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Evan Selinger, professor in RIT’s Department of Philosophy, has taken an interest in the ethics (伦理标准) of Al and the policy gaps that need to be filled in. Through a humanities viewpoint, Selinger asks the questions, “How can AI cause harm, and what can governments and companies creating Al programs do to address and manage it?” Answering them, he explained, requires an interdisciplinary approach.

“AI ethics go beyond technical fixes. Philosophers and other humanities experts are uniquely skilled to address the nuanced (微妙的) principles, value conflicts, and power dynamics. These skills aren’t just crucial for addressing current issues. We desperately need them to promote anticipatory (先行的) governance, ” said Selinger.

One example that illustrates how philosophy and humanities experts can help guide these new, rapidly growing technologies is Selinger’s work collaborating with a special AI project. “One of the skills I bring to the table is identifying core ethical issues in emerging technologies that haven’t been built or used by the public. We can take preventative steps to limit risk, including changing how the technology is designed, ”said Selinger.

Taking these preventative steps and regularly reassessing what risks need addressing is part of the ongoing journey in pursuit of creating responsible AI. Selinger explains that there isn’t a step-by-step approach for good governance. “AI ethics have core values and principles, but there’s endless disagreement about interpreting and applying them and creating meaningful accountability mechanisms, ” said Selinger. “Some people are rightly worried that AI can become integrated into ‘ethics washing’-weak checklists, flowery mission statements, and empty rhetoric that covers over abuses of power. Fortunately, I’ve had great conversations about this issue, including with some experts, on why it is important to consider a range of positions. ”

Some of Selinger’s recent research has focused on the back-end issues with developing AI, such as the human impact that comes with testing AI chatbots before they’re released to the public. Other issues focus on policy, such as what to do about the dangers posed by facial recognition and other automated surveillance(监视) approaches.

Selinger is making sure his students are informed about the ongoing industry conversations on AI ethics and responsible AI. “Students are going to be future tech leaders. Now is the time to help them think about what goals their companies should have and the costs of minimizing ethical concerns. Beyond social costs, downplaying ethics can negatively impact corporate culture and hiring, ” said Selinger. “To attract top talent, you need to consider whether your company matches their interests and hopes for the future. ”

【小题1】Selinger advocates an interdisciplinary approach because ________.
A.humanities experts possess skills essential for AI ethics
B.it demonstrates the power of anticipatory governance
C.AI ethics heavily depends on technological solutions
D.it can avoid social conflicts and pressing issues
【小题2】To promote responsible AI, Selinger believes we should ________.
A.adopt a systematic approachB.apply innovative technologies
C.anticipate ethical risks beforehandD.establish accountability mechanisms
【小题3】What can be inferred from the last two paragraphs?
A.More companies will use AI to attract top talent.
B.Understanding AI ethics will help students in the future.
C.Selinger favors companies that match his students’ values.
D.Selinger is likely to focus on back-end issues such as policy.
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If you’ve been on BookTok, an online community where readers recommend, review and theorize about their favorite books, authors and genres, you’ve probably heard of Rebecca Yarros’ Fourth Wing. On BookTok, the release of Fourth Wing came with hype (炒作) around a mix between romance and fantasy. The novel was published last May and its sequel (续集) followed just six months later.

But questions came: Are publishers and authors publishing books too quickly, and does this affect the quality of writing?

On the day of the sequel’s release, Yarros and her publisher, Red Tower Books, were met with much criticism about her misuse of a language’s grammar in the novel. Many argued that the mistakes could have been avoided if the publishers had hired someone to proofread (校对) the language.

So what does BookTok have to do with this? It was one of the reasons why within the first week of Fourth Wing being published, the book quickly shot up to the top of the New York Times Best Sellers list despite criticism.

With the rising readers, it isn’t uncommon for both publishers and authors to use that hype to their advantage. This was likely a reason why the series, originally including three books, was dragged into a five-book series.

This is kind of what fast fashion is all about. Fast fashion refers to the process of clothing manufacturing that moves from production/design to stores quickly to keep up with current trends. These pieces are often cheap and low-quality and sent to stores with the hope of selling out quickly. The same approach used in the publishing world, thanks to BookTok to some degree, could lead to decreasing book quality when writing and editing aren’t able to reach their maximum potential.

This isn’t to say that books like Fourth Wing are bad just because they’re hyped. But abandoning developed work for crowd-pleasers doesn’t do all readers justice. These worries about the quick turnover in the publishing industry aren’t directed towards independent authors who carefully write, edit and publish themselves, but rather towards those who overlook the importance of everything that goes into the writing process.

【小题1】Why does the author raise questions in the text?
A.To doubt readers’ judgment.B.To keep the text developing.
C.To highlight BookTok’s advantages.D.To provide background information.
【小题2】What was the situation of Fourth Wing after its release?
A.It enjoyed popularity.B.It faced little criticism.
C.It was publicly rejected.D.It didn’t sell well in stores.
【小题3】Which of the following shows the author’s opinion?
A.Book quality is vital in the publishing industry.
B.Books like Fourth Wing are not good ones.
C.Authors should avoid doing too many duties.
D.BookTok shouldn’t be to blame for fast fashion.
【小题4】What is the best title for the text?
A.BookTok Is Misleading Consumers in Reading.
B.Are Those Books Posted Online Worth Reading?
C.Fast Fashion Emerges in the Publishing Industry.
D.Can the Publishing Industry Adapt to Challenges?

You might have heard about identity theft: it’s what can happen when a thief gets enough of someone’s information to commit fraud (诈骗). Why should people care about it? Because recovering a stolen identity can be a time- consuming and expensive process. Imagine that someone pretends to be you: they use your name; they even convince businesses that they’re you and they open a credit card in your name, get a cell phone in your name, or buy things using a credit card that has your name on it.

ID thieves can be creative about getting your information. There are some low-tech ways they get it: sometimes they steal garbage, going through it to find personal information, or they steal mail.

There are high-tech ways, too: ID thieves might put software onto your computer without you knowing it — it can happen when you open an email attachment, click on a pop-up(弹出窗口)advertisement, or download some music files. Some software lets a thief see everything on your computer, and record everything you type on your computer.

Unfortunately, even if you’re really careful with your personal information, thieves can still get it. Sometimes, they hack(入侵)into computer systems at stores or schools, hospitals or businesses. They look for personal information to use or sell to other thieves.

It’s pretty easy for you and your family to make it harder for a thief to steal your identity. You can start with the low-tech defenses: being careful with your mail and garbage. Tear anything that has personal information on it before you throw it away. And be sure to take care with your purse, your wallet, or your backpack.

Practice some routine higher-tech defensive plays, too: protect your computer by installing (安装 ) and turning on an up-to-date firewall along with anti-spyware and anti-virus software. Once you are online, be careful you’re your personal information. Some sites might ask for a credit card number, stop and check if they really need that number. When you get email or pop-ups on your computer, don’t respond automatically. Emails that ask you to reply or click a link could be thieves trying to trick you into giving them your personal information. It’s a technique called “phishing”, because the thieves are fishing for your information. Stop and think before you click.

【小题1】The purpose of the first paragraph is to tell readers that ______.
A.people worry about identity theft
B.it is important to avoid identity theft
C.it is too difficult to recover a stolen identity
D.thieves manage to obtain personal information
【小题2】The underlined word “plays” in Paragraph 6 probably means   ______.
【小题3】Which of the following is an effective way of preventing identity theft?
A.Take the Social Security card with you.
B.Click on a link only after considering whether it’s safe.
C.Enter your credit card number on personal computers only.
D.Throw anything with your personal information in the garbage.

Deep in a forest of France’s Burgundy region, a group of enthusiasts have been building a castle with tools and methods from the late 13th century since 1995. Some of those working here are very skilled heritage people, and others are history lovers. But all of them share a deep respect for nature and a desire to return to simpler times.

The idea to build the castle was born in 1995 among three residents of the region. One of them, Maryline Martin, owns a nearby 17th-century house and is involved in work to restore different castles in the area.

“We thought that it would be amazing to imitate (模仿) how people did things in the past,” Martin tells public radio station France Culture. “We decided to use other ancient castles in this area as examples and get inspiration from descriptions in old books.”

On the construction site, the workers are all dressed in ancient clothing. The smell of fire is coming from a nearby blacksmith’s shop, where 20-year-old Matisse Lacroix is burning a piece of iron in a stove to make tools needed to build the castle.

“The temperature in the stove is around 1100℃, so the iron can be softened to make these nails,” Lacroix explains to a group of fourth-graders, who are watching him bending and shaping the iron into nails.

“Part of the project’s mission is to rediscover and pass along skills and knowledge from the past,” Martin tells reporters. “That learning aspect of the project is one reason why its construction is taking so long.”

Initially, the project was funded by European Union. Now it is financed through more than 300,000 visitors a year who pay between 12 and 15 euros each. The income is more than enough to cover the construction costs and payments for the 100 staff members.

As for the project’s future, Martin says it could take 10, 15, or even 20 more years to build. “But we’re OK with that. It’s not about finishing the project. It’s about the things we learn and discover while building,” he says. “I believe the way we’re working here is more sustainable. The future is low tech.”

【小题1】Which of the following best describes the castle-builders?
A.Famous historians.B.Enthusiastic conservationists.
C.Housing developers.D.Professional heritage researchers.
【小题2】What is the third paragraph mainly about?
A.Maryline Martin’s background.B.The project’s influence.
C.The inspirations for the project.D.The history of the castle.
【小题3】Why has it taken so long to build the castle?
A.The owners don’t have enough money.
B.The workers don’t have proper equipment.
C.The French authorities fail to provide timely support.
D.The participants want to explore the ancient building skills.
【小题4】What is Maryline Martin’s attitude to high-tech?
