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A team of scientists is studying the sound of the forest in Ecuador to learn how artificial intelligence (AI) could follow animal life in recovering environments.

When scientists want to measure new forest growth, they can study large areas of land with tools like satellites. But understanding how fast and in what number wildlife is returning to an area is more difficult. Sometimes it requires an expert to listen through sound recordings and pick out animal calls.

Jorg Muller, an expert on birds, wondered if there was a different way. So, he turned to bioacoustics (生物声学), which uses sound to learn more about animal life and their living environments. Muller and his team recorded wildlife sounds in Ecuador. They first had experts listen to the recordings and list the sounds of different animals. Then, they examined the sound quality to measure the environment. Finally, they ran two weeks of recordings through an AI computer program trained to understand 75 different bird calls.

The program was able to pick out the calls on which it was trained. However, scientists wondered if the program could correctly identify the number of different kinds of plants and animals in each environment. To see if the program could do that, the team used two different controls. One was from the experts who listened to the recordings, and the second was based on examples from each environment, which can be used to understand biodiversity (生物多样性).

Since the number of sounds that are found to be used to train is limited, the AI program could only identify one-fourth of the bird calls experts could. But it was still able to correctly measure biodiversity levels in each environment, the study said. It also said the results show the AI program is a powerful tool to measure the recovery of animal societies in some forests. The study showed that biodiversity found from recordings can be measured in a cost-effective and complete way and measure environments.

There are still areas for improvement, including the lack of animal sounds on which to train AI models. And the method can only catch animals that use sound to communicate.

【小题1】What does the study focus on?
A.Studying plant growth.B.Observing birds’ behavior.
C.Understanding AI’s effect on wildlife.D.Measuring wildlife recovery.
【小题2】What method did the team use to learn wildlife sounds in Eduador?
A.Bioacoustics.B.Satellite recording.
C.Sound recording by AI.D.Direct observation by experts.
【小题3】What did the AI program prove to be useful for?
A.Identifying plant species.B.Tracking weather change.
C.Measuring biodiversity levels.D.Identifying all the bird calls.
【小题4】What did the study suggest for improvements?
A.Measuring more bird environments.
B.Catching animals that use sound to communicate.
C.Training the program on a wider variety of sounds.
D.Having experts study more and understand bird calls.
知识点:动物科学技术 说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

The scientists are digging for fossils(化石). Fossilized bones tell the story of dinosaurs and animals that were once living creatures and appeared on Earth some 225 million years ago. Dinosaurs dominated the planet for 150 million years, much longer than people have existed.

Dinosaurs came in many shapes and sizes. The smallest dinosaur was less than 3 feet long. The largest were plant eating giants called Sauropods longer than a city bus.

Their weight closes to 50,000 pounds. To sustain its enormous body, it would endlessly grab branches and leaves and swallow them down a 20-foot throat. That is a neck as high as a two-storey house. With each step a weight greater than an eight ton ball would hit the earth. Despite their large size dinosaurs' share some characteristics with modern animals. Like today's reptiles(爬行动物)most, not all dinosaurs laid eggs. Its mate probably brought food to the nest like birds do. The mother tended her eggs and like a bird she placed them into a circle. Many plant eating dinosaurs lived in groups probably to defend themselves against the meat-eating or the dinosaurs who hunted them.

But 65 million years ago something happened that brought a sudden end to the dinosaur age. No one knows exactly why the dinosaurs suddenly disappeared. Most scientists think the killer came from outer space. A large object from outer space hit the earth causing a lot of dust in the atmosphere. The earth became dark and the dinosaurs died off. But scientists believe their descendents(后代)may live on. The skeletons(骨骼)of some dinosaurs are similar to modern birds. The common ancestor of these birds was probably a small two-legged meat-eating dinosaur. As the digging and research continues, each new find may help prove the dinosaurs did not really disappear after all. The birds are in fact living, breathing and flying dinosaurs.

【小题1】We can learn from the text that ________.
A.dinosaurs came in many shapes but almost in the same sizes
B.not all dinosaurs laid eggs to reproduce the next generation
C.the mate might find food for the mother who was building the nest
D.dinosaurs may have some different living habits compared with modern animals
【小题2】Scientists believe that ________.
A.dinosaurs are sure to disappear forever
B.some birds may come from meat-eating dinosaurs
C.dinosaurs might have died owing to lack of water
D.dinosaurs' death may have resulted from the appearance of some firece animals
【小题3】Why did plant eating dinosaurs live together?
A.To find more food.
B.To keep themselves warm.
C.To protect themselves better.
D.To take good care of their young dinosaurs.
【小题4】How long did dinosaurs dominate the earth?
A.20 million years.B.50 million years.
C.65 million years.D.150 million years.

Last summer, staff at the San Diego Zoo welcomed 41 baby turtles (海龟) from the Indian narrow-headed softshell turtle species, which is native to South Asia. It makes the Zoo the first officially recognized organization in North America to hatch (孵化) and raise the species.

Three Indian narrow-headed softshell turtles have been at the Zoo for over 20 years. All that time, zoo staff had been hoping they would one day reproduce. “This is a thrilling moment for us, and a big step forward in the protection of this species,” said Kim Gray, director of the Zoo.

The eggs were found in two separate nests (窝). Some of the turtles hatched in their habitat, while most of the eggs were stored in an artificial box to create the best conditions for survival. Turtle experts at the zoo say eggs in the habitat are often difficult to find, as the turtles like to lay their eggs overnight and cover them with dirt.

The species is listed as endangered on the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s Red List, though it’s unclear how many remain in the wild. Environ- mental pollution, habitat destruction, the international pet trade and human food harvesting have all led to the species’ reduction over the years.

“We have been caring for these turtles for a very long time, and part of that care is to gain a greater understanding of the species’natural history,” Kim Gray added. “With the knowledge we gain here at the Zoo, we can better assist our partners in India to help this essential species develop and grow in their native habitat.”

【小题1】Why did Kim Gray feel excited at this reproduction?
A.The Zoo got officially recognized.
B.It was a breakthrough in turtle protection.
C.A great many turtles were hatched at once.
D.An endangered turtle species was saved.
【小题2】What made the turtle eggs in the habitat hard to find?
A.Their dark color.B.The artificial box.
C.Their being dirt-covered.D.The low light at night.
【小题3】What does Paragraph 4 focus on about the turtles?
A.The time when listed as endangered.B.Human activities to save them.
C.Their existing number in the wild.D.Factors endangering them,
【小题4】Who might be most interested in the text according to the last paragraph?
A.Pet lovers.B.Zoologists.
C.Environmentalists.D.Zoo visitors.

If you have ever found yourself concluding that intelligence is in short supply in the modern world, perhaps you are looking in the wrong place. There are still plenty of smarts to be found elsewhere.

You will be familiar with the cleverness of dolphins and chimpanzees. But what about wasps (黄蜂)? They can recognize human faces. Or mosquitoes? They can learn to avoid being killed by chemicals after a single taste.

Such an astonishing group of talent is rather unsettling, which raises fundamental questions like what actually is intelligence, how did it develop and how do the abilities of various organisms (生物) compare? Evaluating intelligence in nature is tricky, particularly in life forms that are very different from us. Now a group of neuroscientists, AI researchers and philosophers want to create a periodic table of intelligence similar to the one used to categorize the chemical elements. The chemical version sorts elements by their atomic (原子的) number or atomic mass. For intelligence, researchers are still looking for a criterion that is equally straightforward. But where to begin?

It certainly isn’t brain size, as was long thought. Behavior might be a better way to categorize cleverness. But testing for intelligence through behavior is difficult. Recognizing oneself in a mirror is seen as a sign of advanced cognition (认知). Dolphins and bats can do it — but dogs typically can’t. Does this reflect a lack of intelligence in dogs or perhaps something else, such as their reliance more on smell than vision. Likewise, many organisms live in environments that are obviously different from ours and so might use senses that we don’t even possess.

Nevertheless, the researchers behind the initiative think intelligence might become clearer through a combination of behavioral and neuroanatomical (神经解剖学的) features. “We’re going to ask, are there kinds of intelligence, and can we identify structural features that are organizational of those kinds of intelligence?” says Andrew Barron at Macquarie University. “If we can, then we are starting to identify things that can be thought of as possible dimensions of intelligence.”

【小题1】Why are wasps and mosquitoes mentioned in paragraph 2?
A.To make comparisons between them.
B.To prove smarts are in short supply.
C.To show there are other forms of intelligence.
D.To illustrate their similarities with humans.
【小题2】Which fails to explain the difficulty in evaluating cleverness in nature?
A.It is upsetting to see different talents in natural settings.
B.It is hard to compare the abilities of different species.
C.Life forms in the natural world are different from humans.
D.It requires us to answer some basic questions about intelligence.
【小题3】Why is testing for intelligence through behavior challenging?
A.Factors like brain size matter more.
B.Other features need to be considered.
C.Some organisms possess similar senses.
D.All animals show signs of advanced cognition.
【小题4】What could be a possible title for the passage?
A.Different MindsB.Surprising Behaviors
C.Unique SensesD.Diverse Species
