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When you picture doing a science project, you might imagine looking through a microscope or building a model volcano. But science projects can be done anywhere. Many teens get inspired from playing musical instruments to doing gymnastics. All it takes to transform your favorite activities into a science project is identifying a problem you want to solve.

Elizabeth, 14, who is in seventh grade at Davis Drive Middle School in Cary, N. C, designed a program. Her method is based on the golden ratio (比例). This ratio is often used to create pleasing parts in artworks. The ratio also appears in nature. Elizabeth’s data storage strategy helps computers write data evenly (均匀地) across memory devices. This could help such devices last longer.

“As long as I can remember, I’ve been an artistic person,” Elizabeth says, “In fourth grade, my art teacher taught us about the golden ratio. And at that point it was just, you know, something to use when we were painting.” But last year, Elizabeth had to replace the memory in her own computer, thinking the golden ratio might work in information storage, too. Elizabeth tested her golden-ratio technique by running programs on a computer.

But before this project, Elizabeth had no coding experience. To prepare, she spent months reading a textbook on how to code. She says, “It wasn’t like an ‘ah-ha’ moment. Writing programs is such a boring process. But it was just exciting to explore and see the computer actually just doing stuff that I told it to do after those hours.”

“Don’t limit yourself,” Elizabeth adds, “One of the biggest challenges you face is changing your mindset. I never thought that science or computer science would be my kind of thing, but after learning a bit about programming, I found that it was actually a new way to express myself. Words, painting, now programming.”

【小题1】What can we learn about science projects according to this passage?
A.They can come from different hobbies.B.They will inspire teens to find solutions.
C.They need skills in building models.D.They may involve great imagination.
【小题2】What is Elizabeth’s programming used for?
A.Strengthening memories.B.Storing information.
C.Creating fine works.D.Protecting nature.
【小题3】What can we infer from the fourth paragraph?
A.Imagination is the source of creation.B.Laugh it off when facing difficulties.
C.Well begun is half done.D.Every effort will pay off.
【小题4】What is Elizabeth doing with her words in the last paragraph?
A.Expressing doubts.B.Making promises.
C.Offering advice.D.Giving response.
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School had just started in August when Conner began throwing up for no reason. It wasn’t long before the boy also began suffering terrible headaches. In February a 1.7-inch tumor was found in his brain and Conner was set to begin to receive radiation (放射疗法) treatments. Before treatments start, technicians make a white plastic mask (面罩) to keep patients immoveable and protect unaffected parts of the brain while radiation is directed at the tumor.

It’s an unpleasant experience and a frightening time. The doctor Cook decided that the masks could at least be made to look like something fun—maybe Batman or Mickey Mouse. “I started thinking these masks are white and not fun at all for kids,” she told The Greenville News. “I felt like if we could make them a little more fun for them, they might be a little more excited about coming in for the treatment. Because the kids are afraid. While the treatment itself isn’t physically painful, it can cause a lot of anxiety (焦虑). And the treatment is required daily for up to six weeks.”

And the masks really make a difference. “The kids really like them,” Cook said. “It makes what is, let’s face it, a terrible experience, a nice experience because they get to choose something themselves.”

When new children come in for the treatment, Cook finds out what their favorite movies or cartoon characters are. Then she sets about creating the mask by drawing the image she wants onto paper, sticking it with glue, and once it’s dry, she applies the colors using paints. Each child can take the mask home once the treatment ends.

“Coming to the doctor always means fear and pain. I wanted to make it fun,” she said. “The kids really love it. It’s something they enjoy and can relate to. And it fills an interest I have. I get great pleasure from it.”

【小题1】Why is the plastic mask used according to paragraph 1?
A.To protect the brain.B.To speed the treatment.
C.To reduce the headache.D.To help with a health check.
【小题2】What can we know about the radiation treatment?
A.It can be received at home.B.It will cause huge physical pain.
C.It may make the patients feel worried.D.It needs to be completed in a month.
【小题3】What does Cook do to help the children being treated?
A.Show them their favorite movies.
B.Offer them some free masks as gifts.
C.Dress them up as cartoon characters.
D.Make the masks more interesting to kids.
【小题4】What does the author want to show by telling this story?
A.Love can treat the terrible sickness.B.Kindness can bring warmth and joy.
C.Health matters to everyone.D.Creativity leads to success.

For those concerned about wrinkly old skin, it might be a creative solution: an elastic(有弹性的) “second skin” that can be smoothed on to make aged tissue look more youthful.

The wearable film, developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), has shown promise in a series of small experiments where it was applied to wrinkles, under-eye bags and areas of dry skin. When applied to the face or body, the thin, transparent layer sticks to the skin and supports the tissue, making it look and behave like younger skin, its producers claim.

“What we’ve been able to do is create a cream that you can put on the skin, and then when it's on the skin it can actually form, essentially, an elastic second skin,” said Bob Langer, who led the research. Tests in the lab found that the polymer film (高分子膜), which is only 70 thousandths of a millimeter thick, reduced the appearance of wrinkles and under-eye bags, and helped keep moisture (水分) in areas of dry skin.

The layer is designed to be applied in the morning, then peeled off at night, In previous studies, the second skin withstood normal daily wear, and the stresses and strains of exercise and swimming, without falling off or causing irritation. It also survived exposure to rain.

“It's something you can wear for a whole day or longer, depending on the physical forces that get applied to the area where it is worn, "said Daniel Anderson, who helped develop the product at MIT. “You can't tell you're wearing it.”

While normal cosmetics can mask imperfections on the skin, the new coating changes the way skin behaves by giving it the elasticity of young skin. It was developed with help from two companies.

【小题1】According to the text, the “second skin” ________.
A.was developed by two companies
B.has not been tested by scientists
C.is developed to remove under-eye bags
D.is a transparent covering for the skin
【小题2】Compared with normal cosmetics, the new product ________.
A.can make the skin appear younger
B.can fully mask imperfections on the skin
C.doesn't cause any problems in the skin
D.must be used in a more complicated way
【小题3】What can we learn from the Daniel’s words?
A.You can recognize if people wear the “second skin.”
B.The “second skin” should be peeled off at night.
C.How long people can wear the layer varies.
D.The product can provide skin with a lot of water.
【小题4】What is the main idea of the text?
A.MIT has made a breakthrough in cosmetics.
B.The “second skin” helps renew one’s youth.
C.Masks will soon become a thing of the past.
D.How the “second skin” is used to improve skin.

Have you ever imagined that your simple T-shirt could cool you down by up to 5℃ on these hot summer days? Thanks to a recent discovery, the possibility is getting closer. While there are many alternatives that manage to keep the body warm, this amazing invention aims to offer real relief for those who are eager to feel comfortable and fresh in the outdoors on extremely hot days.

Its inventors, engineers Ma Yaoguang of Zhejiang University and Tao Guangming of Huazhong University of Science and Technology in China, took a completely innovative approach. They designed a special textile that can absorb body heat and re-emit its energy into space as mid-infrared radiation (MIR). This textile cools both the objects and their surroundings through a technique that is known as radiative cooling. Science reveals. This means that even when it looks like you are wearing a regular shirt, you are actually wearing a device that works like a mirror.

Research conducted at Stanford University in 2017 had already managed to cool the wearer by 3℃, but this previous trial was limited. So researchers still need to test the new approach to determine how effectively the new fabric cools while the wearers are standing or walking, and not directly facing the sky, like in their trials. They also need to examine and measure how well it works when T-shirts are not in close contact with the skin.

Inventors Yaoguang and Guangming are now looking out for textile manufacturers and clothing brands that are interested in using their fabric. They estimate that the new material will increase clothing manufacturing costs by just 10 percent. “We can make it with mass production, which means everybody can get a T-shirt and the cost is basically the same as their old stuff,” Yaoguang said.

So if you are an athlete or simply someone that has to deal with the extremely high temperatures, be patient because your days of feeling hot and bothered may be coming to an end!

【小题1】What is the purpose of the new invention?
A.To warm up people’s body.B.To cool people off in hot weather.
C.To detect the wearers’ temperature.D.To protect clothes from becoming wet.
【小题2】How does the special product work?
A.By turning sunlight into energy.B.By sending out absorbed heat.
C.By keeping heat out completely.D.By using light colors to reflect sunlight.
【小题3】What is the main idea of paragraph 3?
A.The invention needs further testing.B.The previous studies lack evidence.
C.The new fabric has a good cooling effect.D.The new fabric applies to various situations.
【小题4】Which of the following statements can best describe the invention of the T-shirt?
A.barking up the wrong treeB.robbing Peter to pay Paul
C.achieve two things at one strokeD.putting the cart before the horse
