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When colds and flu hit, many people automatically turn to over-the-counter (OTC) medicines to push through and treat their symptoms (症状). Although these medicines are easily accessible and widely used, it might come as a surprise to many people to learn that they are not risk-free. A study estimated that every year, over 26,000 people went to the emergency room for adverse (有害的) events related to OTC cold and cough medicines.

When two or more drugs are used together, their interaction can sometimes produce unexpected harmful effects. Physicians are typically knowledgeable about potential drug interactions, so it is very important for patients to ask their healthcare providers which OTC medicines are safe for them to use.

It is important to read the package ingredients of OTC medicines closely to avoid duplication of doses (剂量重复). Cold medicines are typically made up of multiple ingredients, including pain relievers, nasal decongestants and cough suppressants or expectorants. A person who takes a single-ingredient medicine paired with one of these multi-ingredient medicines can receive an unsafe dose of that ingredient.

While everyone could potentially experience adverse effects from cold and flu medicines, some groups-including older adults, children and pregnant women-may be at greater risk.

Older people who are using prescribed (处方的) drugs to treat multiple health conditions may have a higher risk of drug interactions because of the higher number of medicines being used at the same time to treat different conditions. The aging body is not expert at absorbing, distributing and clearing medicines as younger bodies are. This can put older adults at higher risk for an overdose and drug-to-drug interactions with some medicines.

The Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention do not recommend giving cold medicine to children under age 4. Because of a variety of factors, young children have a higher risk of an accidental overdose and adverse events that could lead to death.

【小题1】Why did the author mention the study in paragraph 1?
A.To stress the easy access to OTC medicines.
B.To explain the dangers of using OTC medicines.
C.To emphasize the importance of OTC medicines.
D.To prove the potential risks of using OTC medicines.
【小题2】What advice does the author give to those who take different drugs at the same time?
A.Turn to doctors for advice.B.Buy medicines from physicians.
C.Take only one drug instead.D.Change the ingredients of drugs.
【小题3】What can we infer from the text?
A.Women cannot face aging positively.
B.Children are more easily affected by diseases.
C.Older people’s body cannot deal with medicines easily.
D.People’s desire for health makes them take more medicine.
【小题4】What is a suitable title for the text?
A.OTC medicines may not be safe.
B.Tips for taking over-the-counter drugs.
C.How to deal with an OTC drug overdose?
D.Should medicines be available “over the counter”?
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Three minutes of looking at red light once a week may help our eyesight, new research suggests. The findings show that red light might be a cheap and easy treatment for declines (衰退) in color vision (视力) as we get older.

Last year, researchers from University College London did a study on red light therapy (疗法). 24 healthy volunteers, aged between 28 and 72, were asked to look at red light for three minutes every day for two weeks. Tests later found that the eyesight of people over the age of 40 improved.

To test the possible weak points of their therapy, they did a new study this year. Instead of using the light every day, they used it once a week. The new study included 20 volunteers, aged between 34 and 70, all with healthy vision. Some received red light therapy in the morning, and others received it in the afternoon. They were then tested on their color vision up to a week later.

On the whole, those who got the treatment in the morning showed a 17% improvement in their color vision, even a week later. Those who got the treatment in the afternoon did not have any improvement.

“We’ve found that one single treatment in the morning can greatly improve declining vision.” said lead author Glen Jeffrey.

The findings do support their earlier work, and they might make the treatment more practicable, since a once-weekly treatment is easier to stick to than a daily one. But the team’s promising results are still drawn on small numbers of healthy volunteers Larger studies would be needed to show the help of red light therapy.

“In the near future, a once-a-week three-minute treatment could be done while making a coffee or listening to a song, and such a simple thing could change eye care and vision around the world,” Jeffrey said.

Given its low cost (as little as $15) per machine, and simplicity, the team is excited about the future of their therapy.

【小题1】What plays a key role in red light treatment?
A.The time of day for treatmentB.The machine used in the treatment.
C.The time that one treatment lasts.D.The number of treatments received.
【小题2】What makes it necessary to improve the study?
A.The age of the volunteers.B.The number of the volunteers.
C.The sex of the volunteers.D.The poor vision of the volunteers.
【小题3】What is Jeffrey’s attitude towards the future of the therapy?
【小题4】What is the purpose of this text?
A.To state the importance of eye care.
B.To explain the value of deep red light.
C.To introduce a way to fight vision decline.
D.To encourage people to protect their eyesight.

In October, Mediterranean fruit flies were discovered in an area of Los Angeles. California is a big farming state, and this was serious news for farmers. The Mediterranean fruit fly, often known as the “Medfly”, is one of the most serious threats faced by farmers worldwide. Once the Medfly makes its way into an area, it can be very hard to get rid of.

The fies lay their eggs in over 300 kinds of fruits and vegetables. When the eggs hatch, they turn into worm-like larvae (幼虫) that can ruin these products. The problem is that it can be hard to know that the flies are there until it’ s too late. That’ s because the fruits and vegetables still look normal even after the eggs are laid inside. So the damaged fruits and vegetables can be sent to other places, allowing the Medflies to spread.

Mediterranean fruit fies were first found in California in 1975, but they really became a problem in the 1980s. Luckily, Califormia has developed a program to control the Medflies. The program involves using planes to drop millions of Medflies over the area. That may sound like a bad idea, but it’ s actually a tricky way to make sure that Medfly numbers go down.

The trick? The airplanes only drop male flies, and all of them have been treated so that they are sterile. This means that even though they can mate with female fruit flies, the eggs produced will never grow or hatch.

In the early growing stages, these sterile flies are grown in labs in Hawaii and Guatemala. The insects are colored with a special substance to make sure they won’t be confused with wild Medflies.

These immature insects are then sent to Califormia in huge numbers -around 200 million a week. They’ re raised until they’ re adults, and then they’ re treated to be sterile. Finall , the flies are released from airplanes, sing a special method designed to spread them out over a wide area. The government says that the number of infestations (times when flies are found) has been cut by over 90%.

【小题1】What troubles farmers about the Medflies?
A.The wide spread of them.B.The instant damage caused by them.
C.The difficulty in detecting them early.D.The strong team spirit of them.
【小题2】The underlined word “sterile” in paragraph 4 most probably means “         ”.
A.hard to get along withB.difficult to see in the wild
C.unlikely to become fully grownD.unable to produce young
【小题3】Why are the male flies colored?
A.To make them distinguishable.B.To make them more attractive.
C.To shorten their treatment process.D.To speed up their growth.
【小题4】Which can best describe the program conducted in California?
A.Practical and successful.B.Complex and inapplicable.
C.Eco-friendly but fruitless.D.Time-saving but dangerous.

Turtles have a habit of eating plastic objects floating in the sea, which may kill them. Many believe that it is because floating plastic bags look similar to jellyfish, which many types of turtles love to eat. However, lots of plastic objects that turtles eat do not look like jellyfish at all. Joseph Pfaller of the University of Florida doubts that the smell of sea micro-organisms (微生物) which live on floating plastic objects attract turtles to eat.

The kind of idea first appeared in 2016. Researchers at the University of California, Davis, noticed that certain chemicals, especially dimethyl sulphide (二甲基硫), which can be found on plastics where micro-organisms live, are those which many seabirds sniff (嗅) to find food. These birds are more likely to eat plastics.

Since turtles usually appear above the sea surface and sniff the air when going to their feeding areas, Dr. Pfaller believed that they are following these same chemicals like those seabirds and mistakenly think that floating plastic objects are edible.

To test that idea, he and his team did an experiment using loggerhead turtles. They exposed 15 turtles to four smells: the smell of clean water; the smell of turtle-feeding food; the smell of a clean plastic bottle; and the smell of a bottle that had been kept in the ocean for five weeks to allow micro-organisms to grow on it. When sniffing both the smell of turtle-feeding food and that of five-week-old bottles, turtles kept their noses out of the water more than three times as long, and took twice as many breaths as they did when sniffing the smell of fresh bottle-plastic or clean water.

Though they have not yet tested whether dimethyl sulphide on the five -week-old bottles cause turtles to cat plastic objects, Dr. Pfaller and his team think it is highly possible.

【小题1】Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word “edible”?
A.pleasing the eyesB.suitable for use as food
C.holding the attentionD.concerned with actual use
【小题2】Why is the research on seabirds mentioned?
A.Seabirds prefer the smell of the plastic bottles.
B.Seabirds feed on the food similar to the turtles’.
C.Seabirds produce a certain micro-organism.
D.Seabirds break up the plastics without difficulty.
【小题3】What is the purpose of the passage?
A.To suggest a new way to study turtles.
B.To stress the importance of sea protection.
C.To explain why plastics attract turtles.
D.To present how the experiment develops.
【小题4】In which section of a newspaper may the passage appear?
