阅读理解-七选五 适中0.65 引用4 组卷202

Napping during the day is an ancient custom that is practiced worldwide. Short naps, which last from 20 to 30 minutes at the right time, can benefit vitality and overall health in countless ways.

Short naps can boost mental functioning and memory, as well as improve vitality, attention and reaction time. 【小题1】 Because napping seems to improve creative thinking, some companies have attempted to introduce napping rooms.

What’s more, it appears the brain uses nap time to process information gathered throughout the day. 【小题2】 A study revealed that short naps also helped people become more confident and sensible, which resulted in better focus and efficiency at work. Napping may also lead to an improved ability to learn new skills, such as a golf swing. This is because these memories or skills are strengthened in the brain during sleep.

【小题3】 Studies show that more consistent sleep will help lower “fight or flight” chemicals in our bodies. As a result, our blood pressure and heart rates are normalized. Napping appears to help this process for some people.

【小题4】 One condition associated with napping longer than 30 minutes is sleep inertia (睡后迟钝). This can harm cognitive function from several minutes up to half an hour. Long or late afternoon naps can lead to difficulties falling asleep during the night. 【小题5】

So, to maximize benefits while reducing risks, please keep naps short in the early afternoon to avoid sleep inertia and nighttime sleep disruptions.

A.But napping can come with drawbacks as well.
B.The reason for this phenomenon is mostly unknown.
C.Therefore, that appears to enhance problem-solving abilities.
D.Short naps are also linked to increased productivity and creativity.
E.Napping can also be associated with a reduced risk of heart diseases.
F.Napping should not serve as an alternative for enough nighttime rest.
G.Besides, for those aged 60 and up, longer naps may increase the risk for heart diseases.
知识点:日常生活 个人保健 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Last summer, Maria and her mother moved from their house in the countryside to a flat building in Chicago. Maria really liked some things about the city, but she missed her house and yard in the countryside.

One day, Maria was in her flat building when she noticed her neighbor, Mrs. Garcia, carrying a gardening tool and a bag of soil. Maria wondered how Mrs. Garcia was able to garden in the city.

“My mom used to grow the most delicious vegetables, and I know she misses her garden now that we don’t have a yard,” said Maria.

Mrs. Garcia laughed. “I’ll show you,” she said.

Maria thought that Mrs. Garcia would take her to the park, but she took her to the roof. When the door opened, Maria was surprised to see rows of flowers and vegetables on the roof.

“What a wonderful garden!” said Maria.

Mrs. Garcia told Maria that for a long time the roof was just an empty space. Then some of the people in the building asked the owners to turn it into a community garden. The building owners liked the idea because the plants not only helped to keep the air clean, but they also helped to keep the building cooler during warmer weather.

“I plant flowers in my own place,” Mrs. Garcia said, “but you would be surprised by how different the plants are up here. Some people grow vegetables just like your mom. You can do some of the same things in the city as in the countryside. You just have to be creative!”

【小题1】Where did Mrs. Garcia take Maria to one day?
A.The park.B.The roof.
C.The garden in front of her house.D.The countryside.
【小题2】Which of the following is NOT the good side of the community garden?
A.It made the building stronger.B.It helped keep the air clean.
C.It helped keep the building cooler.D.It used the empty space well.
【小题3】After Maria visited the garden, she would most probably ask her mom to ________.
A.go back to the countrysideB.pick flowers from the garden
C.show her around the parkD.grow vegetables on the roof
【小题4】What is the best title for this passage?
A.A Creative LadyB.An Empty RoofC.A Rooftop GardenD.A Special Building

Sharing could be giving somebody a gift, helping someone by donating some money, sharing your food with a poor and hungry person. It can simply mean giving some time to help others.

When you receive something from others, it makes you happy. On the other hand, when you give something to others, it makes both you and the receiver happy. From the outside, sharing seems to give away a part of your time, resource or space to others. But when you share something with others, you can get all kinds of positivities inside and outside yourself. It can enhance your mood, reduce your stress level, decrease your blood pressure, and have a long-term effect on your life and longevity (长寿).

Sharing makes you bigger inside and in your society as well. Take knowledge and love for example, the more you share, the more you get. If you make sharing a part of your life and practice it in your daily life, you will get more out of your life directly or indirectly, like help, support, love, cooperation, and a lot more from others even at a time when you are not expecting it. This is why it makes you bigger and happier when you share something with others.

We are living in a global village where each one of us is related to each other in some way or other. When you volunteer, you give away your time or wealth or knowledge to a person or a group of people. You will realize that you are not alone in the big world. As a result, you won’t feel left out in your society. Sharing advances cooperation and social connection. To live harmoniously, we should learn and practice sharing our life with others. Sharing could be one of the ways to build an ideal society.

So, what are you waiting for? Start giving a part of yourself to others and see how your life becomes more beautiful, positive, lovely and satisfying. Giving makes you better, bigger, and brighter inside you, in your society, and even in the entire global village.

【小题1】What can be learned about sharing from paragraph 2?
A.It only benefits the receivers.
B.It takes a lot of time and energy.
C.It has nothing to do with emotion.
D.It is good for physical and mental health.
【小题2】Why does the author mention knowledge and love in paragraph 3?
A.To say what is important in life.B.To tell us how to find happiness.
C.To show sharing makes us better.D.To remind us how to live happily.
【小题3】What makes volunteering very important in today’s world?
A.Greatly improved awareness.B.Highly developed technology.
C.Great dependence on each other.D.Convenient means of transportation.
【小题4】What is the main purpose of the text?
A.To inspire the readers to share.
B.To introduce an instructive book.
C.To give the definition of sharing.
D.To make others better and happier.

Recently, a computer virus called “WannaCry” hit about 100 countries worldwide. With computer security agencies taking responsive measures, the attack has weakened. Actually, the virus is not totally new — it used the EternalBlue exploit developed by the United States’ National Security Agency that was stolen by hackers.

The incident teaches us at least two lessons. First, there is nothing absolutely safe in the Internet age. Even if developed by law enforcers, a powerful computer attack tool is at risk of being acquired by lawbreakers.

In early 2016, there was a debate between the US Federal Bureau of Investigation and some Internet companies over the question of whether electronic device producers should leave a “backdoor” for legal enforcers to better strike at terrorists. Now we have the answer — No.

No one can ensure that such a “backdoor” will never be used by lawbreakers and the best choice is not to open such a door in the first place.

Second, it is important for computer users to purchase and install genuine (正版) software. If a computer user updates his or her windows operating system regularly, he or she is relatively safe. A patch (补丁) released Microsoft in March had already filled in a security loophole in the Windows operating system that could be made use of by the new virus. However, only genuine software could be updated. Computers that use pirated (盗版) copies of the windows operating system have no choice; they will be exposed to the risk.

Fortunately, with the protection over copyrights (版权) strengthened, increasingly more people are acquiring the habit of using genuine products. Hopefully, next time the virus will not spread so rampantly (猖獗).

【小题1】What can we learn about “WannaCry”?
A.The virus is out of control.
B.It is a totally new computer virus.
C.Effective measures have been taken.
D.Only some Asian countries are influenced by the virus.
【小题2】What’s the author’s attitude towards a “backdoor” left for legal enforcers?
【小题3】Why is it important to purchase and use genuine software?
A.It can save you much money.
B.It is safer and can be updated.
C.It helps you form a good habit.
D.It can store all of your personal information.
【小题4】What may be the best title for the text?
A.Try to use genuine productsB.How to protect your computer
C.An unstoppable computer virusD.Lessons learnt from WannaCry attack
