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Rain Collection

What do you like to do on a rainy day —sit inside and listen to the pitter-patter on the roof or splash outside and feel the cold drops on your face? Whatever you choose, rain is vitally essential in the nature.

【小题1】 It fills rivers and lakes, slowly sinks into the earth, nourishes our plants, and keeps the land alive and beautiful. In the past, people obtained their water from rain, wells, or nearby rivers. Now, many of us live in places where water is piped in, sometimes from far away. Removing so much water from nature and sending it to great distances harm the living things that also need that water.

As climate change heats up the planet and causes extreme weather, more places face water shortages. 【小题2】 . One easy place to look for more water is the sky!

Humans have collected rain since ancient times. 【小题3】. They are tapping into this clean and rich source of water provided by nature. By harvesting the rain we can reduce the amount of water we take from rivers and out of the ground.

Even in dry climates, there is a lot of potential rainwater that can be effectively harvested and utilized. This rich yet often overlooked resource has the potential to significantly contribute to water conservation efforts, especially in regions facing water shortages. Just one inch of rain falling on a medium-sized house produces over 600 gallons of water.【小题4】.

Nowadays, rainwater is still used as a primary supply in many places in the world, like Vietnam and Hawaii. In places with piped-in water, rainwater is not commonly used, but this is changing. Rainwater harvesting is getting more popular since it’s easy to do and helps create water security.

A.Large roofs can, hence, collect greater amount of water.
B.Rainwater can also be used for fountains and ponds.
C.We all deeply depend on the nourishment of rain.
D.To secure future water supply, we need new sources.
E.Now, many people are returning to this practice.
F.Rainwater is clean but it gets dirty from the roof.
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More than 90 percent of global trade today is carried out through ships — about 53,000 business ships trading internationally. That number seems to increase quickly. A 2019 study, led by researchers at McGill University in Canada, has predicted (预测) an increase in ocean traffic of anything between 240 and 1209 percent by 2050. In preparation for this increase, scientists and engineers around the world are dealing with the difficult question of how to navigate (航行) more safely.

On the west coast of the US, one such group has a single target-whales. The region is home to not only busy international ports but also the rich feeding grounds of blue, humpback and fin whales. As a result of crossovers, ship strikes are thought to be one of the leading causes of death for whale populations.

Dr Briana Abrahms, a research ecologist at NOAA Fisheries’ Southwest Fisheries Science Center, is developing an app that will allow managers and ship members to be alarmed to the possible location of blue whales. It is based on the group’s new model which predicts whale movements based on the oceanographic conditions. “Ocean conditions can change on a daily basis,” Abrahms explains. “We know what conditions the whales like, so every single day we can look at where those conditions are and predict where the whales will go.”

Of course, knowing where the whales are is hardly effective if captains ignore the information. Abrahms admits that voluntary slow-down plans for large ships on the east coast of the US (slower ships being less likely to kill whales) have seen low levels of obedience (遵守). Her hope is that more accurate data will encourage owners and managers to respond. “Part of the reason we think for the low obedience is that there isn’t much confidence among the shipping industry. If you say ‘slow down between July and November’, the shipping industry doesn’t believe that there is actually a whale there. By making it more accurate in predicting whales, we’re hoping our app will help,” Abrahms said.

【小题1】Why does the author mention the 2019 study in Paragraph 1?
A.To tell the importance of shipping industry.
B.To show the fast increase in global trade.
C.To predict ocean traffic in the following years.
D.To explain the necessity of ensuring sailing safety.
【小题2】What’s the app designed for?
A.Counting the number of whales.
B.Telling possible locations of whales.
C.Predicting the consequence of ship strikes.
D.Forecasting the oceanographic condition.
【小题3】What’s Abrahms attitude towards the present slow-down plans?
【小题4】What is the text mainly about?
A.Ways to avoid crossovers between ships and whales.
B.Methods of predicting severe weather.
C.Importance of rescuing wildlife in the sea.
D.Challenges of keeping a correct voyage.

Looking for a way to connect with nature but you're not sure how to when you live in the city? Here are a few ways to live in harmony with nature and reduce your pressure.

Go on a wildlife walk.

There’s lots of urban wildlife for you to discover, so you can reach out to your city park departments to get some valuable information. 【小题1】 . A wildlife walk is one of the easiest ways to connect with nature because it helps you to realize that you're surrounded (围绕) by nature.

【小题2】 .

Nothing will make you feel as closely connected with the earth as walking without shoes on grass for a couple of minutes. This very direct connection with nature will make you realize that you're part of the huge world, helping you to relax and feel calmer.

Attract nature yourself.

One of the best ways to connect with nature is to make it come to you. 【小题3】 . You can also fill some tubs (盆) with flowers to attract butterflies. Create a friendly place for nature and you're sure to attract all kinds of beings passing close to your home.

Create a small garden.

Plants and flowers are part of nature as well and even the tiniest amount of space can be turned into a beautiful garden. If you’ve got a balcony (阳台), fill it with pots full of flowers. 【小题4】. Imagine how satisfying it would be to share them with your friends and family.

Use these tips for connecting with nature and living a more comfortable lifestyle in a big city. 【小题5】 .

A.Have a walk in a park
B.Take off your shoes and walk barefoot (赤脚地)
C.You can grow your own vegetables on it as well
D.You can put a bird feeder (喂食器) on your balcony or by your window
E.Meantime, this is the best method of improving your health and well-being
F.They often offer guided walks to help you enjoy the natural beauty in your cities
G.It's a different way of experiencing nature helping you to enjoy it from a different viewpoint

Within the beautiful scenery of Wisconsin’s Lake Chippewa lies a natural wonder that is a unique challenge for the local community. This hidden wonder is exactly a giant floating island. The island, made up of plants and trees, sometimes floats around the lake, causing a major inconvenience by blocking (阻塞) an important bridge. Later, the local people came up with a solution to this problem. Every year, local boat owners work together and push the island away from the bridge.

Lake Chippewa was born in 1923 when a vast bog (沼泽) was changed through flooding. Soon after that, many of the dark bogs started rising to the surface and became perfect growing places for plants, with seeds carried by wind and wild birds to this floating place. Over the years, these bogs have grown plants and trees and turned into full islands. As time goes by, plants take root, and the oldest islands even have trees that act as sails (船帆) when the wind blows, moving the entire floating island around the lake.

Although the years-old floating island does not relocate (重新迁移) so often, when it does, it causes trouble for the community by blocking the important bridge that serves as the only passage between the lake’s East and West sides. The only solution is to gather a group of boats, and not just one or two, but dozens of boats working together to push the island away. “It takes a community’s effort, and you must have the winds at your back to push them in,” said a resident. Moving the island also requires precision (精确), as just relocating it a short distance may result in its return within days.

Some people have suggested destroying the floating islands to get rid of the problem. However, the big bog in Lake Chippewa has been around for many years, and during that time a variety of animal and plant species have made it their home. Therefore, local government advises they be dealt with in a way that won’t do harm to wildlife, paying more attention to the fine-drawn balance between human convenience and environmental protection. The annual tradition of relocating Lake Chippewa’s floating island is evidence to the coexistence of man and nature, a heartwarming display of community unity, and a reminder of the importance of preserving the unique areas that enrich our world.

【小题1】What does the underlined word “solution” in paragraph 1 refer to?
A.Building a new bridge.B.Moving the floating island away.
C.Transforming the vast bog.D.Rebuilding the local community.
【小题2】What can we know from paragraph 2?
A.The formation of the floating island.B.The history of flooding in Lake Chippewa.
C.The varieties of species in Lake Chippewa.D.The impact of the wind on the floating island.
【小题3】Which of the following statements is true about the relocation work from paragraph 3?
A.It is usually finished within days.
B.It is a must in cooperation and precision.
C.It can only be carried out during windless days.
D.It greatly disturbs the community residents’ lives.
【小题4】Why has the local government refused to destroy the island?
A.To save costs for local people.B.To ensure the safety of residents.
C.To improve the bond between communities.D.To protect the wildlife species on the island.
