选词填空-短文选词填空 适中0.65 引用1 组卷25

Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

A. pursuits        B. interests        C. comparable   D. innovation     E. schedule

F. options        G. realization       H. routes        I. subjects        J. recipes       K. motivated

Creativity Is a Human Quality That Exists in Us

When you think about creativity, it might be highly creative people like Mozart, da Vinci or Einstein who spring to mind. They were all considered to be “ geniuses” for their somewhat in their fields. Their type of creativity is unique talents that led to global 【小题1】 what’s known as “Big C creativity” ( or historical) and is not very common in everyday life. Not all of us can create works of art or music or scientific theories that are new to the world.But while we can’t all be Mozart, da Vinci or Einstein, many people do enjoy creative activity--through hobbies such as water colour painting or playing the piano. And these types of are often what people think of when asked what being creative looks like. 【小题2】 are often wheat people think of when asked what being creative looks like. Our finished pieces may not be 【小题3】 with the likes of the great master, but often the process is therapeutic and the end result can be aesthetically pleasing.

On top of hobbies and 【小题4】, we all posses creative attributes that can help as we solve life’s problems and make decisions. It is this type of creativity that enables us to plan different 【小题5】 to get to the same destination, or how to fit in a trip to the supermarket when our 【小题6】 looks full.

It might not sound very creative, but this aspect of creativity relies on our ability I consider 【小题7】 and assess their suitability, as well as how to make decisions based on personal prior experience or what we have learnt formally or informally. These examples are known as “ Small C creativity” or “personal everyday creativity”.

While Big C creativity is valued and celebrated, it is often Small C creativity that has allowed humans to flourish over thousands of years. It sets us apart from other animals and it is also the type of creativity which can be fostered through our education system and beyond into the workplace. Traditionally, research tells us that creativity has been largely associated with the arts. Our previous research has shown that teachers are often able to give examples of creative activity in arts 【小题8】,but find it harder to do so when asked to describe creativity in subjects such as science.

But there is a growing 【小题9】 that opportunities to be creative are found across a broader range of subjects. For instance, engineering provides opportunities to be creative through problem solving, and history gives the opportunity to think creatively about why events happened,and what 【小题10】 those involved.

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Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. association B. contribution C. effectively D. evolutionarily E. grasp
F. immature G. joyous H. logged I. selected J. skilled K. treat

Puppies Understand You Even at a Young Age

We like to think our puppies can follow what we're telling them. Well, to some degree they can, even when they're 【小题1】. We have known for a long time that adult dogs are especially 【小题2】 in understanding cooperative communication from humans. They can spontaneously follow a human pointing gesture. They're even better at it than apes, which are much more closely related to us,【小题3】 speaking.

But is it a skill dogs pick up simply by spending time with people? Or is it a trait that was 【小题4】 for when dogs first became domesticated?

To find out, Bray and her colleagues 【小题5】 time with 375 puppies that were going to be trained to be service dogs. By working with pups that had spent most of their young lives with their owners, Bray could figure out whether dogs had to learn to 【小题6】 human communications -or if it's something they were born with.

The pups participated in tests designed to assess dogs1 social smarts. In one experiment, a researcher would hide food under one of two cups - and then call to the puppy and point toward the cup that held the 【小题7】. They found puppies were able to use this social signal 【小题8】 to choose the correct location.

In another experiment, a researcher would talk to a puppy. “Hi pup. Are you a good puppy? Yes, you are! What a good puppy! ”This goes on for about 30 seconds. During this interaction, the researcher would record how much time the pup spent gazing at her with 【小题9】 sight.

They found that puppies would respond to human social gaze and could successfully use information given by a human in social context from a very young age. “It seems likely that puppies really are starting the (ask with the communicative ability necessary to be successful rather than just quickly learning a(n)【小题10】 over the course of the task.” Bray added. All these findings suggest that dogs are biologically prepared for communication with humans.
