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Grizzly bears, which may grow to about 2.5 m long and weigh over 400 kg, occupy a conflicted corner of the American psyche — we revere (敬畏) them even as they give us frightening dreams. Ask the tourists from around the world that flood into Yellowstone National Park what they most hope to see, and their answer is often the same: a grizzly bear.

“Grizzly bears are re-occupying large areas of their former range,” says bear biologist Chris Servheen. As grizzly bears expand their range into places where they haven’t been seen in a century or more, they’re increasingly being sighted by humans.

The western half of the US was full of grizzlies when Europeans came, with a rough number of 50,000 or more living alongside Native Americans. By the early 1970s, after centuries of cruel and continuous hunting by settlers, 600 to 800 grizzlies remained on a mere 2 percent of their former range in the Northern Rockies. In 1975, grizzlies were listed under the Endangered Species Act.

Today, there are about 2,000 or more grizzly bears in the US. Their recovery has been so successful that the US Fish and Wildlife Service has twice attempted to delist grizzlies, which would loosen legal protections and allow them to be hunted. Both efforts were overturned due to lawsuits from conservation groups. For now, grizzlies remain listed.

Obviously, if precautions (预防) aren’t taken, grizzlies can become troublesome, sometimes killing farm animals or walking through yards in search of food. If people remove food and attractants from their yards and campsites, grizzlies will typically pass by without trouble. Putting electric fencing around chicken houses and other farm animal quarters is also highly effective at getting grizzlies away. “Our hope is to have a clean, attractant-free place where bears can pass through without learning bad habits,” says James Jonkel, longtime biologist who manages bears in and around Missoula.

【小题1】What has helped the increase of the grizzly population?
A.The European settlers’ behavior.
B.The expansion of bears’ range.
C.The protection by law since 1975.
D.The support of Native Americans.
【小题2】What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.Food should be provided for grizzlies.
B.People can live in harmony with grizzlies.
C.A special path should be built for grizzlies.
D.Technology can be introduced to protect grizzlies.
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Christmas dinner at Bruce Sweetser and Denali Delmar’s house will come in part from their backyard garden. And this retired couple will add another locally grown delicious food to their menu.

“We started harvesting road­killed deer last year,” Bruce explained. His fridge is filled with meat harvested from deer killed in car accidents. Bruce and his wife think it is a right road toward a greener life. Their idea might best be described as locavorism (本土膳食主义). And they believe that eating local food is healthier and better for the environment.

About two years ago, the couple ran across a car accident. The only victim was a deer. And then they found an interesting list by chance.

In Massachusetts, many deer always rush to the motorway and often cause the accidents. So some Massachusetts police departments keep lists of people interested in harvesting meat if a deer isn’t damaged too much after a run­in with a car. There are eight people on the Westford Police Department’s official list. In addition, animal control officials also call people to harvest the meat.

But Massachusetts law requires that the driver of the car get first right to the deer. If the driver or passengers don’t want to get the deer, then police can give the animal to people living in Massachusetts. In other words, they can go to the list.

Bruce and his wife weren’t on the Westford list, when they came across that first deer in 2009. But now, they are, and they have harvested three deer as a result, putting the extra meat in the fridge for regular dinners and special occasions like Christmas.

【小题1】For Christmas dinner, the couple will cook ________.
A.deer bought from the market
B.deer got from their neighbor
C.deer killed in car accidents
D.deer hunted by themselves
【小题2】Why does the couple have such a diet?
A.To save money.
B.To seek a greener life.
C.To enjoy a special food.
D.To show their kindness.
【小题3】When did the Sweetsers find the interesting list?
A.After they happened upon a car accident 2 years ago.
B.After they were asked to harvest the deer by chance.
C.After they heard about the road­killed deer.
D.After they failed to save the injured deer.
【小题4】“An interesting list” mentioned in Paragraph 3 records ________.
A.the food prepared for the Christmas Day
B.the steps how to cook the delicious food
C.the punishment for the drivers who drive too fast
D.the names of people who can harvest the deer meat

A blow-fly (绿头苍蝇) was looking for an ideal place to lay eggs, like rotting meat, so that when her little maggots (蛆) were born, they could feed on the meat.

As she turned a corner in the grassland, she smelt something stinking in the air. The smell of rotten meat! With great joy she perched on it and laid her eggs. She was happy that her children would have enough food to eat.

The blow-fly did not know she had made a great mistake. What she had sat upon was not meat but a flower, which stinks. It is called a carrion flower (牛尾草). So, when the blow-fly’s eggs hatched and the little maggots came out, they had nothing to eat. They died of starvation.

The carrion flower is one of the many flowers which give out dirty smells to attract flies. The Rafflesia stinks like rotting meat, while the tropical Lords and Ladies flower gives out a smell like rotting fish.

They do it for a special reason. Unlike mating birds, these plants cannot move from their place. But it is important for the male cell of one plant to get in touch with the female cell of another plant. Once that is done , the seed of the plant will bloom and give birth to another plant.

The plant uses its stink to attract flies. As soon as the blow-fly sits on the flower, it is captured by the flower with strong hair. When the hair falls, the fly is free to fly, but it takes some pollen (花粉) with it. And goes and sits on another plant. The male cell of one plant meets the female cell of the other. The seed gets new life.

【小题1】What does the underlined word “stinking” in paragraph 2 refer to?
A.Moving around.
B.Shaking in the wind.
C.Being in full bloom.
D.Giving out bad smell.
【小题2】What happens to the maggots after a blow-fly lays its eggs on a carrion flower?
A.They feed on the flower.
B.They die of hunger.
C.They become blow-flies again.
D.They become food of the flower.
【小题3】Why does the carrion flower attract flies?
A.To get food for itself.
B.To kill the flies.
C.To get their maggots.
D.To let the flies help with its reproduction.
【小题4】What can be inferred from the text?
A.The blow-fly only lays eggs on a carrion flower.
B.The carrion-flower and the blow-fly benefit each other.
C.The blow-fly falls victim to the carrion flower in the end.
D.The blow-fly helps the carrion flower in an important way.

How long could you stand on Antarctic ice before your bare feet froze solid? A minute. Maybe two? If you’re an emperor penguin, you can do it for two months in cruel winds at as low as-75 degrees Fahrenheit【小题1】, but their special circulation acts as a kind of antifreeze to keep them warm enough.

Penguin legs and feet have evolved to lose as little heat as possible. Penguin feet preserve heat by restricting blood flow in really cold weather, keeping foot temperature just above freezing【小题2】

Blood vessels to and from the feet are very narrow and woven closely together, cooling the blood from the body on the way to the feet and heating the blood as it returns to the body.【小题3】 .

This special ability is part of how penguins keep their eggs warm until they hatch. Each penguin egg’s father balances it on his feet and covers it with his very warm layer of feathered skin to keep it cozy while females are out feeding at sea.【小题4】. If females haven’t returned with food by time the chicks hatch, male penguins feed their babies for a few days on a kind of "milk" made from special cells inside their throats.

【小题5】Your hands get whiter during freezing weather because there 's less blood in them which has been redirected to the central part of your body to make sure vital organs stay warm.

A.Penguin legs work like a heat exchange system
B.Those naked bird feet may look extremely cold
C.Therefore, the male penguins must stay together in groups
D.However, parenting doesn't stop there for these devoted fathers
E.Emperor penguins also have the ability to 'recycle’ their own body heat
F.Feet get cool blood so there’s less heat to lose, while the body stays warm and comfortable
G.In fact. humans have the ability to restrict blood flow to their hands and feet in cold weather too
