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In some countries, many families are choosing camping as an affordable way to vacation due to the cost-of-living crisis (危机). 【小题1】 Here are several tips to help make your first camping trip a success.

Camping needs careful planning. Making a detailed list of what to bring ensures nothing important is forgotten. It is advised to pack light and easy-to-set-up tents (帐篷). It’s also important to choose equipment suitable for the season. For families, bringing comfort items like favorite books or toys can make the new environment more welcoming for kids. 【小题2】 Other necessaries like wet wipes (湿巾) are must-haves.

Camping is more than just setting up a tent. 【小题3】 Group camping trips can simplify things, especially when it comes to meals. Sharing meal responsibilities with other families not only reduces the load but also improves the shared experience. Choosing simple and easy-to-prepare foods helps too.

【小题4】 Activities like treasure hunts, campfire stories can turn camping into an adventure. Nature itself offers endless enjoyment, from bird watching to plant recognizing. Moreover, camping is also an opportunity to teach kids valuable life skills and safety lessons. From cooking over a campfire to learning about nature, these experiences are both educational and enjoyable. Safety lessons are also important, like staying within campsites and recognizing dangerous plants.

All in all, camping is a fantastic way to enjoy the outdoors and spend quality time with family. 【小题5】

A.Use the experience to teach life skills.
B.Camping should be an enjoyable adventure.
C.It also includes preparing and planning meals.
D.Allow the kids to take part in planning process.
E.Since children can get untidy, packing extra clothes is necessary.
F.With the right preparation and attitude, it can be an unforgettable experience.
G.However, for first-time campers, especially those with kids, the experience can be challenging.
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4 Ways to Keep Your Attitude Up

When life brings you down, the key is to understand that you can choose your attitude and actions. Truly, the greatest weapon against stress is our ability to train our minds to make the best of what we’ve got. 【小题1】

Create space to breathe.

Feelings and emotions come and go like clouds on a windy day. Hold still for a moment, take a deep breath and free your mind from all the chatter that’s going on inside your head and around you. 【小题2】

Relieve the resistance.

If you evaluate your body right now, you can find some kind of tension. 【小题3】 We’re resisting something — perhaps we’re annoyed by someone, frustrated at life, or just bored. And our mental resistance creates a tension in our bodies and unhappiness in our lives.

Relax the tense area of your body — deep breath and a quick stretch often helps. Face the same situation or person, but with a relaxed body and mind.


Every situation imaginable has hidden beauty in it if we’re willing to open up to it. When we get ill, it’s a chance for us to rest. When some unforeseeable event postpones one of our business projects, we spend more time with our family. We choose to find beauty even when it’s buried beneath problems and pain.

Let go and begin again.

Everything in life has to come to an end eventually. It’s important to appreciate and accept the end of an era. Letting go, turning the page, moving forward. What matters is that you leave the past where it belongs, so you can make the best of the life that’s presently available to be lived. This ending is not the end. 【小题5】

A.Find the beauty behind the pain.
B.Where does this tension we feel come from?
C.But how exactly can you adjust your response?
D.Discover opportunities for us to appreciate life more.
E.The world is always bigger than your view of the world.
F.It’s a point in your story where one chapter fades into the next.
G.Doing so creates space for something new and positive to enter.

If You Can’t Fall Asleep When Your Head Hits the Pillow. Here’s What to Do Schedule Worry Time

Just as you schedule time to see friends or get a massage do the same with your worries, 【小题1】 In addition to writing down what’s worrying you, create at least one action item you can do to help deal with the issue. Thinking through those potential stressors earlier in the day should help ease how much you worry about those things when your head hi is the pillow.

Create a Routine to Power Down Your Brain

【小题2】 Not true. Modern busy living has created so much stimulation (刺激) in the day that brains now operate at super-fast speed. If you don’t give them time to rest; they’ll continue going at that speed at bedtime. At least 30 minutes before you go to bed, start your probed preparations and then do something relaxing. Keep it consistent, and you’ll train your body to expect sleep after that relaxation period.

Keep a Gratitude List

Now that you’ve thrown away your worries, replace the void (空白) where those negative thoughts once lived with positive ones by starting a gratitude journal. The impact of those positive thoughts is greater when you write them down, 【小题3】

Practice 4-7-8 Breathing

Deep breathing is so effective for sleep. In order to get to sleep,your heart rate needs to slow down. 【小题4】 Practice 4-7-8 breathing before you go to bed: Inhale (吸气) for a count of four, hold for seven counts,and then blow out for eight counts.


As you lie in bed, relax all of your muscles one by one, starting at your toes and ending at your head. Not only is this incredibly relaxing,as the name implies, it also forces you to think about the physical parts of your body, directing your attention away from whatever is stressing you.

A.Exercise Right Before Bed
B.Do Progressive Muscle Relaxation
C.Consider the relaxing effects of positive thoughts on your mind.
D.Schedule a consistent time every day to write down those worries on paper.
E.Most people assume that sleep is like breathing your body will just do it.
F.And breathing techniques are one of the most effective ways to achieve his goal.
G.So try spending a few minutes each night listing several things you’re grateful for.

How to Increase Your Self-Confidence with Positive Daily Practices

When you walk into a room, do you glow with confidence? Do you believe in yourself?【小题1】We’ll tell you exactly how to gain self-confidence so you can take the world by storm. It’s time to embrace life and achieve your goals, so let’s get started!

【小题2】. You look your best when you feel your best. So, ignore the fashion and build a wardrobe that makes you happy. Trust us, your inner confidence will make you look amazing. If you’re into fashion, choose the styles that work best for you.

Exercise. When you take good care of yourself, you feel more confident and capable. For good health, exercise for 30 minutes a day most days a week. Do something fun, like playing tennis, going for a walk with a friend, or dancing to your favorite music. 【小题3】 Invite your friend or partner to exercise with you to make it more fun.

Stop comparing yourself to others. You are one-of-a-kind, so you’re not going to be like anyone else. Instead of using others as a measuring stick for success, use your past self. That way, you can focus on creating a life that makes you happy. Try to remember that what you see on social media is just the high point of someone’s life. 【小题4】

Set and pursue realistic goals.【小题5】Feeling confident can give you the energy to pursue them. Choose a goal you want to work toward, and then break it up into smaller steps. Start working toward your goal today so you can create the life you want.

A.Wear what makes you feel good.
B.Your dreams are totally within reach.
C.Schedule exercise into your day so you won’t forget.
D.You usually don’t see the bad days and moments of self-doubt.
E.A good support system helps you stay focused on your best qualities.
F.Practice positive self-talk and hang out with people who support you.
G.If not, we’re here to help you go after your dreams and deal with your fears.
