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It is frequently said that the best camera is the one you already have with you. Amazingly, the cameras on modern phones can take killer images without a professional camera. But if you’re struggling to get the quality you want, try a few of these helpful tips.

Pick the right time of day

There are a variety of lighting options that change throughout the day. 【小题1】 And it is properly named for the yellow color the sun casts. This warms any scene. If you’ve been working during golden hour and want to try something new, go out during the blue hour. This is the hour just before sunrise or just after sunset. 【小题2】

Pay attention to lighting

【小题3】 When taking pictures of nature, pay attention to the available light. How can you use it to create eye-catching images? Turn the sun peaking through the trees into a dramatic starburst by setting your f/stop to f/22 or above. Look for ways light and shadows create exciting patterns on otherwise flat backgrounds.


Look for subjects with natural motion like a waterfall, stream, flowers in the wind, etc., and set your shutter speeds to 20 seconds or more. It is vital to have a small secure support to ensure your camera is as perfectly still as possible during the shot.

Photo editing apps

Don’t limit your photos to what you can capture straight out of camera (SOOC). 【小题5】 . Look at the built-in filters (滤光器) that come with your system, or download a free photo editing app to add up your masterpieces. By using all these techniques, you should be able to create unique images that take brilliant photos.

A.Long exposure
B.Consider composition
C.Try to have access to many creative apps
D.You can control whether the background is in focus
E.Photography is often referred to as painting with light
F.It provides an attractive tone for your subject and scenery
G.Golden hour is the hour just after sunrise or just before sunset
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In her book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, Marie Kondo makes the case that decluttering (清理杂物) can dramatically transform your life. Ridding your spaces of unused and unwanted stuff can make you happier, more confident and maybe even slimmer.

Judging by the popularity of her message and method, Kondo’s philosophy satisfies many people’s need. Yet the evidence backing the benefits of decluttering is mixed.

One 2013 study found that orderly spaces promote healthy choices but also conventional thinking, while working in a messy or disorganized space promotes creativity and new ideas. Einstein, famously, had a very untidy desk and has been quoted as saying, “If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk a sign?”

Another study linked physical clutter (杂乱) to lower levels of life satisfaction. But one of the authors of that study says that clutter, rather than a problem in and of itself, seems to be a symptom of other problems, especially unchecked consumerism (无节制的消费). “In this society of abundance we live in, I think the idea that we have to have more makes us less satisfied with life,” says Joseph Ferrari, coauthor of the study. “It isn’t abundance that’s the problem as much as attachment to abundance.”

Other psychologists say technology may also be contributing to America’s keenness for organization. The complexity and disorderliness of life online encourages many people to seek order in their physical spaces, Dr. Dodgen Magee says. “But then you find when your room or your inbox is organized, your world hasn’t stopped being complex, ” she says. At this point, many people decide even more organizing is needed, she says. But this can lead to compulsive (难控制的) tidying and, unavoidably, a sense of failure when you just can’t keep things as neat and orderly as you’d like them to be, she explains.

“The more of a mess our internal world becomes, the more likely we are to grab onto something that gives us this sense of peace,” she says. While a little tidying can be a calming distraction, she says, it’s a temporary bandage, not a cure.

【小题1】What do we know about Kondo’s philosophy?
A.It’s based on solid evidence.B.It involves spirit-lifting methods.
C.It’s popular with many people.D.It leads people to recycle unused stuff.
【小题2】What does the example of Einstein serve to show?
A.An empty desk is a sign of an empty mind.
B.Orderly workspaces can bring health benefits.
C.An untidy desk can damage working efficiency.
D.Messy environments are likely to encourage creativity.
【小题3】What does Joseph Ferrari say about physical clutter?
A.It determines people’s life satisfaction.
B.It contributes to unchecked consumerism.
C.It reflects people’s attachment to technology.
D.It arises from the desire for more possessions.
【小题4】What can be inferred about tidying from the last two paragraphs?
A.It can lead to a feeling of frustration.B.It makes people’s world more complex.
C.It can provide lasting peace of mind.D.It works better with the help of technology.

Anger always makes a bad situation worse. It’s an emotion that all people have, and everyone loses their temper at one point or another. Have you asked yourself where this anger is coming from? American author and psychotherapist Mark Epstein said, “Anger is a sign that something needs to change.” 【小题1】.             

Identify the warning signs. What does anger actually feel like in your body? 【小题2】, your heart rate will increase, or you’ll feel hotter --- be mindful of these changes in your body to warn you that your temper is flaring up (动怒). When you notice these signs, you can prevent speaking rudely to others by walking away from the people around you. 【小题3】. Try taking a deep breath by breathing in through your nose and exhaling (呼气) through your mouth --- a common relaxation technique.

【小题4】. Do you exercise? Exercising by going for a walk, running, working out at a gym or even doing martial arts are great and healthy ways to release this energy. After going for a run, I often feel calmer, clearer and less stressed.

Distraction techniques can also be an effective short-term fix. 【小题5】. Writing, drawing, building something or taking a hot shower may also help distract you from losing your temper and change your mental space by focusing on something more productive.

Keep calm and carry on.

A.Everyone has energy and this energy must be released.
B.I don’t know how to relieve my stress
C.For example, you can excuse yourself to the bathroom, which will give you time to cool off
D.If you don’t release this stored energy in a healthy manner, it may manifest (显现) itself as anger later
E.Playing video games often helps me calm down and completely forget what I was angry about
F.Your breathing may grow more rapid
G.Let’s go over some strategies for controlling your temper

If you feel that life cannot be worse for you, it’ll be arduous to think positively. When stressed, dampened, hurt in a passive state of mind, for you’re aware that misfortune keeps taking place nonstop, it’s highly crucial to convert passive thoughts into something uplifting. 【小题1】 .

It’s often difficult to think positively if most things abound you are passive, yet assure yourself that definitely someone is even worse than you. 【小题2】. When you kick off with one small but positive thing and adore it during the course of your day, you’ll start to get into a more positive situation and hence people could begin turning up in your life and be a vital part of your life.With sincere appreciation, you’ll find out that as time lapses, you’ll be able to change your values and choose to embrace happiness despite those bad events about you. 【小题3】 .

●Commence and conclude each day with a sentence of appreciation like “Thank you for having me a fabulous and fresh day.”

●When your boss pushed you too hard to accept, soliloquize yourself: I feel thankful for the current employment, for I understand that at least there have still been so many peers competing fiercely to vie for employment.”

● If you are have health-related problems, appreciate all that still do work: your eyes see,your ears hear, and your brain thinks so on and so forth.

●Write down anything for which you’re grateful per day. When you’re really let down, read aloud and loudly what you wrote during the last days,weeks, months,etc. 【小题4】. If you can keep practising this in a regular manner, you’ll ultimately find what you’ve been pursuing for so long.

Anyway, the very key is to get yourself dive into cheerful thoughts and ideas and then maintain them for long enough so as to attain the power of appreciation. 【小题5】.

A.This will help uplift your spirits.
B.If not, you’ll only induce more misfortunes.
C.It’s of vital importance to demonstrate your gratitude.
D.The more you appreciate, the more delighted you’ll feel.
E.You’ve made quite a few achievements during your career.
F.Here are a few general instances for you to practise.
G.You could choose to consider differently by means of starting with the smallest steps.
