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A new app will soon help more than 50,000 Israeli students learn English through popular music.

“There is so much research out there that shows how music can help students learn,” says Michael Peled, founder and CEO of Singit.“Getting kids to interact (互动) with words in real life through music is a very useful learning tool, and we are finding that it also works for dyslexic (朗读困难的) and special education students.”

Students can listen on their phones or computers to music from a sea of songs and follow along with the lyrics a on the screen. When they see a word that they don’t recognize, they can click (点击) the word. With the help of AI and Machine Learning technology, Singit offers other songs with the words they didn’t know. After hearing the song, students are given a test that tests them for the words they clicked on. Meanwhile, teachers can send students customized grammar tests.

“We work with a company called LyricFind that provides more than five million songs. Most schools won’t want to have many types of songs due to educational considerations, but that will still leave more than 100,000 songs they can hear,” Peled says.

“The first version (版本) of the app we built in 2017 was bad, but by 2019, we had a new version, and we tested it throughout 2020,” Peled says. Pilot tests show that the app increased students’ interaction with the English language by 62%.“ Singit was recently recognized by the Ministry of Education. Many schools, including ten special education schools, have already chosen the app,” Peled adds.“ By the end of the year, we will have about 53,000 users around the countr.” Peled has big plans for Singit.“ We are going to introduce Singit to Asia, Brazil, and other places where they teach English as a second language.”

【小题1】What is the main purpose of Singit?
A.To carry out customized music tests.
B.To offer free online music lessons for students.
C.To introduce students to popular Israeli songs.
D.To help students learn English through music.
【小题2】What does paragraph 3 mainly tell us about Singit?
A.Its future development.B.Why it is important?
C.How it works.D.It’s wide popularity.
【小题3】How does LyricFind work with Singit?
A.By selecting pilot schools in Israel.B.By providing a huge library of songs.
C.By developing AI learning technology.D.By translating Israeli lyrics into English.
【小题4】How did Singit turn out?
A.It met with great success.B.It was well received in Brazil.
C.It was a good try but poorly supported.D.It raised doubts for dyslexic students.
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Online services that use computers to interview job seekers were increasingly used by companies during the COVID-19 crisis. But the technology raises questions about whether a machine can correctly or fairly judge a person’s personality and reactions in front of a camera.

Dana Anthony is one job seeker who has experienced such interviews. One was for a part-time job at Target last year. The day after the interview, she got an email informing her that she was not chosen.

Anthony said she did not know why she was removed from consideration so quickly. She had no sense of how the interview had gone. She said this is because she received no human feedback during the process.

Her rejection email from Target stated: “We’re unable to provide specific feedback regarding your application.” Anthony was rejected for another job in December after completing another online interview.

One interview system is run by a business called HireVue, one of the leading companies in the field. In the past, the Utah-based HireVue used artificial intelligence(AI)methods to judge a job-seeker’s personality and job skills. It did this by observing the expressions on a person’s face during the interview.

But after facing intense criticism about the scientific effectiveness of its claims and the possibility of unfairness, HireVue announced earlier this year that it would stop using that method. However, the company’s AI-based system still considers speech and word choices when rating a candidate’s personality and skills.

HireVue helped create a market for “on-demand” video interviews. Companies using the services include stores Target and Ikea, technology companies like Amazon, and banks like JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs. Companies in the oil and travel industries, and even school systems, have used them.

HireVue chief Kevin Parker said its systems, which turn speech into text to make verdicts on job skills, can perform better than human interviewers.

【小题1】What did Anthony’s two job applications have in common?
A.She was satisfied with them.
B.She failed to get the jobs.
C.She was angry with them.
D.She was treated rudely.
【小题2】How did HireVue judge an interviewee in the past?
A.By listening to voice tone.
B.By analyzing applicants’ answers.
C.By checking personal experiences.
D.By watching face changes.
【小题3】What can we infer about HireVue’s new services in paragraph 7?
A.They are questioned.
B.They are under experiment.
C.They are popular with companies.
D.They are very popular with job seekers.
【小题4】What does the underlined word “verdicts” in the last paragraph probably mean?

Tim Berners-Lee. If you don’t know his name, you’ve surely used his famous invention—the World Wide Web, a system we use to search for information on the Internet.

On Oct. 29, the Internet officially turned 50 years old. “This birthday must mark the moment we take on the fight for the Web we want.”

Speaking at the University of California, he pointed out three problems today: Web-criminal behavior, ad-based clickbait websites, and offensive online communication. These problems led Berners-Lee to create the Web Foundation and a contract for the Web. Both aimed to protect Internet users.

In the contract, he mentioned the need for companies to make sure that everyone had access to the Web, and called for a reduction in offensive material and more personal data privacy. The latter is a hot topic right now. Big companies, like Facebook, have misused users’ personal information by sharing it with advertisers.

Despite all of these bad sides, we shouldn’t forget about all the benefits the Internet brings.

In this digital age, the Internet connects the world through social media, and cashless payment has become an instant source of information. It can also make a positive difference through activities that push for positive change, education or aid.

One such campaign is Movember. The movement, held every November, encourages men to grow moustaches for the whole month, post pictures online, and donate. The charity promotes physical health, mental health, and suicide prevention for men.

Not to mention, the Internet is also a source of fun. From funny kitten videos on Weibo to your very own Tik Tok videos, the Internet allows you to share what you create.

As to the Web Foundation, Berners-Lee said, “The Web has become a public square, a library, a doctor’s office, a shop, and a school, and it has given marginalized groups a voice.” 

“In the next 30 years, if we give up trying to build a better Web...we will have failed it. We need to come together as a global community.”

【小题1】Why were the Web Foundation and the contract for the Web created?
A.To celebrate the Internet’s 50th birthday.B.To build a protected network environment.
C.To increase Internet speeds around the world.D.To fight online crime.
【小题2】What is the purpose of Movember?
A.To encourage men to do charity work.B.To promote a healthy lifestyle.
C.To support men’s health issues.D.To draw public attention to mental health issues.
【小题3】What do “marginalized groups” in the second-to-last paragraph probably refer to?
A.Wealthy people.B.Old people.C.People in power.D.Disadvantaged people.
【小题4】What is the main idea of the article?
A.The future of the World Wide Web.
B.The history of the World Wide Web.
C.Tim Berners-Lee’s plan to save the World Wide Web.
D.The problems with the World Wide Web.

With intelligent systems and new-age transit networks, life in the big cities will likely be happier and more efficient.

After all, more than 60 percent of the world’s population is expected to live in cities by 2050, according to a UN report. The answer to making these cities more livable for so many people lies in creating “smart” cities. These cities will use 5G networks and the “internet of things” (IoT) to make everyday life safer and more convenient. Some cities are already using smart technology to improve the lives of residents.

But what exactly does a smart city do? In the United States cities of Boston and Baltimore, smart trash cans can sense how full they are and inform cleaning workers when they need to be emptied. In Amsterdam, the Netherlands, traffic flow and energy usage are monitored and adjusted according to real-time data gathered from sensors (传感器) around the city. And in Copenhagen, Denmark, a smart bike system allows riders to check on air quality and traffic condition as they ride.

Smart cities will be interactive, allowing their residents to feel like they’re truly shaping their environment, instead of merely existing in it. “One of the most important reasons to have a smart city is that we can actually communicate with our environment in a way that we never have in the past,” said Mrinalini Ingram, head of a telecom company.

“Smart cities will also allow us to save resources.” said Mrinalini Ingram.“By using sensors and 5G networks to monitor the use of water, gas and electricity, city managers can figure out how to distribute and save these resources more efficiently. Emissions of carbon dioxide and other air pollutants can be more closely monitored in smart cities as well.”

Of course, it will take time and money to turn our current cities into the smart cities of the future. But as we’ve already seen, more cities around the world are already adopting smart technology in small ways. China, for instance, is making investments in big cities like Shanghai and Guangzhou to make them “smarter”. It won’t be long until even more cities start to develop their own smart infrastructure (基础设施).

【小题1】What calls for the development of smart cities?
A.The rapid progress in 5G networks.
B.The marked increase in world population.
C.The growing number of residents living in cities.
D.The major concern over the safety of living in cities.
【小题2】How does the author explain the way smart cities work?
A.By making a contrast.
B.By giving examples.
C.By listing figures.
D.By telling a story.
【小题3】What can we learn from Mrinalini Ingram about smart cities?
A.Air pollution will be stopped in its track.
B.People will be better aware of environmental protection.
C.People will be able to make the most of our environment at will.
D.Resources can be saved by keeping track of how they are used.
【小题4】What is the author’s attitude toward smart cities?
