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I could hear one of my classmates expressing her impatience with my slow climbing up the ladder. “If she’s afraid of heights, why would she sign up for a trapeze (高空秋千) class?” Personal growth is a marathon, not a dash, I said to myself as I continued my climb.

My friend was at the top of the ladder, trying to inspire me. “Think of flying in the air! Think of the freedom.”

How did I wind up on a ladder shaking above the Hudson River? My friend invited me to a trapeze class. I was skeptical, but her enthusiasm and assurances of strict safety procedures won me over.

I had been fearful of heights since elementary school. Avoiding my fear of heights became second nature. I tried not to look down on staircases. When necessary, I traveled by plane with my friends and family. But here I was, facing my fear of heights in a rather extreme way. I had come around to the idea of trying trapeze.

The wet August air was heavy as I stepped forward. I took a moment to take in the view. The bright, late summer sunshine lighted the Hudson River Park. Everything looked bigger and clearer, like wearing glasses for the first time.

An instructor fastened me onto a safety belt and told me to step to the edge of the platform. There were repeated cheers from my classmates below. An instructor reminded me of the safety procedures, including the net below that would catch me at the bottom. He reminded me to listen to the directions while in the air, so I could perform a trick.

“Maybe I could just swing the first time to feel more comfortable,” I said.

“We would like everyone to try to perform the trick,” the instructor firmly told me.

The realization that this was something I would have to do alone gave me some discomfort, but also a bit of pride. If I made it through the class, I would have accomplished something in the face of my fear. My stomach dropped as my hands grasped the trapeze bar as tightly as I could.

As the instructor counted down, I took a deep breath and pushed off the platform.
During my flights on the trapeze, my fear didn’t completely leave me.
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Mary sat down heavily on the sofa, feeling a bit down. Father’s Day was drawing near, yet she didn’t have a gift for her dad. “How can I possibly get a gift if I don’t have any money?” she wondered.

Noticing the newspaper on the couch, Mary reached for it. A big advertisement on the front page caught her attention. The local store was hosting a contest. “Share with us why your dad is special and win a $100 gift card for him,” the advertisement said “This is fantastic!” Mary thought with excitement. She hurried to her room with the newspaper in hand. She picked up a pencil and a piece of paper, sat down, and began writing.

“My dad is really amazing. He works tirelessly to support our family and never complains. He always has time to listen to me and gives the best advice. He teaches me valuable life lessons and supports my dreams. Whenever I feel down, he lifts my spirits with his humor and love. And although he is tough on the outside, he has a heart of gold.”

Mary felt satisfied with her heartfelt words. She carefully copied them, caught an envelope and a stamp from her bedside, and rushed to the mailbox with her entry. “Dad will be overjoyed with a gift card,” she thought optimistically.

Days turned into weeks as Mary eagerly checked the mailbox each day, hoping for news about the contest. However, as Father’s Day was just around the corner, she still hadn’t received any response.

“What should I do now?” she wondered, feeling disappointed. She had no gift and no money and time was running out. But Mary was determined to show her love and appreciation. She had to come up with a plan. Mary closed her eyes and took a deep breath, searching for a solution.

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Paragraph 1:

All of a sudden, she knew what to do.

Paragraph 2:

On the morning of Father’s Day, Mary gave the letter to her father.


Jimmy loved ice cream. It was his favorite dessert (甜点). He wanted to eat ice cream all the time. His parents let him have a small dish each night after dinner, if he ate all of his vegetables.

Jimmy liked eating ice cream at home, but he really loved going to the ice cream stand to get an ice cream. There were so many different flavors to try! Jimmy always did his best to try a new kind of ice cream each time.

When Jimmy turned eight, he had a checkup at the doctor’s office. Dr. Katz said that ice cream wasn’t a very healthy snack. “It’s fine to have a little ice cream once in a while, but not every night,” she said.

After the doctor’s visit, Jimmy and his mom drove home. “Can I still have ice cream for dessert tonight?” Jimmy asked.” I don’t think so, honey,” Mom said, “We should try to be healthier.”

That night at supper, Jimmy ate all his vegetables. But there was no ice cream for dessert. Instead, Mom came up with a new rule that Jimmy could have ice cream once a week. “But if you want to eat ice cream, you’ll have to earn it by walking to the ice cream stand,” she said.

According to the map, the ice cream stand was a mile away. Jimmy was willing to give it a try, so they decided to take their walk on Saturday afternoon. It was a hot and sunny day. Jimmy began to feel sweaty when he walked just a few hundred meters. The sun was so bright that he had to look with his eyes partly shut in order to keep out bright light.

Jimmy kicked a pebble (鹅卵石) and watched it roll into a river on the street. “I’m hot,” said Jimmy, “How much farther is it?” Mom checked the map on her phone. “We’re not even halfway yet. Do you want to turn around?”

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Jimmy did want to turn around, but he also wanted ice cream.


He was about to quit.


Losing a parent is one of the most painful parts of life. No matter how old we are when they leave us, it can be a heartbroken experience. Our memories are all that is left of them and happy reminders of their love turn into our most valuable treasures. That’s how Mara Soriane feels about the teddy bear that she tragically lost in her recent move to a new apartment.

Diagnosed with cancer, Mara Soriano’s mother Marilyn, gave her daughter the bear as a gift in 2017. After her mother’s death last June, the gift became even more special. “That bear was basically the last reminder of my mom. It was her voice that accompanied me,” she said in an interview.

The fluffy toy didn’t cost a lot, but it contained a recording of her mother’s voice telling her that she loved her and was proud of her. The bear, called Mama Bear, was in the backpack that contained electronics like an iPad and a Nintendo Switch. When the bag was stolen last week during the move, the 28-year-old was heartbroken, not for the gadgets, but for Mama Bear.

Mara posted a photo of her and her Mama Bear on Instagram, explaining the importance of the bear. Millions of users were touched by the story. More and more people were talking about the bear, but there was no good news for Mara. So again and again she posted online about the item and the story behind it, hoping it could catch move viewer’s attention in a big way.

Actor Ryan Reynolds was moved by Mara’s story and then posted a plea (请求) for Mama Bear’s safe return. “I think we all need this bear to come home,” he wrote. Along with the message, he also offered a $5,000 reward for the people who found the bear.

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Luckily, the Internet did its thing.


The email was from the women who sent the bear back.

