why is the Emperor penguin mentioned in Paragraph 2?
A.To serve as a call to protect wildlife on Antarctic
B.To reflect the growing population of wild species.
C.To prove the effectiveness of the Endangered Species Act.
D.To highlight the severe impact of rising temperature.
【小题3】What is probably the best conservation policy?
A.Reducing the chances of making a trip to Antarctic.
B.Making joint efforts to relieve climate change.
C.Attempting to provide essential nutrients to the ecosystem.
D.Continuing to carry forward the Endangered Species Act.
【小题4】What is the best title for the text?
A.Plants and Wildlife on Antarctica Will Decline Quickly
B.Antarctic Species Are Vulnerable to Human Threats
C.More Action Should Be Taken to Protect Wildlife on Antarctica
D.The Best Conservation Strategy Will Be Carried Out Soon

In 2019, Gotham Greens opened its 9,300-square-metre Baltimore farm on the former site of Bethlehem Steel, which was the largest steel-manufacturing plant in the world. 【小题1】 It aimed to repurpose unused rooftop spaces and abandoned factories for food production.

Urban populations are projected to increase by 2. 5 billion by 2050. 【小题2】 But despite the rise in city-based farms, there’s still a lot we don’t know about them, including the economic and environmental costs.

Florian Payen, an environmental scientist, and his colleagues looked at previous studies done in 53 countries where crops were grown in different urban environments, including “grey” spaces such as rooftops, and by using different growing methods. They found that yields(产量) of urban crops were often the same as those from conventional farms. Just as importantly, they revealed the most commonly-grown types of crops and the most effective growing methods. 【小题3】

It’s known that the benefit of urban farming is a reduction in food miles. 【小题4】 In one study, researchers analyzed the carbon footprint of different vegetables grown in greenhouses in Canada and that of the importing vegetables from the USA. “They found that it was less carbon-intensive to import the crops because of the high energy input required to grow them locally in greenhouses,” says Payen.

【小题5】Urban agriculture has the potential to enhance local ecosystems, attracting pollinators (传粉媒介) such as bees and birds that boost urban biodiversity while providing more green spaces to help keep cities cool and counter the urban heat island effect.

A.But there are other benefits.
B.Urban agriculture can help feed our growing cities.
C.It’s well worth investing in rooftop gardens or greenhouses.
D.The farm was one of the farms the company had set up in cities.
E.Urban agriculture in any given city can take lots of different forms.
F.However, urban-grown crops aren’t a more environmentally friendly option.
G.Surprisingly, they found little difference in overall yields between indoor and outdoor spaces.
