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How to Be Funny?

Humor can help you connect with other people and make unpleasant situations a little more bearable. 【小题1】 But it’s not that hard once you tap into your inner sense of humor. Even if you don’t think you’re naturally funny, there are things you can do to make yourself and other people laugh.

Learn from funny people. You can expand your reach a good deal by listening to other funny people. Whether they’re professional comedians, your parents, your kids, or your boss, learning from the funny people in your life is a key step towards being a funny person. 【小题2】 Look for what you admire most in these people.

Broaden your factual knowledge for joke material. 【小题3】 They may be your amazing knowledge of 17th-century poetry, your familiarity with fishing trips that went wrong, etc. Whatever the material is, it needs to resonate(引起共鸣)with your audience.

【小题4】 Being funny doesn’t come in a one-size-fits-all package. What makes you funny is unique to you and the way you observe the world. Trust that you do have a funny bone; as babies, we laugh from four months of age, and all children express humor naturally from the kindergarten age, using humor to entertain themselves and others. It’s already in you. You just need to bring it out!

Read, read, read. Get your hands on everything that is funny, and consume it like your mom told you not to. Chemists become chemists by reading and practicing chemistry. Sports writers become sports writers by reading and writing about sports. 【小题5】

A.Strike while the iron is hot.
B.Trust in your inner sense of humor.
C.Observe the funnier things these people say or do.
D.Being funny might seem to take a great deal of work.
E.It’s much easier to find funny moments in familiar material.
F.You’ll become a humorous person by reading and practicing jokes.
G.The better you know someone, the easier it will be to make them laugh.
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Wisdom is a good necessary quality to have. Let’s discuss how you can gain wisdom in life!

• Try experiencing new opportunities

Variety is the spice of life but experiencing new opportunities is to gain wisdom. 【小题1】 which is why you need to get out of it. This is the only way you will gain wisdom and become better. You can try learning new skills that you never thought of learning.


We need to be receptive to different views, this will open up new pathways for us. Always develop a sense of curiosity, and observe the world from different angles, it will always help you out.

   Meet new people

Limiting yourself to only one type of people that share the same thinking as you can be comforting. 【小题3】. You need to meet and experience new people and learn what they have to offer. Cultivate new friendships, and this will be extremely beneficial for your future.

   Call upon the wisdom of others

The best way to grow and do better in life is to have wise people as your mentors. They can be teachers, family members, and even special friends. The more time you spend with them, the more transfer of knowledge there will be. 【小题4】.

• Learn and grow from your mistakes

All of us make mistakes in life, but it is the acknowledgement of mistakes that makes us grow and do better next. Whenever we make a mistake, we should learn from it. Stop blaming other people for your mistakes and admit where you went wrong. Do remember: 【小题5】.

A.Never back away from Learning
B.These will pave the path to success
C.Open yourself to diverse perspectives
D.You will never grow in your comfort zone
E.Your best teacher will be your last mistake
F.However, it doesn’t get you anywhere in life
G.So soak in their knowledge as much as you can

Going Solo to a wedding? Make Yourself Welcome.

Taylor was nervous when walking into the wedding of her friend Gabrielle. She’s not alone. Attending a wedding by yourself can bring anxiety, especially for people who are single and feeling lonely. 【小题1】 .Communicating with other people often makes us happier than we think it will. So, what do you do when you don’t know anybody at a wedding? Here are some suggestions.

Dress to Impress

Wearing something that will make you feel comfortable and confident is key. 【小题2】 .She said that it felt nice walking into that wedding knowing she felt really good within herself.

A Smooth Arrival

The first thing to do when you enter an event space is find the bathroom. Take a look in the mirror and get situated. Then, go to the bar and grab a glass of water or a drink. 【小题3】 After that, find a place to sit down. If there are no assigned seats, find an empty chair and ask the people who are there: “Are you expecting somebody? Do you mind if I sit here?” And if there are seating arrangements, it’s likely that the wedding couple seated you with people they felt you would get along with.


【小题4】. By introducing yourself straightaway, you can at least speak to the person next to you. Wedding-related topics, including how you know the couple, are natural conversation starters.

After dinner and some chitchat, there’s no harm in leaving if you don’t feel like you want to stay any longer on your own. 【小题5】 .

A.But the effort and the presence are what count.
B.People are more willing to talk to you if you do that.
C.If a conversation doesn’t go as expected, don’t get discouraged
D.You may want to make an excuse and stay home, but don’t do that.
E.Talking to people who are also waiting at the bar is a great way to start.
F.Introduce yourself to everyone at the table, whether there is arranged seating or not.
G.For her friend’s wedding, Taylor wore a floral dress and was feeling herself that day.

How to Start a Garden in 2024?

Gardening is a powerful outlet for creativity, enabling you to surround yourself with beauty. It can provide homegrown food for your family, keep you in touch with nature and is also an invaluable form of exercise. In short, gardening is beneficial to both body and soul. 【小题1】.

It all starts with good soil.

Whatever you’re growing, fertile soil is the key. 【小题2】. It promotes root development, supplying nutrients for plant growth.

Grow vegetables that keep on giving.

【小题3】, choose ones you can harvest more than once. Lettuce and basil are quick and easy to grow. They’ll replace their leaves every time you cut them. Vegetables like these mean continuous harvests, which is huge for keeping spirits high.


Some plants will grow tall and some will grow closer to the ground. Tall plants will shade shorter plants and prevent them getting needed sunshine. Also, give little seedlings plenty of room to stretch and grow. If they grow too close together, don’t be afraid to thin seedlings.

Save money with seeds and cuttings.

Buying all of your plants from the garden center is expensive. 【小题5】. Reach out to friends and family who garden and ask them to share spare seeds with you. Also check to see if they have any plants you can take cuttings from. It takes longer than buying young plants, but it is definitely more satisfying and you will learn so much.

A.If you need some help
B.Size up your growing space
C.If you’re a newcomer
D.Here are some essential tips for beginners in gardening
E.Choose a container size appropriate for what you are growing
F.Investing in rich soil initially create s a suitable environment
G.However, you can grow a huge range of plants from seeds or cuttings
