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Anyone going to an amusement park might have seen the likes of me. I held purses, cellphones and sunglasses while my loved ones threw themselves on roller coasters. I admired their bravery, but refused to challenge my own limitations. Looking at them, I began to remember what I did on that pleasant spring morning twelve years ago.

To celebrate my husband’s sixty-fifth birthday, we’d driven an hour south to Skydive Miami in Homestead, Florida. Joe had finished hundreds of jumps when he once served in the army and he wanted a closer look at the newer wing style of a plane.

We headed for the skydiving (跳伞) office. My mind was racing. Joe had struggled to describe the feeling of flying but I’d never fully understand it. I told myself that I didn’t want to hear about it and that I wanted to see and feel it by myself. When he came closer to the sign-up window for an application, I squeezed his arm.

“Why not make it two?”

“You’re kidding,” he laughed. “You’d do that.”

“It’s an once-in-a-lifetime offer. I want to share this with you.”

Smiling in disbelief, he held up two fingers. We filled out paperwork. Joe paid extra for a video of my first jump. After putting on jumpsuits, we filed into the training room. Using a mock-up (模型) of a plane door, we learned to roll out, maintain a stable free-fall position, and lift our feet at landing. In the tiny, windowless classroom, everything seemed easy. I repeated the steps with my instructor, Pete. Joe smiled with pride at his remarkably confident wife.

When our flight was called, we boarded the small plane where we sat cross-legged in pairs on the floor, with instructors directly behind their students. Pete fixed his harness (背带) to mine as the plane roared down the runway. Through the clear, roll-up door, I watched the treetops fall away. My stomach lurched (突然跳动) as two realities hit me: This was actually happening, and I’d made a terrible mistake. My mouth was dry as the Sahara. I thought I couldn’t do this. I saw Joe chatting with his instructor.

注意:1. 所续写短文的词数应为 150 词左右;
2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好。
Then, Joe and his instructor jumped out of the plane and my heart was in my throat.
But I told myself not to give up.
知识点:生活故事 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

One day many years ago, 60-year-old Gladys Hankerson picked up the phone to give her sister, who lives in Maryland, a call. But she accidentally called the wrong number, dialing a 401 area code instead of 410. Mike Moffitt, in his 20s, was the one who received Gladys’ call. He politely let the sweet lady from Florida know she’d called the wrong number. “I’m so sorry, child!” she exclaimed and quickly hung up.

But then, sometime later, Gladys misdialed Mike again. It happened several times more, with Gladys apologizing each time for calling the wrong number. Mike didn’t mind a bit. And he eventually stopped Gladys from hanging up to ask who she was and where she lived.

It turned out that Gladys’ 30-year-old son had just died. And she was also going through a divorce. And though she’d called the wrong number, the kindness from this absolute stranger was just what she needed. The time this young man took out of his day to chat with Gladys meant the world to the woman. And she eventually told Mike about the struggles she was facing in her personal life. After that, this sweet woman was calling specifically to chat with her new friend. It wasn’t just Gladys who felt the special connection. Mike enjoyed the chats, too.

For Gladys, Mike was no longer a wrong number. Instead, she began intentionally dialing him every couple of weeks to check in on him. And these two people who started out as absolute strangers, separated by age and many miles, grew to become friends.

“When I’m talking to him, I can feel the love,” Gladys explained. And for Mike, the wrong number put another motherly figure in his life. He pointed out Gladys would sometimes call when Rhode Island got snow. “She would watch my weather, almost like my mom does,” Mike said.


For over 20 years, the two had only ever spoken on the phone.


So a week later, Mike turned up unexpectedly at Gladys’ house.


Everyone likes the beautiful Cinderella, but I like the ugly stepsister. The sidewalk was filled with shoppers as my mother and I hurried to the department store. I raised my neck for a look at the holiday window display, but at the age of six I was too small to see around the grown-ups with their winter coats and packages. When at last we reached the store, I stood with my eyes widened. “Look, Mother,” I shouted, pressing my hands against the glass, “Cinderella.” Before my eyes was the most beautiful doll I had ever seen! She wore a fairy princess suit made of shining red silk. I knew if I lifted her skirt I would find her crystal(水晶) shoes. The tiny tiara (冠状头饰) fastened to her silky golden hair shone.

“If only she were mine,” I dreamed. “We’d have tea parties, share secrets and dance with a handsome prince.” But to my disappointment, my mother guided me away from the window, explaining that she and my father could not afford such an expensive doll. “But there will be a very special gift under the tree for you on Christmas morning, Madge,” she said. “I promise.” Later that week I leaned against Mother’s sewing machine, watching the needle flash up and down. “Bet you don’t know what this is!” she joked, holding up the cloth for me to see. “My Christmas doll!” I yelled. It was still in the early stages but I could make out the head, neck and body. “So much to my surprise!” Mother laughed as I danced around the room, already pretending Cinderella and I were at the ball. It wouldn’t be long now.

My excitement grew with each passing day. Mother continued to work on the doll, and whenever I walked into the room she would hide it under a pillow. I could tell by her smile she was pleased with her progress. On Christmas morning I jumped out of bed, ran down the hall and quickly arrived at the living room where the Christmas tree was placed.

There, underneath the tree, was a beautifully packed gift box.   
But I could see Mother watching me, waiting for my response.

Anna’s fear of beetles dated back to her childhood. These little bugs were always her nightmare. So when Ms. Castle assigned topics for the school science fair, the least thing Anna wanted was the beetles. But the paper placed on her desk read — Science topic: Beetle; Partner: Tali Perkins. Anna couldn’t believe her bad luck. Actually, Anna felt great pressure when she was with Tali, the smartest girl in class.

According to Ms. Castle, there were mainly two tasks — to create a display and to talk about the subject in front of others at the fair. The next day, Tali ran up to Anna and showered her with all sorts of information about beetles and even suggested that they catch live beetles in the park for display. Anna’s mouth dropped open at this idea, but Tali walked away before she could say anything.

After an inner battle, Anna felt her feeling also counted, so she sent Tali an email and clearly explained her fear of beetles, hoping dead specimens (标本) would be used for the display.

Surprisingly, Tali replied to the email instantly. She apologized for not realizing Anna’s panic earlier and shared her fear of speaking in public. “We both have our own fears. But I do think a live beetle can win us extra points. So why don’t we help each other, like real partners?” It never occurred to Anna that someone as excellent as Tali could also have fears. Considering there was no better choice, Anna came to accept Tali’s offer.

The following days, Tali prepared Anna with dozens of colorful pictures of beetles to help her get used to them, while Anna helped Tali get over her fear by practising their presentation together. Although the thought of catching live beetles still seemed scary, Anna finally decided to give it a try and joined Tali to the park.

1. 续写两段文字;
2. 词数150左右;
3. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Armed with a flashlight one night, they found a big fallen tree in the park.
Then came the day for Tali and Anna to present their research at the fair.
