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For thousands of years, humans have used names to communicate with one another. We also give names to animals, especially ones we love, such as pets. Until now there has been little evidence of animals naming one another, but a new study suggests that elephants use specific noises to identify other elephants.

A few animals, including parrots and dolphins, have been known to use sounds that are similar to names. Each dolphin invents a signature whistle that is unique to it, and other members of its species communicate with it by simulating this special call. The new study, led by Michael Pardo of Colorado State University, shows that wild African elephants use names in a way that is not just copying sounds and is much closer to the way humans use names.   

For the study, the researchers recorded 625 sounds made by wild African elephants in Kenya that they called "rumbles (隆隆声)”. This is the most common type of call produced by elephants, and it can travel long distances-as far as 3. 7 miles. It takes place at a very low frequency, which means humans can't hear it.

The researchers analyzed the sounds using computers and found that certain rumbles were directed at specific elephants to get their attention They found that all the elephants in the herd used the identical call to get a particular elephant's attention -these calls were not just nicknames used by one of the elephant's friends. Also. unlike the way dolphins communicate. the rumbles were not just imitations of the elephant they were trying to communicate with.

The researchers then played back some of the recorded rumbles to the elephants. They found that elephants responded more to their own name than to other calls. coming toward it more quickly or calling back faster. Cartlin O'Connell-Rodwell, an elephant expert, said, "The study shows that elephants can still keep in touch with one another even across a large area. "She told Live Science, "The rumbles ere magical, which allow them to spread out much further and still have very close tabs(密切关注) on individuals. "

【小题1】What does the underlined word "simulating" in paragraph 2 probably mean?
【小题2】How do wild elephants spot other elephants?
A.By making certain rumbles heard by people.
B.By using specific languages like people’s.
C.By making specific noises with a high frequency
D.By using names in a way closer to people’s.
【小题3】What can we learn from Michael Pardo's research?
A.It records 625 sounds from several species.
B.It is subjective in the analysis of sounds.
C.It is carried out with the help of computers.
D.It shows dolphins' calls travel long distances.
【小题4】Which of the following does O'Connell-Rodwell agree with?
A.Elephants communicate with noses across a large area.
B.Rumbles are important in elephants’ communication
C.Elephants may be last on the way to their habitats
D.Rumbles enable elephants to stand nr play closer.
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Owls(猫头鹰) are some of the world’s greatest hunters. From head to feet, owls’ bodies are built to hunt. Scientists are studying all the things that make owls such great hunters.

Most owls hunt at night. The birds have excellent hearing, which helps them find their next meal in the dark.

Owls have one ear that is larger and set higher than the other. When an owl hears a sound, it listens closely. Is the sound louder in its right ear or left ear? Does the upper or lower ear detect the sound first? The information helps the owl find the location of its prey(猎物) without even seeing it.

Owls don’t depend just on their hearing to hunt. After a sound draws an owl’s attention, it zeroes in with sight.

Many birds have eyes on either side of their heads. But an owl’s eyes face forward, like a person’s. Images from each eye combine to form a 3-D picture, similar to how we see. That helps owls better judge a prey’s size, distance, and speed.

An owl’s eyes are so large that they can gather lets of light. That helps the owl see better when hunting at night. An owl’s eyes are also fixed in their sockets(眼窝). It can’t roll them like we can. Instead, an owl keeps prey in its sight by turning its head.

Owls can move their heads nearly upside down and turn them 270 degrees around. Their necks have 14 vertebrae(椎骨). That’s twice as many neck bones as a person has.

Detecting prey is only the first step for owls. Next they must catch their meals. An owl can fly inches over your head and you can’t hear anything. The secret to owls’ silent flight is their feathers. Fine “hairs” cover the surface of an owl’s wing feathers. And the feathers’ edges have soft barbs(羽支). Together, they make the sound of air rushing over the owl’s wings quieter and less clear.

【小题1】While hunting at night, how do owls first get a prey’s information?
A.By smelling the prey.B.By feeling the air move.
C.By seeing the shape.D.By hearing the sound.
【小题2】What can be learned about an owl’s eyes according to the text?
A.They can function like a person’s.B.They are small but sharp.
C.They can tell how fast a prey is moving.D.They are on either side of its head.
【小题3】What can make up for the shortcoming of an owl’s fixed eyes?
A.Its flexible neck.B.Its body size.C.Its strong legs.D.Its large head.
【小题4】What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
A.The advantages of owls’ hearing.B.How owls find their prey.
C.The secret of owls’ high-speed flight.D.Why owls can fly noiselessly.

Bees are essential for the pollination (授粉) of flowers, fruits and vegetables. Sadly, over the past 15 years, the global population of the hardworking insects has been dropping worldwide at alarming rates due to loss of food and habitat. Now, Dutch cities are coming up with creative ideas to help stem the population decrease of these important insects.

In Amsterdam, bees can live for free in specially built “hotels”-tall wooden structures-across the city. They provide perfect homes for members of the over 200 known species of solitary (独居的) bees. As the name indicates, the insects spend their lives alone. Though unable to produce honey, solitary bees are excellent pollinators and perform an essential role in many ecosystems.

Additionally, city officials are also educating people on the use of harmful chemicals and are providing prize money to encourage developers to build green roofs and populate them with local plants. In 2015, they set a goal to change some plants in public green spaces to native plants. Geert, one of the eight ecologists working for the city, says, “Our idea is when we design a park, we use native species but also the species that give a lot of flowering and fruit for bees.” Many people, with help from the government, are replacing the sidewalks outside their homes with small gardens featuring flowers.

In Utrecht, bus stop roofs are gradually being turned into beautiful, living gardens designed to draw varieties of bee species’ attention. The green roofs, which naturally collect both rainwater and dust, are also beneficial for the environment.

These cities’ collective efforts seem to be working. A recent study found that the variety of bee species there has increased by an astonishing 45 percent since 2000.

【小题1】What does the underlined word “stem” in Paragraph 1 probably mean?
【小题2】What’s special about the bees in Amsterdam?
A.They are good at producing honey.
B.They’re not social insects.
C.They like to nest together in woods.
D.They’re scared of other species of bees.
【小题3】What are bus stop green roofs in Utrecht mainly meant to do?
A.Clear dust away.
B.Plant flowers for enjoyment.
C.Collect rainwater for future use.
D.Attract bees to them.
【小题4】What’s the text mainly about?
A.Dutch cities’ attempts to restore bee population.
B.Importance of bees in ecosystems.
C.Dutch cities’ ideas to protect important insects.
D.Varieties of bee species in Dutch cities.

Begus is a linguist at the University of California, Berkeley. He got the chance, last summer, to observe sperm whales in their wild Caribbean habitat. With him were marine (海洋的) biologists and roboticists. There were also cryptographers and experts in other fields. All have been working together to listen to sperm whales and figure out what they might be saying. They call this Project CETI. Project CETI’s team is not the only group turning to AI for help decoding animal talk. Researchers have trained AI models to sort through the sounds of prairie dogs, dolphins, naked mole rats and many other creatures.

Long before AI came into the picture, scientists and others have worked toward understanding animal communication. Some learned that vervet monkeys have different calls when warning of leopards, eagles or pythons. Others discovered that elephants communicate in rumbles too low for human ears to hear. Bats chatter in squeaks too high for our hearing. Still other groups have explored how bees communicate through dance.

“It took us a long time to measure all these things,” says researcher Karen Bakker. AI, she notes, has the potential to greatly speed up this type of research. Perhaps one day we’ll be able to use AI to build a futuristic chat box that translates animal sounds into human language, or vice versa (反之亦然).

“Al could eventually get us to the point where we understand animals,” says Bakker. What’s interesting to her is what we can learn from how bats and other creatures talk among each other. We should listen to animals for better protection, she argues. For example, a system set up to record whales or elephants can also track their locations. This can help us avoid whales with our boats or prevent elephants from illegal hunters.

【小题1】What is Project CETI aimed at?
A.Applying AI to animal research.
B.Improving the living conditions of sperm whales.
C.Preventing all marine life from extinction.
D.Analysing talks of sperm whales.
【小题2】How is the second paragraph developed?
A.By listing figures.B.By giving examples.
C.By making comparisons.D.By analyzing causes.
【小题3】What is NOT true according to Karen Bakker?
A.Animal researches used to be time-consuming.
B.Animals may one day understand human language.
C.We can already well figure out animal talk with AI.
D.We apply AI to eventually assist us protect animals.
【小题4】What is the best title for the text?
A.AI: A Potential Threat to Human Future
B.AI: A Technology Beneficial to the Earth
C.AI: A Tool to Understand and Protect Animals
D.AI: A Field of Fierce Major-country Competition
