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Bacteria are an annoying problem for astronauts. The microorganisms (微生物) from our bodies grow uncontrollably on surfaces of the International Space Station, so astronauts spend hours cleaning them up each week. How is NASA overcoming this very tiny big problem? It’s turning to a bunch of high school kids. But not just any kids. It is depending on NASA HUNCH high school classrooms, like the one science teachers Gene Gordon and Donna Himmelberg lead at Fairport High School in Fairport, New York.

HUNCH is designed to connect high school classrooms with NASA engineers. For the past two years, Gordon’s students have been studying ways to kill bacteria in zero gravity, and they think they’re close to a solution (解决方案). “We don’t give the students any breaks. They have to do it just like NASA engineers,” says Florence Gold, a project manager.

“There are no tests,” Gordon says. “There is no graded homework. There almost are no grades, other than ‘Are you working towards your goal?’ Basically, it’s ‘I’ve got to produce this product and then, at the end of year, present it to NASA.’ Engineers come and really do an in-person review, and...it’s not a very nice thing at times. It’s a hard business review of your product.”

Gordon says the HUNCH program has an impact (影响) on college admissions and practical life skills. “These kids are so absorbed in their studies that I just sit back. I don’t teach.” And that annoying bacteria? Gordon says his students are emailing daily with NASA engineers about the problem, readying a workable solution to test in space.

What is the best title for the text?
A.NASA: The Home of Astronauts
B.Space: The Final Homework Frontier
C.Nature: An Outdoor Classroom
D.HUNCH: A College Admission Reform
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Reading Art: Art for Book Lovers is a celebration of an everyday object — the book, represented here in almost three hundred artworks from museums around the world. The image of the reader appears throughout history, in art made long before books as we now know them came into being. In artists’ representations of books and reading, we see moments of shared humanity that go beyond culture and time.

In this “book of books,” artworks are selected and arranged in a way that emphasizes these connections between different eras and cultures. We see scenes of children learning to read at home or at school, with the book as a focus for relations between the generations. Adults are portrayed (描绘) alone in many settings and poses —absorbed in a volume, deep in thought or lost in a moment of leisure. These scenes may have been painted hundreds of years ago, but they record moments we can all relate to.

Books themselves may be used symbolically in paintings to demonstrate the intellect (才智), wealth or faith of the subject. Before the wide use of the printing press, books were treasured objects and could be works of art in their own right. More recently, as books have become inexpensive or even throwaway, artists have used them as the raw material for artworks — transforming covers, pages or even complete volumes into paintings and sculptures.

Continued developments in communication technologies were once believed to make the printed page outdated. From a 21st-century point of view, the printed book is certainly ancient, but it remains as interactive as any battery-powered e-reader. To serve its function, a book must be activated by a user: the cover opened, the pages parted, the contents reviewed, perhaps notes written down or words underlined. And in contrast to our increasingly networked lives where the information we consume is monitored and tracked, a printed book still offers the chance of a wholly private, “off-line” activity.

What does the author want to say by mentioning the e-reader?
A.The printed book is not totally out of date.
B.Technology has changed the way we read.
C.Our lives in the 21st century are networked.
D.People now rarely have the patience to read.


The skin is an essential part of your body and is its largest organ. Your skin acts as a barrier against disease, toxins,   and the sun's rays. It also helps control your body temperature, prevents your body from losing too much water, warns you when things are too hot or cold, and gives you your sense of touch. As you can imagine, getting burnt can lead to very serious injuries. The first and most important step in the treatment of burns is giving first aid.


You can get burnt by a variety of things: hot liquids, steam, fire, radiation, the sun, electricity, acids, or other chemicals.


Burns are divided into three types, depending on the depth of skin damage.

·First­degree burns These affect only the top few millimetres of the skin. These burns are not serious. Examples include mild sunburn and burns caused by other minor household incidents.

·Second­degree burns   These go below the top layer of the skin. They are serious and take a few weeks to get better. Examples include burns caused by hot liquids.

·Third­degree burns These affect every layer of the skin, and sometimes the tissue under it. Examples include burns caused by electric shocks, burning clothes, or petrol fires. These burns cause very severe internal injuries and the victim must go to the hospital at once.


First­degree burns

·dry, red, and mildly swollen

·mildly painful

·turn white when pressed

Second­degree burns

·red and swollen; blisters; watery surface

·extremely painful

Third­degree burns

·black and white

·swollen; the tissue underneath can often be seen

·little or no pain if nerves are damaged; may be painful around the edges of the burn


①Place burns under cool running water, especially within the first ten minutes. The cool water stops the burning process and reduces the pain and swelling.

②Dry the burnt area gently with a clean cloth.

③Remove any clothes using scissors if necessary, unless you see the fabric sticking to the burnt skin.

④Cover the burnt area with a loose clean cloth. Applying oil to the injured areas is a bad idea, as it will keep the heat in the wounds and may cause infection.

⑤If burns are on the face, make sure the victim can still breathe.

⑥If the victim is suffering from second or third­degree burns, there is an urgent need to take him/her to the hospital at once.

【小题1】What's the main idea of the text?
A.The burns and first aid treatment.B.The characteristics of burns.
C.The functions of the skin.D.How to carry out first aid for burns.
【小题2】Match the main idea with each part.
A.the three types of burns
B.what to do if someone gets burned
C.the functions of the skin
D.the symptoms of burns
E.how we get burns
Para.1________   Para.2________   Paras.3-6________   Para.7________   Paras.8-13________
【小题3】What are the characteristics of first degree burns?
A.Black and white and charred.B.Rough, red and swollen.
C.Rough, red and dry.D.Dry, red and mildly swollen.
【小题4】Which of the following is NOT the cause of burns?
A.Steam and radiation.B.The moon and the sun.
C.Fire and electricity.D.Hot liquids and chemicals.
【小题5】If burns affect all three layers of the skin and any tissue and organs under the skin, someone must         .
A.be sent to hospital at once
B.be placed on the floor and cool the burns immediately
C.be undressed in order to cover the burned area with a clean, dry bandage
D.be asked not to drink any water
【小题6】Why should we dry the burned area gently?
A.Because the person will cry.
B.Because rubbing may break any blisters and the wound may get infected.
C.Because the burns are on the face.
D.Because it will make the person feel good.
【小题7】Complete the form according to the text.

First Aid for Burns

Something about the_________
_________of burns
_________of burns
_________of burns
【小题8】Analyze and translate the sentences.
(1). Applying oil to the injured areas is a bad idea, as it will keep the heat in the wounds and may cause in fection.
(2). If the victim is suffering from second or third-degree burns, there is an urgent need to take him/her to the hospital at once.
