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The science of setting goals.

It’s the time of year when we think to ourselves: our New Year’s resolutions will totally work out this time. 【小题1】. But what if this year really could be different? Kelly McGonigal, a psychologist, shares four tips.            

Choose a goal that matters, not just an easy win. Our brains love rewards, so we often set simple goals that make it easy to check off boxes. But if that’s all are about, no wonder we end up abandoning them so quickly. A meaningful goal requires going deeper. 【小题2】. For example, if you want to quit eating junk food, ask why you want to quit it. Then, if you want to quit it for your health, ask why you want good health.

【小题3】.When we set goals, it’s easy to focus on that magical ending. But we can’t control outcomes. We have to inch toward them, one choice at a time. Ask yourself, “What is the smallest thing I can do today that helps me reach my goal?” If you make daily choices that are consistent with your goal over and over again, you will eventually reach it.

Frame your goals positively. Focusing on what you want to bring into your life –not what you want to avoid — will make you more likely to actually pursue it. “Any sort of avoidance is going to trigger inhibition systems. 【小题4】,” says McGonigal.

Prepare for failure. Moments of failure are inevitable, but most of us abandon the goal entirely when minor failures and setbacks start piling up. Your task is not to avoid failures, but to plan for them. Ask yourself, “How am I likely to fail?” For example, if you’re likely to choose unhealthy meals when you’re hungry, carry a light snack that can tide you over. 【小题5】.

A.Focus on the process, not the outcome
B.Psychologists call this an emergency plan
C.It really drives home why that goal matters
D.Never mind that we abandoned them very quickly
E.How you describe your goal makes a big difference
F.Think about what you want, and then ask yourself why
G.But positive goals are going to trigger approach and reward motivation
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How to Make Wise Decisions

We make decisions every day; everything we say and do is the result of a decision. 【小题1】 However, there are some steps you can follow.

List your options (选择). It may appear that there is only one course of action, but that is not necessarily true. No matter how limited your situation seems, try to make a list of options. Brainstorm, and write down every idea that comes to your mind, as crazy as it may seem. You can always cross it off the list later, but crazy ideas can bring creative solutions. Once you have your list, ask others for suggestions. 【小题2】

Weigh the possible results. For every option, list every possible result, and label (标签) it as positive or negative. 【小题3】 You can put a plus sign next to each positive result and a minus sign next to each negative one. Give two pluses or minuses to the best and the worst.

【小题4】 This is the hardest step, but there will hopefully be a decision on your list that is supported by both logic and intuition (直觉). If you still can’t decide, ask for advice from people you trust. If need be, let them be the tie-breakers. It’s better than flipping (掷) a coin.

Carry it out wholeheartedly once you have made a decision. At this stage, don’t let yourself be confused by thinking about all the choices you didn’t pick.

In the end, remember to evaluate your decision afterward. 【小题5】 By drawing wisdom from every decision you make, you can ensure that every choice has at least one positive result.

A.Make a choice.
B.Think about who is affected.
C.There is a simple way to do this.
D.Sometimes they can offer the most creative ideas.
E.You should hope for the best and prepare for the worst.
F.There are no easy formulas (公式) for making the right decision.
G.If you don’t evaluate your decision afterward, you won’t learn anything from it.

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Letter 1

January 28, 2018 | 3:31pm

I work for an e-commerce Website. If one of our merchandisers has a question or wants to make a correction, they e-mail the entire department. In my opinion, this is rude and unnecessary. It seems to me that mass e-mail is appropriate for good or neutral news, rather than making a correction. Do you agree? Moreover, if you were the recipient of the correction, how would you respond?

The only people who should be included in an e-mail are those who need to know or respond. Including everyone is rude and unprofessional as well as annoying to recipients. It’s not like we don’t have enough in our inbox already. I don’t agree that e-mail is only for good or neutral news, however. Sometimes you need to alert people or create a record of bad news. But no one should use e-mail to blame other people. If you’ve got a problem with someone, pick up the phone or take it outside (for a coffee, not a fist fight…geez). As for how to respond, e-mail is usually ineffective for resolving conflict. Have a conversation with the sender and explain why his or her approach isn’t the best and what you recommend.

Letter 2

January 14, 2018 | 9:24 pm

It’s the start of a new year and I believe it’s time for a change. What’s the best way to explain to a prospective employer that you are in need of something new without seeming flighty and without complaining about your current employer?

The new year is as good a time as any to take stock, but not the only reason for making a change. At least, that’s not what you communicate to a prospective employer. Your reason for looking for a new job is less important to your new employer than why you want to work there. Needing a change might be the catalyst(催化剂), but the job search is like dating, and you wouldn’t ask someone out and explain you’re just bored in your current relationship, right? At least I hope not, otherwise you’re likely to be as lonely as Barry Manilow sounds when he sings “It’s Just Another New Year’s Eve”.

【小题1】What is discussed in the first letter?
A.How to ask questions in a polite way.B.How to respond to a false charge.
C.How to make a correction at work.D.How to handle rude mass emails at work.
【小题2】According to Greg, expressing your dissatisfaction with your present job in an interview would be the same as __________.
A.talking about your family issues in public
B.complaining about your prior partner on a first date
C.demonstrating your qualifications to your new boss
D.bragging about your experience to your partner
【小题3】It can be inferred that “go to greg” mainly offers advice on people’s __________.
A.career choicesB.social relationships
C.working problemsD.health problems

Staying healthy is a key to living a long and happy life. You can improve your health in many ways, but it can be challenging to try all of these changes at one time.【小题1】 Here are some tips only for preventing disease.

Wash your hands.

Washing your hands is one of the easiest ways to avoid getting sick and spreading disease. Wash your hands regularly, particularly after using the restroom and before eating food. Wash your hands with warm, soapy water for at least 20 seconds.【小题2】

Quit smoking.

It's no secret that smoking is bad for your health. 【小题3】However, there are ways to help you succeed. Benefits of quitting include decreased risk for heart attack, decreased shortness of breath, reduced risk for mouth and throat cancer. etc.


Many studies have shown that keeping your brain active by doing puzzles can be beneficial to your health and lower your risk for memory loss. Keep a puzzle book handy by your bed or in the bathroom. Try to visit a brain games website

Get an annual check-up with your doctor.

【小题5】 Going to your yearly check-ups allows your doctor to know how you are doing and catch any potential illnesses before they begin. Many illnesses are manageable in their beginning stages.

A.Examine your head.
B.Challenge your brain.
C.Dry them well with a clean towel.
D.It's also not easy to achieve your goal.
E.Smoking can make us relaxed and feel cool.
F.A great way to keep yourself healthy is through prevention.
G.The best way is by making small changes that you stick with.
