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The innovation is part of research into brain-computer interfaces (接口) to help improve the lives of people with motor disabilities. The researchers included machine learning capabilities with their brain-computer interface, making it a one-size-fits-all solution.

Typically, these devices require extensive adjustment for each user- every brain is different, both for healthy and disabled users- and that has been a major hurdle to mainstream adoption. This new solution can quickly understand the needs of an individual subject and self-adjust through repetition. That means multiple patients could use the device without needing to tune it to the individual.

In a clinical setting, the subjects wear a cap packed with electrodes (电极) that is connected to a computer. The electrodes gather data by measuring electrical signals from the brain, and the decoder translates the brain signals into commands, which are used to control devices or applications. In this case, the decoded signals are translated into actions in a car racing game and a simpler task involving balancing a digital bar. Subjects were trained simultaneously for both the simpler bar game and the more complex car racing game, thus improving their brain function.

The researchers call this work foundational, in that it sets the stage for further brain-computer interface innovation. This project used 18 subjects with no motor disabilities. As they continue down this road, they will test this on people with motor disabilities to apply it to larger groups in clinical settings. “To achieve this, we need to improve our technology to make it easier to use,’ Millan. a professor in the University of Texas says.

On the side of translating the research, Millan and his team continue to work on a wheelchair that users can drive with the brain- computer interface. At the South by Southwest Conference and Festivals this month, the researchers showed off another potential use of the technology. controlling two rehabilitation (康复) robots for the hand and arm. This was not part of the new paper but a sign of where this technology could go in the future. “We’ll continue down this path wherever it takes us in the pursuit of helping people.” Millan says.

【小题1】Who will benefit the most from the Brain-Computer Interface innovation?
A.People with physical disabilities.B.Businessmen selling wheelchairs.
C.Students seeking academic improvement.D.Athletes seeking performance enhancement.
【小题2】What is the main advantage of the new solution?
A.Faster adjustment process.B.Decreased need for tuning.
C.Improved mainstream adoption.D.Quick understanding of commands.
【小题3】What is the function of electrodes?
A.Translating signals.B.Measuring brain signals.
C.Controlling devices.D.Enhancing brain function.
【小题4】What is the probable focus of Millan and his team’s future work?
A.Exploring hand and arm rehabilitation.
B.Showcasing technology at conferences.
C.Translating and publishing research papers.
D.Enhancing brain- computer interface technology.
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ChatGPT is a prototype (原型) dialogue-based AI chatbot (聊天 机 器人 ) which can understand natural human language and creating impressively detailed human-like written text. The new AI was created by OpenAI, a research center founded by Elon Musk. Musk co-founded the new company with other bosses. The research centre aims to advance digital intelligence in a way that benefits humans.

ChatGPT works by being trained on a large amount of text from the Internet using AI and machine learning. The system is designed to provide information and answer questions through a traditional interface (界面) .

Early users have described the technology as a tool to replace to Google because it can provide descriptions, answers, and solutions to different kinds of questions. Real-world applications could include producing content for websites, answering customer questions, providing recommendations (推荐) , and creating automated (自动化的) chatbots. OpenAI CEO Sam Altman said the system is “an early model of what’s possible.” He hopes to produce helpful assistants that talk to users, answer questions, and give advice. In the future, these assistants could perform tasks for users and even discover new knowledge.

There has been prediction that jobs dependent on content production, such as playwrights, protessors, programmers, and journalists, could be obsolete because of ChatGPT. However, at its current stage, the chatbot lacks slight differences, critical thinking skills, and ethical (道德的) decision-making ability which are necessary for successful journalism. In addition, its knowledge base ends in 2021, which means that some questions and searches are useless now. ChatGPT can also provide incorrect or misleading answers, because it is short of a source of truth in the data used to train the model.

In short, ChatGPT is a powerful AI chatbot and it may be used in various industries, but it is still in its early stages and has limitations. As AI technology continues to evolve, we can expect more advanced chatbots like ChatGPT in the future.

【小题1】What is the purpose of OpenAI?
A.To produce content for giving advice.
B.To train ChatGPT as a super computer.
C.To use ChatGPT as a tool to replace Google.
D.To improve digital intelligence that can benefit humans.
【小题2】How does ChatGPT work according to the text?
A.By answering questions for websites.
B.By being trained on a large amount of text.
C.By providing information and giving advice.
D.By producing detailed human-like written text.
【小题3】Which of the following statements of future AI assistants will Sam Altman agree on?
A.They will only answer questions and give advice.
B.They will replace jobs dependent on content production.
C.They will have slight differences and critical thinking skills.
D.They will perform tasks for users and discover new knowledge.
【小题4】What does the underlined word “obsolete” mean in paragraph 4?
【小题5】Where is the text probably taken from?
A.A health article.B.A science fiction.
C.A nature magazine.D.A science website.

How do you pay for things in a shop? Perhaps you like the touchable reliability of hard cash? Maybe the financial flexibility of a credit card suits you better? Or perhaps you prefer the simple convenience of a smartphone?

Whatever you use today, experts believe all these methods could soon become outdated. Instead, we will use our bodies: our eyes, our fingerprints, even our mere presence in the store. In fact it's happening already. Amazon are trialing stores which have no checkouts, where   technology tracks the items you've taken from the shelves and deducts(扣除) the total from your   account when you leave the shop.

French supermarket Monoprix takes a different path: you choose your groceries and leave them with a human cashier. You then leave the shop while the cashier adds up your bill,   charges your account, and organizes delivery to your home.

Amir, CEO of Barclaycard predicts that such new developments mean the end of the plastic credit card. Instead, wearable items such as rings, necklaces and key chains will carry chips(芯片) that allow shoppers to shop, going between the web, an app or in store.

And while all the above payment methods are supported by accounts held in traditional currencies, let's not forget the rise of alternatives such as Litecoin. Virtual(虚拟) currencies can rise in value very quickly. One such possibility is explored in the movie In Time. It imagines a futuristic society in which the currency is time itself, where people trade the amount of time they have left to live.

Or perhaps we'd do better to wind back the clock to the simpler financial world of the equal exchange economy. While the term recalls images of bags of grain and herds of sheep being exchanged in ancient times, there are signs that are making a comeback in today's world of modern technology. Maybe the only thing we know for certain is that money will keep updating.

【小题1】Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.Payment is done by the cashiers at Amazon.
B.All the methods of payment have become outdated.
C.Shopping at Monoprix is convenient for customers.
D.Customers can leave their credit cards at Monoprix.
【小题2】What might replace the credit cards in the future according to Amir?
A.Smartphones.B.Wearable items.
C.Virtual currencies.D.Fingerprints.
【小题3】What is used as a currency in the movie In Time?
A.Litecoin.B.Human life.
C.Time.D.Bags of grain.
【小题4】Which is the best title for the passage?
A.The Rise of Virtual Currencies.B.The History of Money.
C.The Ending if Credit Cards.D.The Changing Nature of Money.

The white rhinoceros (犀牛) holds near threatened state due to destructive hunting. Scientists are working hard to stop this and they’re doing it with some pretty cool drone (无人机) tech.

One of the biggest dangers to endangered animals in the modern day comes from hunting, which claims the lives of hundreds of white rhinos every year. However, while rangers (护林者) and regular guarding can help in stopping hunters from certain areas, they are often well-armed and unafraid to fire upon those hoping to protect the rhinos. This is where drones come in—if preservation researchers work in these areas there would be a real danger of coming into contact with the hunters, and their lives might well be at risk. By having drones collect data, movement patterns and numbers of animals, biologists are able to avoid many of these risks.

But drones aren’t only used to collect information in dangerous areas—they can also be sent into the skies above difficult-to-reach areas to get data that would otherwise be tough to collect. The endangered animals are usually found in thick jungle, and organizing a team for exploration can be expensive, time-taking, and require a great deal of bodies and planning. Instead, researches can send drones over the forest to get data about the habitat of the animals, and perhaps even get high quality images of them. This information can be extremely valuable when it comes to an on-foot exploring, as researchers can get up-to-date information on the whereabouts of the animals as they move. In this situation, human-led surveys will still offer better results, but drones can play a huge part in the preservation process.

The downside currently is the cost, which can run into tens, if not thousands, of dollars. However, drone tech is still becoming a more achievable option in the fight against extinction.

【小题1】What is the possible danger to preservation researchers according to the passage?
A.Suffering from hunger.B.Getting lost in the jungle.
C.Fighting with wild animals.D.Being attacked from hunters.
【小题2】How do the drones help researchers in thick jungle?
A.By showing the direction.B.By providing real-time information.
C.By organizing a exploring team.D.By making plans to protect them.
【小题3】What is the writer’s attitude towards the drone tech?
【小题4】What could be the suitable title of this text?
A.Drones’ AdvantagesB.Drones in Preservation
C.Drones against DangerD.Drones for the Rhinocerosss
