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Amphibians (两栖动物) act as an important indicator species for healthy environments and are a vital part of the food chain, making up the diet of many other species. However, amphibian species are disappearing at an alarming rate across the globe due to habitat loss, pollution, and disease. Become a citizen scientist with FrogWatch USA, and help save our frogs!

Training instruction:

FrogWatch training covers the importance of amphibians in the environment. The instruction focuses on how to:

1. monitor our local frog population to protect the species;

2. determine factors in choosing a site to monitor frogs;

3. recognize frog species by their calls;

4. report findings to FrogWatch USA.

After passing a test on identifying frog calls at the end of the training, certified volunteers then commit themselves to monitoring a local amphibian habitat (such as a pond or lake) approximately once a week for about 15 minutes, and submitting data to FrogWatch USA. Data will be added to the national FrogWatch USA database. In 2020, Rhode Island FrogWatch citizen scientists followed 80 sites almost 900 times! In those almost 900 observations, FrogWatchers heard more than 1,220 frog choruses.

Please note: FrogWatch training will cover a large amount of information and agreements. While watching frogs is a great after-dark family activity for all ages, the training is designed for interested older children and adults.

Date: Saturday, June 4, 1:00 p.m. — 3:00 p.m.

Price: $10 per household (including up to 2 adults and 2 children over the age of 8)

Questions: Contact programs@rwpzoo.org or call (401)785-3510 ext. 358.

【小题1】How can you tell frog species apart according to the text?
A.By their colors.B.By their shapes.
C.By their voices.D.By their sizes.
【小题2】What will volunteers do at FrogWatch USA?
A.Collect data about frogs.B.Set up a database for frogs.
C.Take a test on frog knowledge.D.Guard frog habitats once a week.
【小题3】What should be noted for the FrogWatch training?
A.Frogs need to be watched by a family.
B.It is dangerous to watch frogs at night.
C.People have to take notes of frog information.
D.Preschool children aren’t suitable for the training.
知识点:动物应用文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

In September 2019, a man named Anuchit was riding his motorcycle down a highway in Thailand. He spotted a sad-looking dog sitting on the side of the mud. The poor dog seemed to be waiting for someone.

Later that day, Anuchit rode by that exact same spot and found the same dog still sitting there. After stopping his bike to see if the dog was OK, Anuchit happened to meet a local person named Saowaluck, who told him the animal's backstory. Saowaluck kept finding the dog at that same corner in 2016. She brought him to the vet, named him Leo and adopted him. But days later, Leo disappeared. Sanwaluck found him at the same corner along the highway and returned every day to give him food and water. She loved him, but he wasn't ready to accept her as his new owner.

After the motorcyclist shared Leo's story on the Internet, the dog's former owner came forward. An elderly woman named Noi said Leo jumped out of her pickup truck back in 2015. She and her husband looked everywhere but couldn't find him. When Noi arrived at the corner to reunite with Leo in 2019, he ran over to her and was greeted with rubs and pets — but he refused to go home with her!

Saowaluck begged Noi to keep the dog herself because she had become so attached to him and had already tried to adopt him once before. Leo has reportedly been with Saowaluck ever since — no longer sad, and no longer waiting.

【小题1】Why did the dog look so sad?
A.He lost touch with his owners.B.No one gave him food to eat.
C.He missed the truck to his home.D.He disliked being sent to the vet.
【小题2】What do we know about Saowaluck?
A.She lost her dog while travelling.B.She adopted the dog finally.
C.She sold the dog to Anuchit.D.She shared the dog's story online.
【小题3】How did the dog feel when he met Noi?
【小题4】What is the text aimed at?
A.Advising people to raise dogs properly.
B.Telling readers how to take care of dogs.
C.Showing us dogs are royal and grateful.
D.Encouraging people to adopt deserted dogs.

If you sit at a beach and stare at the stars, you can see the sky suddenly light up and then the water turn a beautiful, electric blue. What you are seeing is a natural phenomenon known as bioluminescence(生物发光). Bioluminescence is a process by which sea creatures give out light from their bodies. Trying to catch sight of this phenomenon has in fact become a tourist attraction in places like New Zealand.

Bioluminescence is shown by many organisms, such as specific kinds of fish, squid, jellyfish, as well as fireflies. The light is caused by a chemical reaction involving a molecule(分子) called luciferin that reacts with oxygen to produce light from within an animal's body.

Animals can choose the amount and the color of the light depending on whether they are running away from predators(捕食者), attracting a possible mate, or hunting. The colors are typically a bright blue or green--- this is because colors that have shorter wavelengths such as blue and green travel easily through the water.

In the waters off the coast of New Zealand, plankton(浮游生物) produces neon-blue when it senses the presence of smaller fish that eat it. Its light causes the waves to shine, the water to flash, and the fish to swim away as they swim through the ocean.

It is important to research before visiting as bioluminescence is not guaranteed. The animals have a built-in sense of time that allows them to only shine in darkness. Also, wet weather increases the chance of bioluminescence taking place, as the water from the cloud provides nutrients that help stimulate the algae(藻类植物).

On the other hand, too much wind can cause the organisms to sink and swim away in different directions. During the day, red tides and little pockets of algae are indicators that there might be a bioluminescent show later.

Bioluminescent waves are truly one of the most unique and beautiful sights to see. They remind us of the many foreign creatures that live on our planet and our responsibility to protect them for future generations.

【小题1】How will people feel when seeing bioluminescence in New Zealand?
【小题2】What do we know about bioluminescence?
A.Plankton produces neon-blue when it searches for food.
B.The colors with longer wavelengths move faster in the ocean.
C.Luciferin can produce oxygen to start chemical reactions.
D.Animals produce different colors of light in different situations.
【小题3】When can visitors have a better chance of seeing bioluminescence?
A.On a rainy night.B.On a rainy morning.
C.On a windy night.D.On a windy morning.
【小题4】What is the purpose of the text?
A.To explain a natural phenomenon.B.To introduce creatures in New Zealand.
C.To call on us to protect sea creatures.D.To warn people of the environmental pollution.

You may have heard of the Tasmanian tiger — but you most certainly have never seen one. Along with many other species over the past hundred years, this creature became extinct because of humans. Now, scientists in Australia and the US are trying to bring it back to life.

Bringing species back from the dead is known as de extinction. Though it sounds like something from a science fiction movie, new technologies have made de-extinction a very real possibility. To “bring back” an extinct species, scientists take stem cells from a closely related living animal and edit the genes. Then, the cells grow into a new animal. This new animal is not an exact copy of the extinct one, but it’s very close. In theory, scientists could create entire populations of animals and set them free in the wild.

If successful, the de-extinction project in Australia could have a favorable impact on the environment. Tasmanian tigers could help bring balance to Australia’s remaining forests by hunting and killing animals that are harming the trees. Indeed, something similar happened when wolves were reintroduced to Yellowstone Park in 1995, with deer and plant populations rebalanced as a result.

De-extinction is not a perfect solution, however. For one thing, it won’t change the human behaviors that cause animals to become extinct in the first place. If we continue polluting and destroying the environment, animals will continue to die out. The only way we can truly protect them is by changing our habits. Bringing extinct species back to life won’t magically make us respect nature more.

Also, the money that we spend on de-extinction would probably be better spent on other conservation projects. Or, as those against de-extinction would put it, it’s better to spend money on the living rather than the dead. The reason for this is that, compared to other efforts, de-extinction is extremely expensive. In fact, for the cost of bringing one extinct species back to life, traditional conservation efforts could save up to eight threatened ones.

The power of science is amazing, but it might be time for us to stop and decide whether de-extinction is something we really want to achieve. With the technology we currently have, the question is no longer “can we?” but “should we?”

【小题1】Why does the writer mention “wolves introduced to Yellowstone Park”?
A.To test the effect of de-extinction.B.To discuss the importance of de extinction.
C.To illustrate the possible effect of de-extinction.D.To present a successful example of de-extinction.
【小题2】What can we learn about de-extinction in the passage?
A.It demands large expenses.B.It helps adjust human behaviours.
C.It threatens the current ecosystem.D.It restores the balance between humans and nature.
【小题3】What is the author’s view on de-extinction?
