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“Do you mind if I join you?” I asked the two women seated at the table. As a new employee, I felt awkward about approaching them, but there were no other seats in the dining hall. Then I introduced myself and sat down. The two women nodded to me and continued chatting.

While eating my lunch, suddenly I was shocked by one of the women’s words. She said, “My family has decided to give up our dog and let her live on her own. She just can’t fit into our family. And no one wants her.”

Coming from a family whose home could be a petting zoo, I was shocked to think that people could be so heartless. Feeling concerned about the dog, I asked my new co-worker a few questions about the dog. She shared that the dog’s name was Lady. She had trained as a guide dog for the blind, but she failed her final test because she wanted too many hugs after completing her tasks.

I asked the woman to give me some time to contact my mom as we would consider adopting her. Since my mom had a kind heart, I knew she would agree and that Lady would have a home with us. After work, I drove to pick up Lady. An old woman greeted me at the door, leading me to the kitchen. There sat this beautiful but very thin dog, lying in the corner and licking (舔) her right paw. “She did that to herself,” the woman said as she pointed to the injured paw. She continued, “That dog is hopeless!” The woman then took a broom and forced Lady to stand with the broom. There were no goodbyes from this family, just a sense of relief because Lady was no longer their problem.

I sat on the sidewalk with her and introduced myself. For me, it was love at first sight. She had a beautiful face, but the saddest eyes. “Lady,” I said. “I’m taking you to your new home. And I promise you that my family will always love you. Please give us a chance.” I helped Lady get into my car, and our new journey began.

Paragraph 1:

As I pulled into our driveway, my mom was waiting with open arms and delicious dog treats.

Paragraph 2:

One day, my mom did something magic which made Lady start to open her heart.

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As an only child Nicole Renae often felt lonely in her childhood. But that all changed when she turned 10. For her birthday that year Nicole’s grandmother surprised her with a lovely gray puppy named Chloe.

From the very start, the two were inseparable. The dog became Nicole’s best friend. Every bit of love Nicole gave, the little dog would return it ten times. She was such a sweet dog. Every time Nicole got home from the school she would lick her face forever.

Sadly, though, Nicole and Chloe’s time together was cut short. When Nicole was 14, her father got a new job working from home. That meant the house needed to be free of any noise, but Chloe was too young and would sometimes bark loudly. She didn’t want to get rid of her dog, but she was just a kid and didn’t have any choice in the matter.

The family decided to surrender Chloe to a humane society (保护动物协会). Before taken away, Chloe was microchipped (植入芯片), with her birth date and other essential information recorded. Saying goodbye was by no means easy Nicole felt so sick and sad about it and thought she’d never see or hear from her ever again. In time Nicole grew up got married, and had a child of her own — but one thing was still missing.

Remembering the joy that having a dog had brought her as a kid, Nicole wanted her daughter to experience the same. She’d initially thought of adopting a puppy — until she ran across a post on Facebook about a senior dog needing a new home. The dog in the photograph looked a lot like Chloe-she was even named Chloe. She thought that might be a coincidence, but it was then that Nicole decided to adopt the dog — not realizing yet, of course, that two already knew each other.


Upon meeting her “new” dog, Nicole was struck with a strange feeling.


But she realized there was a way to prove to her family that it was Chloe


Sadie, a 100-pound German Shepherd, was very anxious and especially uneasy around humans. Due to her anxiety issues, she had been turned down by three shelters. She eventually was taken in by the Ramapo-Bergen Animal Refuge in New Jersey, which is a shelter where dogs go when other shelters could not rehouse them. The dogs who end up in this shelter can sometimes spend the rest of their days without a family to love. Thankfully, there was one person out there who was willing to give Sadie a home.

The first time Sadie saw Brian Myers, she just immediately jumped on him kissed his face and knocked his glasses and mask off. Myers just thought he loved this dog. He wanted to give this dog a chance, and believed they could work through her issues. So he adopted her without a second thought.

He thought he was rescuing her. Little did he know he was saving his savior(救星).

When Myers took Sadie home, she put her paws on his shoulders to lick his face, thanking him for giving her a chance. She would go with Myers wherever he went, tracking all his movements. The two developed a loving and respectful bond. Sadie slept on Myers’ bed at night—politely. They succeeded in working through all her anxiety issues.

One night Myers woke up to use the bathroom and when he got up, he felt his legs give out from underneath him and he fell to the floor. He had no feeling on his left side and couldn’t stand up in the crawl space between his bed and the wall. Myers knew he was in trouble.

It was really frightening—he couldn’t get up and didn’t realize at that moment that he’d had a stroke. His cellphone was on the dresser about 15 feet away, but there was no way he could get it. He laid there on the floor wondering, “How long will I be stuck here before someone finds me?”


Meanwhile, Sadie sensed that something bad was happening.


Thanks to Sadie, Myers was rushed to hospital.


Cats are a mysterious kind of animal-there is more passing in their minds than we know of. I can’t agree more with this because of my recent experience.

It was the Sunday before Labor Day, and I was tired after spending the day at a picnic in a relative’s garden. I looked out of the window before climbing onto bed. Stars filled the night sky, and crickets(蟋蟀) gently sang in the darkness. All seemed right with the world.

My big, old black-and-white cat, Oreo, lay on the foot of my bed where he slept every night, keeping my feet warm. I climbed onto bed and immediately fell into a deep sleep.

I had just fallen asleep when Oreo woke me up by walking over my stomach. I looked at the bedside clock: 3:10 am. I had no idea why Oreo was troubling me. He’d never done that before unless I overslept in the morning, but that usually happened at 8:00 am, not in the middle of the night.

I pushed Oreo off me, rolled over and pulled the blanket (毯子) over my head. But Oreo didn’t stop. He stepped on my head and began to make noises loudly.

“Oreo,”I said. “Go back to sleep.”

But Oreo wouldn’t stop. He kept walking on my stomach and legs, continuing to trouble me. Suddenly, there was a crash of thunder (雷), and I sat up on the bed and looked out of the window. Lightning filled the sky. Strong winds blew through the window. Rain started to come down hard, making it almost impossible to see the trees in the yard. Soon the wind was picking up and the branches of the trees were moving violently(强烈地).A terrible storm had started.

Seeing the sight, I was struck with horror. Thinking that it was not safe to stay in the house, I climbed out of bed, put on my clothes, and held Oreo in my arms.


We headed for the basement (地下室).


I discovered that my house had been damaged (损)by a fallen tree.

