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While technology addicts teens to their devices, they are not helpless against the draw of it. Here are five ways educators can support their students’ digital well-being.

Explore design tricks companies use. The technology we use daily is designed to catch and hold our attention. Companies know what keeps our eyes on the screen. To help, teachers can unpack design tricks and explain how companies employ features like auto-play to get users to stay on their apps. 【小题1】

Talk about how technology can increase feelings of anxiety. The decline in youth mental health is linked to an increase in social media use. 【小题2】 We can help our students by allowing them to consider the benefits of technology and then to think about changing the habits that aren’t serving their well-being.

【小题3】 Social media can bring the feeling: “All my friends have better lives than me.” Plus, design features like “read receipts” can lead to teens knowing their messages have been seen and stressing about why friends haven’t yet replied. These are classic examples of thinking traps. Identifying them can help teens remove some negative thoughts.

Uncover the ways that AI can play a role in misinformation. AI is rapidly changing the world. Recommendation algorithms (算法), which determine what we do and do not see in our search results, can have very real results. 【小题4】 By understanding how these technologies work, students can start to enjoy more benefits of technology.

Encourage families to have meaningful conversations with their child. Take the time to share with families the topics and resources you’re teaching in class. 【小题5】 Knowing we’re all in the same boat is important.

A.This doesn’t indicate all technology is bad.
B.Knowing these allows students to regain their attention.
C.Connect them with their inner world.
D.Make them aware of thinking traps.
E.Social media is ruining our life.
F.Actually, adults and kids all chase after digital well-being.
G.They can pull us toward increasingly extreme views.
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ChatGPT has been banned by schools in New York and Los Angeles, out of concern that students may use it to cheat on assignments. Despite these concerns, educators needn’t fear Al technology will transform education. Instead, it will help students take ownership of their studies and learn real-life skills. Today’s students need instruction that equips them with the skills of reasoning, analysis and argumentation rather than memorizing basic information. And Al may be a useful tool that promotes these skills.

Our experience with Al is perhaps best understood when compared with previous disturbances in education. When printed books, for example, began to occur in the mid-1400s, university professors were filled with panic. At that time, lectures depended on a specific model: Professors read from their hand-written texts, while students hurriedly copied whatever they heard. If students could simply buy the books, teachers likely thought that they wouldn’t need to come to class. Yet in practice, printing had the opposite effect: The number of universities exploded along with the total number of books. The new technology disturbed the mechanical aspect of education, but in doing so it allowed educators to refocus on higher-level skills.

Similarly, ChatGPT will replace the mechanical production of text, but it won’t decrease the need for higher-level skills. Possessing the skills to ask the right questions or state the right opinions will become crucial as the production of a logical essay becomes a simple task for a machine. Al will serve as a tool for information gathering and mechanical organization, but it won’t remove the fundamental need for critical thinking.Schools must remember that education’s value isn’t a head full of facts but a person with the skill to use these facts with the available tools to enhance their impact on the world. Al is one of these tools and, when used strategically, can improve students’ learning and performance in ways not yet seen. Therefore, it is essential for schools to provide an education that trains students in how to use the available tools for information. Unless they adapt quickly to the changing trends of education, they will be left behind by rapid innovation and change.

【小题1】What is the educators’ major concern about Al technology?
A.The possible changes in education.
B.Students’ grades of the assignments.
C.Students’ fear of technological reform.
D.The lack of instructions and equipment.
【小题2】Why does the author mention the invention of printing technology?
A.To justify the concern of the professors.
B.To show the similar value of Al technology.
C.To clarify previous disturbances in education.
D.To highlight the influence of printing technology.
【小题3】What is the author’s attitude toward the use of Al technology?
【小题4】What does the author recommend schools to do in the last paragraph?
A.Replace the mechanical production of text.
B.Design their courses based on Al technology.
C.Catch up with the quick evolution of education.
D.Provide a course focusing on information gathering.

The latest bad but unsurprising news on education is that reading and writing scores on the SAT have once again declined. The language competence of our high schoolers fell steeply in the 1970s and has never recovered. This is very worrisome, because the best single measure of the overall quality of our primary and secondary schools is the average verbal (语言的) score of 17-year-olds. This score correlates with the ability to learn new things readily, to communicate with others and to secure a job. It also predicts future income.

The most convincing analyses have shown that the chief causes are vast curricular changes, especially in the critical early grades. In the decades before the Great Verbal Decline, a content-rich elementary school experience evolved into a content-light, skills-based, test-centered approach. Cognitive psychologists agree that early childhood language learning (ages 2 to 10) is critical to later verbal competence, because of the so-called Matthew Effect. According to Matthew Effect, those who are language-poor in early childhood get relatively poorer, and fall further behind, while the verbally rich get richer.

Clearly the key is to make sure that from kindergarten on, every student, from the start, understands the main idea of what is heard or read. If preschoolers and kindergartners are offered substantial and coherent lessons concerning the human and natural worlds, then the results of significantly improved verbal scores will show up five years or so later. By staying on a subject long enough to make all young children familiar with it (say, two weeks or so), the main idea becomes understood by all and word learning speeds up . This is especially important for low-income children, who come to school with smaller vocabularies and rely on school to pass on the knowledge base children from rich families take for granted.

Current reform strategies focus on testing, improving teacher quality, and other changes. Attention to these structural issues has led to improvements in the best public schools. But it is not enough.

【小题1】Why is the decrease in verbal scores on the SAT worrisome?
A.Because it leads to a short supply of talents in the labor market.
B.Because it reveals young people’s negative attitude towards verbal study.
C.Because it shows schools’ inability to meet the national requirements.
D.Because it negatively influences students in their future development.
【小题2】What is the reason for the falling verbal competence?
A.Children’s lack of language learning ability.
B.Fewer courses on reading and writing in school.
C.Shift of curricular focus from content to skills.
D.Heavy pressure that numerous tests have resulted in.
【小题3】Which one is a good solution to language competence decline?
A.Teachers should train children to better understand the content.
B.Teachers should take family background into consideration.
C.Teachers should focus on one topic in language teaching.
D.Teachers should spend more time on word learning.
【小题4】Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.Matthew Effect in Language Learning
B.How to Stop the Drop in Verbal Scores
C.Trying to understand the Main Idea
D.Verbal Score and Future Development

Ask any parents of young children whether they’ve ever felt overwhelmed (不堪重负的), and the answer will probably be — yes. Even in the most relaxed households there can be days when things seem to be out of control, leaving parents exhausted and annoyed. Kids often don’t have an off button or a quiet voice.

Common as this feeling is, there’s a personality trait (特点) that can make everyday family life more overwhelming for some parents. Roughly 20%-30% of the population are classed as being a highly sensitive person, according to a 2018 research. People who have it may find it hard to cope with bright lights and loud noise, and feel very stressful. It can also involve a stronger understanding of other people’s feelings — empathy (同情).

According to the psychologists, being highly sensitive is not a disorder but a personality trait — a way of responding to one’s environment. “Generally, highly sensitive people tend to react particularly strongly to sensory stimulation. They have stronger consciousness. They come to realize more details,” says Michael Pluess, a psychologist specializing in the study. “They will pick up on the moods of other people, have higher empathy, process things more deeply and pick up more about the environment. Deeply affected by what they see and feel, highly sensitive people are also easily overstimulated.”

The challenges highly sensitive parents face — including stress and overstimulation in a messy environment — can affect “high quality parenting”. In the early stages of parenthood, such parents report greater stress and find parenting more difficult than other parents do.

Fortunately, though, the trait also comes with certain advantages. Recent evidence suggests that while highly sensitive parents initially experienced high levels of stress, they showed improved parenting styles by the time their babies were nine months old. In the short term, sensitive people are more easily overwhelmed with change, but when it comes to parenting, highly sensitive parents have the potential to be exceptional. They can understand their children and respond to their needs quickly and appropriately.

Since parental overwhelm can affect anyone, whether highly sensitive or not, some of the coping strategies for highly sensitive people could benefit all parents.

【小题1】What does the author imply in the first paragraph?
A.The life of young parents is colorful.
B.The kids are unhappy for lack of love.
C.Young kids are often tough to deal with.
D.It is easy to get everything under control.
【小题2】What does Michael Pluess say about highly sensitive people?
A.They possess no good insight.
B.It is hard to overstimulate them.
C.They better understand the environment.
D.It is common for them to overlook details.
【小题3】How does the author consider the high sensitivity among young parents?
A.Deeply rooted.B.Extremely harmful.
C.Greatly unstable.D.Potentially beneficial.
【小题4】What might the author continue talking about?
A.Outcomes of coping strategies.
B.Tips for highly sensitive parents.
C.Responses to the concern about parenting.
D.Evaluation of overwhelmed parents’ impact.
