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Just like everyone, I have experienced ups and downs in my life. I am an aerospace engineer from India. I was told by my relatives, close friends and others that it was hard for a non-IT student to pursue a master’s degree in IT and graduate from a US university.

I had never taken courses related to computers or programming. I was never interested in being a programmer, but things changed. I became so captivated by the convenience IT has brought to our life that I made up my mind to chase a master’s degree in IT.

At first, I came across too many difficulties and setbacks. Coming from a middle-class family, the huge cost per credit was a big issue. My English accent was terrible. Most importantly, the course seemed impossible at first. Although I felt so discouraged and frustrated, I never thought of giving up.

Then I decided to choose my university because it promised its students to help them learn practically. During my first month, it was difficult to understand the Americans’ accent and finish my assignments. But I never gave in. I walked two miles to the university every day so that I could use my travel money to buy a meal. I started looking for jobs and I got an offer to work as a student assistant, which meant lifting benches and chairs every day.

I took all these challenges as my chances, and I believed that hard work was my strength. Right now I am graduating with a GPA of 3.96/4 and a job offer from a multinational company that has asked me to start right after graduation.

When you have a dream to realize, there is nothing that can stop you. All you need is the diligence and persistence. Hard work always pays off. Having a determined will is also necessary.

【小题1】Why did the author’s family and friends say that it was hard for him to pursue a master’s degree in IT? (no more than 8 words)
【小题2】What does the underlined part “captivated by” in paragraph 2 mean? (2 words)
【小题3】What is the main idea of paragraph 3? (no more than 10 words)
【小题4】What made the author graduate with a higher GPA and a good job offer? (no more than 15 words)
【小题5】What do you learn from the author’s story? (no more than 25 words)
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Truly happy and successful people get that way by becoming the best, most genuine version of themselves they can be. Not on the outside — on the inside. It’s not about a brand, a reputation, a persona (外表形象) . 【小题1】 Who you really are!

Sounds simple, I know. It is a simple concept. 【小题2】 If you want to do great work, it can take a lifetime to figure it out. And it’s going to take a lot of hard work to do it. You are going to have to break out of your comfort zone and take some chances that will scare you.

【小题3】 But you know, I can’t think of a better way to spend your life. I mean, what’s life for if not finding yourself and trying to become the best, most genuine version of you that you can be?

That’s what Steve Jobs meant when he said this at a Stanford University graduation speech: Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. 【小题4】 You have to trust in something your gut (直觉) , destiny, life, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.

Not only that, but what Jobs talking about, what I’m talking about, requires focus and discipline, two things that are very hard to come by these days. Why? 【小题5】 It’s so much easier to give in to distraction and instant pleasure. It’s easy and addictive.

A.It’s about reality.
B.If you haven’t found it, keep looking.
C.Because focus and discipline are hard.
D.Nothing worth doing in life is ever easy.
E.But the problem is, it’s very hard to make it.
F.The only way to do great work is to love what you do.
G.Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice.

Climbing, I once thought, was a very manly activity, but as I found my way into this activity, I came to see that something quite different happened on the rock.

I started climbing when I was an undergraduate in Liverpool. I didn’t come from a climbing family, but I reveled in outdoor activities. I often swam in rivers and pools, walked around in fields and went out for Sunday walks in the hills and woods. Moving to Liverpool was quite a contrast. Suddenly, I was in a busy city environment, surrounded by streetwise kids. It was fun, but I felt out of place.

Therefore, I joined the university mountaineering club. I began climbing inside an old church in Liverpool and instantly fell in love with the sport. Indoor climbing was safe, warm and fun. It made me sociable. I loved placing my body on the wall and following the lines of hold-ups towards the ceiling. I soon got the hang of climbing. When the climbs went well, everything flowed in a delightful dance.

With those same mountaineering friends, I began rock climbing. But climbing on real rock did not bring me the same instant rush of pleasure. Fumbling (笨拙地摸找 ) for routes and following more experienced male leaders, I struggled with moves and was frequently told off for using my knees on crags (峭壁) — apparently that was bad form. I fell off and hung on the rope, shouting for help from my partner who would do his best to help me by shouting out directions down from the top of the crag.

But climbing has taught me to better deal with risk, understanding my own vulnerability while also developing strengths I never had before. I have gained an insight into the movements between people and stone. Working with gravity, geology and rhythms of weather, I gain a unique relationship with the earth. This connection lies at the heart of my passion for rock climbing.

【小题1】What does the underlined phrase “reveled in” in Paragraph 2 mean?
A.Kept off.B.Was fond of.C.Checked out.D.Was particular about.
【小题2】Why did the author join the university mountaineering club?
A.To escape the city life.B.To learn more tricks.
C.To expand her social circle.D.To make use of her outdoor equipment.
【小题3】What can we say about the author’s rock climbing experience at first?
A.It was a pleasant learning process.B.It involved great challenges and risk.
C.It brought her a sense of achievement.D.It was as complicated as indoor climbing.

Out in the woods stood a nice little Fir Tree. It was the sun shining on him and the fresh air surrounding him that made him gorgeous. In summer, children often came and sat down near him and said, “What a nice little fir!” In winter, when the snow lay glittering on the ground, a hare hopped over the little tree. But he never felt any pleasure. What the little Fir wanted so much was to grow into a big tree as his neighbors.

“Oh! Were I but such a high tree as the others are,” thought he. “Then I should be able to spread out my branches, and with the tops to look into the wide world!”

When Christmas came, quite young trees with the finest looking were cut down. And so was the Fir Tree. He found himself, in the middle of the living-room, stuck upright in a bucket that was filled with sand and decorated with the most splendid things-apples, colorful lights and at the very top a large golden star, which made him incomparably beautiful.

“What a splendor!” thought the Fir Tree, believing he would take root here and forever stand covered with decorations!

However, the splendor never came back again. After the Christmas, the servant dragged him out of the room, and up the stairs into the loft in a dark corner, where no daylight could enter.

“If it only were not so dark here, and so terribly lonely. Not even a hare!” he sighed. “They surely stored me here for the next Christmas.”

One day, the tree was pulled out and a man drew him towards the stairs, where the daylight shone. Feeling the fresh air and the first sunbeam, now he was out in the courtyard. Seeing all the beauty of the flowers and the freshness in the garden, he firmly believed he would be replanted there.

“Now a merry life will begin again,” thought the tree, spreading out his branches only to find they were all withered and yellow!When seeing the gardener getting close with an axe (斧头), he recalled his first youth in the wood and sighed so deeply! Each sigh was like a shot.

【小题1】What can we know about the Fir Tree?
A.He was willing to be a small tree.
B.He was satisfied to be a Christmas tree.
C.He was mad at the hare jumping over him.
D.He was eager to be the tallest tree in the woods.
【小题2】Which word can best describe the Fir’s feeling when pulled out into the courtyard?
【小题3】What can be inferred about the Fir’s fate?
A.He would be treated as firewood.
B.He would be replanted in the garden.
C.He would be taken back to the forest.
D.He would be stored for the next Christmas.
【小题4】What can we conclude from this story?
A.If you’re failing to plan, then you’re planning to fail.
B.Live for today because tomorrow is not promised.
C.Life is not about falling down but getting back up.
D.If you dream and believe it, then you can achieve it.
