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Acorn woodpeckers (橡树啄木鸟), which live along the west coast and in the southwest of North America, are highly socialized birds, a study showed recently.

In the acorn woodpecker family, it’s a group effort to raise the young. Each of the acorn woodpecker family consists of as many as seven co-breeding (共育) males and four joint-nesting females, living with nest helpers who are typically their babies from previous years. The helpers don’t breed, but stick around for five to six years to help raise their half-siblings.

Every fall acorn woodpeckers store thousands of acorns in holes drilled into dead trees in preparation for winter. The entire group contributes to a central granary (粮仓), defending it against squirrels and other woodpeckers. But the cooperation may end and great noise and confusion may start when a family loses either all its breeding males or females to old age or enemies like hawks. That leads to a good opportunity for the helpers to grab newly vacant spots with acorns (橡树果) in main habitat.

The news travels fast. The nearby woodpecker groups rush to the site and fight against each other. Over 40 of the “warrior” birds, in coalitions (联盟) of three or four, spend over 10 hours a day over multiple days in battles until one collective wins. “You can see birds with eyes removed out, with blood on their feathers — they fall to the ground holding each other’s legs when they’re fighting,” said Sahas Barve, the lead author of the study. These battles also draw woodpecker audience, who leave their own territories unattended. The researchers recorded some audience travel over two miles and spend an hour a day just observing the fights. “The speed at which such information is communicated among populations has always struck me,” said Reed Bowman.

The scientists said the battles reveal a lot about animals’ social behavior. Sahas Barve said, “We often think of birds as not very intelligent animals, but we are discovering that we aren’t the only super-curious social animal out there. And birds are doing that all the time. Social complexity is something that’s evolved multiple times in the animal kingdom, and we are just one of them.”

【小题1】What does the second paragraph mainly focus on?
A.The loose social networks of acorn woodpeckers.
B.The tough living conditions of acorn woodpeckers.
C.The great contribution of nest helpers to their family.
D.The cooperative breeding system of acorn woodpeckers.
【小题2】Why do the nest helpers start a battle?
A.To survive the tough winter.B.To fight for their own territory.
C.To select the most powerful leader.D.To rid their granary of noise and confusion.
【小题3】What can we know about the battles of the acorn woodpeckers?
A.They are long and fierce.B.Their fighters increase each day.
C.They will be settled by compromise.D.They will cause many deaths of the audience.
【小题4】What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.Human beings have great curiosity about the outside world.
B.Social complexity is unique to human beings.
C.Birds are much smarter than we thought.
D.The evolution of animals is quite slow.
知识点:动物说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Birds are becoming popular as pets, but unlike owners with more common pets, owners of birds are often not familiar with the behavioural patterns (行为模式) of the animal which allow them to recognise what the pet needs and wants. For example, most of us can recognise the behaviour a dog exhibits when he is hungry or wants attention, but how many of us know how birds go about showing the same feelings?

By learning about the behavioural patterns of the bird, his owner can forge a stronger relationship with the pet. Owners can learn how to read birds’ body language, including movements of the eyes, wings, tail and beak (喙). In addition, the sounds the bird makes can also show the mood, desires, and requirements of the pet.

A bird’s eyes are different from a human’s. While both birds and humans have pupils (瞳孔) and irises (虹膜), birds have the ability to control the size of their pupils by enlarging and reducing their irises quickly. This behaviour, flashing, is something birds may do when they are angry, interested, or frightened.

A bird also communicates through the use of his wings. A bird may lift or open his wings as a sign of happiness. But if the bird starts opening and closing his wings, it may signal anger or pain. If a bird fails to fold his wings against his body, and instead lets them hang by his sides, the bird may be ill. Healthy adult birds will typically tuck (折起) their wings against their bodies when they are at rest.

Birds often use their tail feathers to communicate, so an understanding of this behaviour will help the pet’s owner. A bird may move his tail from side to side, called wagging, to express happiness (similar to dogs in behaviour and meaning). Happiness is also the emotion expressed by other kinds of tail movements, such as moving up and down. However, if a bird fans his tail feathers out, it is usually a way to show anger or aggression.

【小题1】What can we know about birds according to Paragraph 1 ?
A.They have little body language.
B.They are easy to escape from owners.
C.They aren’t familiar to their owners.
D.Their behaviour is hard to understand.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “forge” mean in Paragraph 2?
【小题3】What is the author likely to write about after the last paragraph?
A.The sounds of birds.
B.The role of the bird’s beak in communication.
C.Tips on feeding a bird as a pet.
D.The birds,habit of singing.
【小题4】Which of the following is the best title?
A.The Birds’ Body languageB.The Performance of a Bird
C.How to Communicate with PetsD.The Early Bird Catches the Worm

Passing biker Anuchit saw the dog twice on a highway in Roi-Et, northeastern Thailand, and last month. He stopped to check on the dog and was told by the locals that it had been sitting at the same place for its owner in the last four years.

Saowaluck , 45, said that she found the dog at that place in early 2016. Then he was so skinny and he had injuries, so Saowaluck took him to the vet, adopted him and named him Leo, but after a couple of days he was missing from her house and appeared at that spot again so she let him stay there and have been coming to feed him every day.

Anuchit decided to share the story of Leo and a video online, prompting the dog's owner to come forward. Video shows Leo sitting by the roadside and looking out as the cars drove past.

Owner Noi , 64, said her dog Bong Bong had gone missing after jumping down from her truck in 2015. “My husband and I drove around to find him but we failed." On seeing the video, she went back to the spot where she lost the dog on September 9, while Leo bounded over excitedly to Noi and let her rub his head. However, he refused to go home when she carried him to the truck. It appeared that Bong Bong needed time to adjust himself, so Noi promised to go back again the next day.

However, that night Saowaluck called Noi and said that she wanted to keep the dog because she had become attached to him. Noi responded that she was more than happy to let the dog stay with Saowalack. She said: "I have no intention to refuse her request. Due to her good care I believed she and the dog will be happy together and I would like her to keep the dog in her house.''

Saowaluck promised to take the dog home and would take good care of him while Noi suggested she was happy to take the dog back, if Saowaluck no longer wanted him.

【小题1】Why had the dog been sitting at the same place for four years?
A.He was fond of freedom.B.He forgot where he was heading.
C.He was waiting for his owner.D.He was looking for a new family.
【小题2】Which of the following can best replace the underlined word “prompt” in paragraph 3?
【小题3】How did the dog react when he saw Noi again?
A.He refused to approach Noi.
B.He stayed with Saowalack.
C.He jumped over in excitement.
D.He rubbed against Noi’s legs.
【小题4】Why did Saowaluck call Noi that night?
A.She had an intention of being the dog’s new owner.
B.She wanted to tell Noi what she had done for the dog.
C.She planned to attach the dog to the truck of her own.
D.She intended to return the dog to Noi.

Every year, millions of birds fly between Mexico’s Sierra Madre Oriental mountains and the Gulf of Mexico from August to November to escape cold temperatures, giving rise to an event known as the “River of Raptors”, which brings hundreds of foreign birdwatchers to the coastal area of Veracruz.

“Many of my customers have been at other famous bird migration sites but say they have never seen anything as grand as the ‘River of Raptors’ in Veracruz,” said Steven Koevoet, a birdwatching guide who has shown visitors places in Yucatan and Veracruz for over 25 years.

Yet the yearly event has not led to a large increase in ecotourism. Critics suggest the lack of increased ecotourism is mainly caused by Mexico’s failure to encourage tourism away from its beach resorts. Environmentalists believe high levels of violence and environmentally unfriendly practices are also problems for developing ecotourism in the states of Chiapas and Veracruz. Violence has stopped birdwatching for years in some places, where the activity was an important source of income for local communities.

But, environmental groups, universities and farmers in Veracruz are trying to change this. Angel Viveros, a rancher (大农场主), uses land owned by his family for activities including birdwatching, horse riding, skydiving and hiking. Supported by the non-profit group Pronatura Veracruz, which studies and counts the birds in the yearly migration, he is now receiving hundreds of visitors yearly. Local coffee producers organize coffee tastings and educational talks about the importance of birds in spreading seeds. A green, bird-friendly stamp for those producers could be the next step. One retiree who has been visiting Veracruz since 2002 had this to say, “Apart from feeling the physical relaxation, it is like something spiritual ... there are no words to describe what it feels like to see the river of birds.”

【小题1】What is the “River of Raptors” known for?
A.The rich diversity of birds.B.The size of birds’ migrating.
C.The number of birdwatchers.D.The long distance of migration.
【小题2】Why is Steven Koevoet mentioned?
A.To stress the popularity of the event.B.To explain his intention to be a guide.
C.To show his devotion to local tourism.D.To prove the impressiveness of the event.
【小题3】What prevents the development of ecotourism in Mexico according to critics?
A.The lack of government support.
B.High levels and frequency of violence.
C.Disagreement among local communities.
D.The adoption of not eco-friendly methods.
【小题4】What can be inferred about ecotourism from the last paragraph?
A.People hold different attitudes to it.
B.Joint efforts are made to develop it.
C.It is a major source of income for the locals.
D.It has an uncertain future in Veracruz.
