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Most people, if you quizzed them, probably wouldn’t know how much of all global trade is done by sea. It’s one of several reasons that the pollution and carbon emissions from shipping gain much less attention than those from road transport and other industries. It’s over the horizon, out of sight and out of mind.

Today, the international shipping industry is the main mode of transport for around 90 per cent of world trade. It’s powered almost entirely by fossil fuels. Studies show that alternative technologies and zero-emission fuels — including electrofuels such as hydrogen, ammonia and methanol — have the potential to significantly reduce the industry’s carbon footprint and thus require urgent implementation (实施). There’s just one catch: they don’t exist yet.

Even if the technology were available, the infrastructure (基础设施) for that technology or fuel is going to take time to develop. And an even bigger challenge is going to be whether that methanol or ammonia fuel is green, which touches on other industries such as renewable electricity. Do we even have enough renewable electricity in the world to be able to generate these fuels? It’s a complex supply chain that requires cooperation across the industry. It’s not something that one company can solve by itself.

According to Piotr Konopka, senior manager for energy and decarbonisation (碳减排) programs at DP World, there are some simple behavioral changes that can help cut down on fuel used in the meantime, from the regular maintenance and reduced idling of port equipment to the implementation of weather routing that helps ships avoid rougher, more fuel-intensive stretches of water. “Of course, efficiency is unlikely to ever reduce emissions by more than five or ten per cent, but it’s definitely a low-hanging fruit,” he says.

“This is the last moment for the IMO to act decisively to eliminate shipping emissions” says Delaine McCullough, shipping emissions policy manager at environmental NGO Ocean Conservancy. “We need countries to demand that the IMO set strong emission-reduction goals and take action at home if the IMO fails to do the right thing.”

【小题1】What makes people neglect shipping emissions?
C.Low intelligence.
D.Lack of knowledge.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “catch” mean in Para 2?
【小题3】Which is thought to be an easier and more practical way to reduce emissions?
A.Alternative fuels.B.Efficient use of fuel.
C.Renewable electricity.D.Advanced technologies.
【小题4】Which best describes the structure of the passage?
知识点:环境保护说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Fishers remove more than 77 billion kilograms of wildlife from the sea each year. Scientists fear that continuing to fish at this rate may soon result in a collapse of the world’s fisheries.

Consider the example of the bluefin tuna (蓝鳍金枪鱼), which is known for its delicious meat. High demand for this fish has threatened its population, Today, there are only around one-quarter as many bluefin tuna as there were in 1970.

Since about that time, commercial fishers have caught bluefin tuna using purse seining and longlining. Purse seine fishing uses a net to bring fish together and then trap them by pulling the net’s drawstring. Longlining is a type of fishing in which a very long line of up to 100 kilometers is set and dragged behind a boat. These lines have thousands of baited hooks (诱饵) attached to smaller lines stretching downward.

For fishers, catching so many at once is very profitable. However, over time this type of fishing leaves few fish of a particular species left in the ocean. If a fish population becomes too small, it cannot easily replenish itself, or grow back to or close to its original size.

There are ways to fish sustainably. In many traditional cultures, people have fished sustainably for thousands of years. In the Philippines, for example, the Tagbanua people have traditionally used fishing practices that maintain fish populations. They continue to do so today. They set aside certain areas as protected spots in which fishing is forbidden, When they do fish, these traditional fishers primarily use hook-and-line methods.

Another way to prevent overfishing is to simply stop eating fish and other seafood. Dr. Sylvia Earle, a famous and well-respected marine (海洋的) scientist, has taken that step. She suggests people need to take a break from eating seafood until we learn to maintain healthy fish populations.

“I personally have stop ped eating seafood,” Earle says. “I know that every fish counts at this point.” Fish, she says, are critical to maintaining the health of ocean systems, which in turn “make the planet work.”

【小题1】What is the advantage of purse seining and longlining?
A.They can catch a large number of fish at one time.
B.They trap target species easily.
C.They can be used in rivers and seas.
D.They require very few fishers.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “replenish” in paragraph 4 mean?
A.Fill up again.B.Enjoy very muchC.Show up soon.D.Change as before.
【小题3】Why does the author mention the Tagbanua people?
A.To recommend their lifestyles.B.To introduce their traditional cultures.
C.To reveal efficient fishing methods.D.To explain eco-friendly fishing practices.
【小题4】What is Earle’s attitude towards eating seafood?

It has now been one year since The Ocean Cleanup made history by cleaning up the first of the plastic from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch(垃圾带). And now, its researchers are turning the waste into designer sunglasses. Not only are the stylish glasses made from the plastic collected, but the earnings go toward helping support the nonprofit so they can continue cleaning up the ocean.

The new glasses are the first product to be created from the recovered ocean waste, but The Ocean Cleanup website says it will not be the last. Back in October 2019,after years of research, The Ocean Cleanup project announced that their System 001/B had successfully collected plastic waste from the garbage patch. The system uses the natural forces of the ocean to gather plastic in the garbage patch, a process that was first brought up by Boyan Slat back in October 2012.

Together with famous designer Yves Behar, and Safilo, The Ocean Cleanup worked to create sunglasses that could produce a feeling or memory of the ocean, reminding people where they came from and what they are protecting. The frames(框架)of the new sunglasses are made from the recovered ocean pollution. Because the joining points have also been specially designed, they can very quickly be taken apart for recycling.

Although the sunglasses cost $199 a pair, all of the money earned from them will be used to fund the nonprofit' s operations. For every pair sold, the organization will be able to clean 24 football-fields-worth of ocean garbage. And since the glasses went on sale earlier last week, supporters have already funded more than 133 , 100 football fields of garbage.

“When every pair is bought up from the first batch(批)of sunglasses, we can then clean 500,000 football fields worth of plastic,” says the website. “That means we can use this garbage to clean more garbage: going full circle, over and over, until we have achieved our purpose of clean oceans.

【小题1】What was The Ocean Cleanup's System 001/B used to do?
A.Collect information of the ocean.B.Monitor the garbage patch.
C.Gather plastic waste.D.Sort ocean waste.
【小题2】Which of the following is a characteristic of the new sunglasses?
A.They are green in color.B.They can be easily recycled.
C.They can help find ocean pollution.D.They have more joining points than others.
【小题3】What does the author imply in paragraph 4?
A.The price of the sunglasses should be lower.
B.The money will be used to build football fields.
C.The Ocean Cleanup is in need of financial support.
D.Buying the sunglasses can help reduce ocean waste.
【小题4】Which section of a website is the text most probably taken from?

Ocean water can be used to cool buildings. This idea could help cities reduce their carbon footprint and slow climate change. Although plentiful, ocean water is too salty to drink. But it could serve as an important and still largely untapped resource which was known to few people for many coastal cities. The idea came to Zi Zhang shortly after she moved from Michigan to Hong Kong a few years ago to get a PhD in engineering.

In 2013, Hong Kong built a system that used seawater to cool part of the city. The system pumps cold seawater into a plant with heat exchangers. The seawater absorbs heat to chill (冷却) pipes full of circulating water. That chilled water then flows into buildings to cool their rooms. This type of system tends to use far less energy than typical air conditioners. Zhang wondered: How much water and energy had this way saved Hong Kong? And why weren’t other coastal cities doing this? Zhang and her team set out for answers. The group focused on Hong Kong and two other big coastal cities: Jeddah and Miami. The idea was to see what it might look like if all three adopted city-wide saltwater systems. The cities’ climates were quite different. But all three were densely populated, which should minimize some costs.

All three places would save lots of freshwater, the researchers found. Miami could save 16 percent of the freshwater it uses each year. Hong Kong, with more non-drinking-water needs, was saving up to 28 percent. Estimated energy savings ranged from just 3 percent in Jeddah to 11 percent in Miami. These savings came from the more efficient saltwater air conditioning. Also, the cities would need less energy to treat salty wastewater than they have been using to treat sewage now.

Though costly to build, saltwater-cooling systems could pay off in the long run for many cities. And because these systems use so much less electricity, they’re greener and emit (排放) less carbon-rich greenhouse gases. Scientists refer to this as a type of decarbonization (脱碳).

【小题1】What does the underlined word “untapped” in paragraph 1 mean?
【小题2】What is paragraph 2 mainly about?
A.The functions of seawater.B.The energy use in buildings.
C.The purpose of Zi Zhang’s research.D.Hong Kong’s seawater use system.
【小题3】What is the aim of using numbers in paragraph 3?
A.To prove Zi Zhang’s idea.B.To attract readers’ attention.
C.To show the writer’s caution.D.To explain Zi Zhang’s theory.
【小题4】What is the author’s attitude towards the research?
