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Parenting styles have shifted over the years with the rapid changes in the world. Nowadays parents generally spend more time in finding out how best to raise their child whether it’s through technology or tried-and-tested parenting practices.

With easy access to countless websites and social media groups interested in parenting, modern parents are capable of finding answers to their questions, from managing a baby’s cries to communicating with a moody teenager. This increased availability (可利用性) of resources has made parents more involved in their children’s academic, emotional, and social development. They are also more eager to find out effective parenting methods to help them raise well-behaved and confident children.

A modern parenting style that has appeared is helicopter parenting, where parents are too much focused on their children. They help children with tasks that children can do on their own, like selecting activities and friends for them, or calling their teachers about homework matters. Such a parenting style can stifle the development of the children’s ability to handle responsibilities independently. Children might be ill-equipped with life skills such as making the bed, clearing their plates or doing their schoolwork. Always protecting children from failures may also stop them from developing adaptability and gaining skills like problem-solving.

On the other hand, parents in the past tended to monitor less. Children were given more freedom to manage their schoolwork and choose the friends they want to play with. In some families, children of the past were often expected to shoulder the responsibilities of caring for younger brothers and sisters and managing housework. Living in the pre-Internet era, parents were less informed about different parenting methods, and their parenting styles were guided more by their personalities, common sense and friendly advice from their parents and neighbours, rather than by social media influences or parenting websites. There is no one right way to raise a child. Each child is unique and should be raised differently by parents who are present, but not wandering; who are supportive but not controlling; and who protect but not care too much.

【小题1】How does the increased availability of resources influence parenting style?
A.It saves parents’ much time spent on children.
B.It makes parents more relaxed in raising children.
C.It encourages parents to be less strict with their children.
D.It enables parents to be more active in their children’s development.
【小题2】What does the underlined word stifle in Para 3 mean?
A.Bring about.B.Hold back.C.Take down.D.Set up.
【小题3】What do we know about parents in the past?
A.They educated kids in a strict way.
B.They over-judged their kids’ independence.
C.They afforded kids more space for self-growth.
D.They tended to stay away from social activities.
【小题4】What does the text mainly tell us?
A.How parents raise all-round children.
B.How people improve parent-child relationship.
C.How parenting modes have changed over the years.
D.How information technology affects people’s lifestyles.
知识点:社会问题与社会现象说明文当代教育问题 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

A culture’s values can be mirrored by its humour. Humour has been evaluated by many great minds such as Thomas Hobbes, who disliked humour, and thought laughter is nothing else but sudden glory arising from sudden thought of feeling far better than others. He thought humour to be a negative quality of human narrow-mindedness.

However, Mordechai Gordon, PhD of Education, insists that humour allows us to view the world from an angle that is amusing rather than serious. I agree with Gordon. Learning to look at the world through humour is important.

In the United States, every four years an election occurs. Without humour as a way to express their feelings, how would Americans be willing to support the election? Television shows like The Daily Show have become important parts of American culture. They are affecting the masses by unconsciously inputting politics into their minds. They make politics fun.

Of course, politics is only one type of humour. Social humour helps people through the twists and turns of the human condition. American pop culture promotes an unhealthy self-image. On the topic of self-image, Hari Kondabolu stands out. He has a joke about the popular musical group The Pussycat Dolls, describing their hit song Don’t Cha as a negative representation of women. He points out the obvious offence in American culture.

A study from Loyola University Maryland has shown that humour is one determining factor in selecting a partner. Among other things, people look for an outstanding funny bone in a potential partner.

Of course, humour is not always used for good purposes. Humour can be linked to vulgarity (粗俗) and racism, but, like everything else, it has the potential to unite human beings by allowing us to laugh at ourselves, our failures and our connections with one another.

Though life may seem tough and depressing at times, all I have to do is look in the mirror at my increased wrinkles (皱纹) to know that there is comedy out there that even Chaplin wasn’t aware of. With that in mind, remember to laugh with humanity.

【小题1】What did Hobbes think of humour?
A.It resulted in the narrow-mindedness of human beings.
B.It was only a way to laugh at others to make oneself feel better.
C.It had the power to mirror personal glory and national values.
D.It made people view the world from another angle.
【小题2】What is the author’s attitude towards political humour?
【小题3】How is the fourth paragraph mainly developed?
A.By describing the process.B.By giving an example.
C.By comparing.D.By classifying.
【小题4】What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A.Chaplin wasn’t aware of being laughed at.
B.The author feels helpless and sad about getting older.
C.Never be the one who laughs at other people.
D.The author is determined to face life with a sense of humour.

The good news is that more people bought electric vehicles (EVs) in 2020. The bad news is that sport utility (多用途的) vehicles (SUVs) continued to grow in popularity, too. “The fall in oil consumption due to the first trend was completely canceled out by the second,” said Laura Cozzi, an officer at the International Energy Agency (JEA).

Between 2010 and 2020, global carbon dioxide emissions (排放) from conventional cars fell by nearly 35 billion tons, due to reasons such as fuel efficiency improvements as well as the   switch to electric cars. Emissions from SUVs rose by more than 50 billion tons. “While the growth in EVs is encouraging, the boom in SUVs is heart-breaking,” says Peters at the Cicero Climate Research Centre in Norway.

There are many reasons for the growing popularity of SUVs. For example, rising economic boom in many countries means more people are able to afford them. Some people see them as status symbols. Also, SUVs are heavily advertised by car-makers, whose profit is higher on these vehicles. Some countries, including France, have introduced plans under which more taxes are paid on heavier cars. But Peters thinks that people who are rich enough to afford SUVs won’t be deterred by slightly higher taxes. “There are now some electric SUVs available, but I hope one day you will see more electric vehicles brought to the SUV market,” says Peters.

Even if it happens, switching to electric SUVs isn’t a good solution. Due to their size and bigger batteries, it takes more resources to build electric SUVs, and they consume around 15 percent more electricity. That means higher emissions unless the electricity comes entirely from renewable sources, and higher electricity demand makes it harder to green the electricity supply.

【小题1】What can we infer from Paragraph 2?
A.Scientists should devote themselves to improving fuel efficiency.
B.The popularity of SUVs destroys some efforts to protect the environment.
C.Electric vehicles will certainly take the place of sport utility vehicles.
D.The emission of carbon dioxide of motor vehicles has hit a new low.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “deterred” probably mean?
【小题3】What is one of the reasons that SUVs are popular with consumers?
A.SUVs are discounted heavily.
B.SUVs consume fewer resources than other vehicles.
C.SUVs are often advertised by car producers.
D.SUVs are taxed at a lower rate in some countries.
【小题4】What point does the author try to make in the last paragraph?
A.More electric SUVs don’t necessarily mean “environment-friendly” .
B.The electric SUVs are a good guarantee for less pollution.
C.The electric SUVs should be made smaller and lighter.
D.Future electric SUVs will be powered with completely green energy.

In February, Japan appointed Tetsushi Sakamoto as the country’s first Minister of Loneliness to address the issue of isolation for the growing number of the population who live alone.

Loneliness has been a long-standing issue in Japan. Half a million people in the country live a solitary(独身的) life. They are known as hikikomori – “those who withdraw from all social contact and often don’t leave their houses for years at a time”, according to the BBC.

“In Japanese strict social norms(行为规范), high expectations from parents and a culture of shame make Japanese society a fertile ground for feelings of inadequacy.” Takahiro Kato, who studies and treats hikikomori, told the BBC.

But the pandemic has only worsened the effects of this lifestyle. According to figures released by the National Police Agency, in 2020 Japan saw a rise in suicides for the first time in 11 years. A total of 20,919 people took their own lives, 750 more than the previous year. The majority of them were single women and students.

Before the pandemic(疫情), most people who live alone had a fairly normal routine: a full day of work, dining with friends afterward, then going home. But the pandemic forced them to stay indoors, reducing the few chances they had to socialize.

Sakamoto hopes to deal with the issue of increased feelings of isolation. At a news conference on Feb 12, he said that he hopes to “carry out activities to prevent social loneliness and isolation and to protect ties between people”.

After all, just as UK poet John Donne wrote, “No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main.”

【小题1】What does the underlined word “inadequacy” in paragraph 3 probably mean?
A.Respecting the elderly.B.Lacking self-confidence.
C.Hiding to avoid trouble.D.Following social norms.
【小题2】Why did Japan see a rise in suicides in 2020?
A.The pandemic put people out of work.
B.The pandemic made solitary people feel lonelier.
C.People suffered from anxiety due to the pandemic.
D.Being outside their routine caused inconvenience.
【小题3】What can be inferred from what John Donne wrote in the last paragraph?
A.Man is a social animal.
B.Everyone is like everyone else.
C.People should be ashamed of being alone.
D.People can find ways to deal with loneliness.
【小题4】What does the article mainly talk about?
A.The reason why there are hikikomori in Japan.
B.The responsibility of the Minister of Loneliness.
C.How the pandemic has affected people's lives in Japan.
D.Why Japan appointed a Minister of Loneliness.
