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How to Feel at Peace

Is feeling truly peaceful a pipe dream? Nope! With a little work, you can feel calm, cool, and collected (just like you deserve to).【小题1】 These work based on personal preference, so just find one that works for you!

Release what you cannot control.

This is the most important part of feeling at peace and the first place you should always start. 90% of the time, when we’re worried about something or stressed out, the source of our anxiety is really something that we have no control over.【小题2】If you can’t affect the outcome then there is no point in worrying about something.

Get an inspiration from nature.

Go sit out in an area nearby. Listen to the trees. Watch the animals. Do they seem worried about what their brother did last Christmas? Do the trees seem to notice when it starts to rain?【小题3】

Create goals.

Having a goal that you can work for can really help when you’re feeling lost and aimless in life.【小题4】Find something that you want for yourself and then figure out what you have to do to pursue it. You’ll find an inner peace when you’re working with all your soul devoted to a single goal.


When other people make us angry, it is usually because we cannot understand why they’re doing something that’s making us angry. Instead of blowing up at someone or stressing yourself out, try to see things from their side of the table. Think about why they did what they did... and remember that we’re all people with our own problems and our own dreams.

A.Forgive yourself.
B.Find the humanity in all people.
C.All you can do in life is to try your best and let fate take its course.
D.Happiness is on the horizon, and we’re here to show you what to do.
E.No. Nature adapts and embraces every twist and turn in life and you should too.
F.Really, what’s the point in life if you don’t have something to work towards, right?
G.A huge source of worry in our lives comes from when we beat ourselves up from inside.
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Wherever you live you all want a home where you can just get in and forget the outside world. People don’t often turn it into what they want because they worry about the cost. 【小题1】-you don’t need to spend a lot of money in order to make your home cozy (温暖舒适的). Here are some inexpensive ways to get you started.


The first thing you need to do before buying or rearranging anything is clear.【小题2】. There is no way to turn a cluttered (杂乱的) space into an inviting one without organizing it. So, the first thing you do is clear. You don’t have to throw out everything—clearing can be an ongoing process that takes time, and that’s okay.

Add Greenery

【小题3】. Aside from the eye-pleasing effect plants and flowers have, they also remove toxins (毒素) from the air, making your environment healthier. If that isn’t enough for you, they tend to help calm people down.

Try Darker Colors

Another thing you can do to make a room look warmer is to use some darker shades in the decoration. Lighter colors are great for making a room feel bigger, but darker colors create more of a cozy and inviting feeling.【小题4】.

Adjust the Lighting

Last, but certainly not least, is lighting. The lighting in a room can make or break it, depending on how you go about it.【小题5】. Think of using the fireplace if you have one, lighting some candles and hanging up some string lights. Even a lamp can make all the difference to the environment of a room.

A.However, this is a common misconception
B.Don’t keep plants and flowers in your bedroom
C.Disorder is the exact opposite of warm and inviting
D.If you want the room to feel cozier, go for dim, warm lighting
E.Aside from making it easier to keep warm, blankets add more color to a room
F.Not to mention, throwing in some darker colors will make the room look perfect
G.The best way to make a room look more inviting is to add plants and fresh flowers

People have become increasingly lonely, and this lack of social connection is having profound effects on mental and physical health. US Surgeon General Dr. Vivek H. Murthy offered some of his best advice.

·Reconnect with people. To get started, spend 15 minutes each day on contacting a friend. 【小题1】 Your relationships cannot maintain unless they’re cared. The brief interactions can make you feel good for a long time because people are hard-wired to connect. Even if it’s only a brief conversation, show how much you value the person you’re speaking with by being authentic, Dr. Murthy advised.

·【小题2】 How often have you caught yourself looking at your phone while someone is speaking with you? What about during meals? For more satisfying quality time, put down the devices, minimize disturbance and focus on the conversation. “Humans evolved(进化) to not only understand what someone is saying but to respond to their words and to experience their presence,” Dr. Murthy said. “【小题3】

·Serve others. Studies show volunteering can ease feelings of loneliness. Consider donating your time to an organization in your community or offering to help your family or co-workers. As Dr. Murthy put it, when you help others, you establish an experience or a connection with them.【小题4】

·Get help. Finally, tell someone if you are struggling with loneliness.【小题5】 If you’re feeling constantly sad and hopeless, and it is getting in the way of your ability to function in your day-to-day life or to participate in activities that used to bring you joy, that’s a red flag that you may need to speak with a professional.

A.Give full attention.
B.Keep away from electrical devices
C.Put a reminder in the calendar, if needed.
D.It could be a relative, a friend or a health care provider.
E.Many people can benefit from actively building connections.
F.A lot of that is lost when people communicate electronically.
G.Also you can remind yourself of the value you bring to the world.

Here are the simple instructions given by a Harvard University assistant professor to people participating in a recent science study: “Imagine the following scene. Visualize it in your mind’s eye, as vividly as you can: a person walks into a room and knocks a ball off a table.”

The assistant professor, Tomer Ullman, then asked those in the study about their mental images: “Did you see how big the ball was? How about the person’s hair color?” Most participants visualized the former but not the latter. Ullman and his colleagues term this absence of details “noncommitment” to mental imagery (意象).

Brain imaging studies show that mental imagery engages the same neurons (744770) in similar ways as perception (EXXI). Visualizing things seems to have much in common with actually seeing them. But if mental images are indeed pictures, why do they lack such simple details?

Ullman and his colleagues conducted a series of experiments in which participants visualized the ball and table scene and were then presented with the questions selected by the researchers. The findings show 78% of the participants did not visualize at least two details. People are often unaware of how little detail their mental images contain until asked. They don’t notice how much they don’t notice. It has nothing to do with a person forgetting the contents of a mental image, and it also is found in people with vivid imaginations.

“Nearly everyone can tell you the size of the ball but not the person’s hair color,” Ullman says. “It’s like there’s one hierarchy when we construct images, and spatial properties are high up. Then things like colors are further down.” This fits with Kosslyn’s “skeletal image” theory, in which overall shape is generated first, and other details are added as needed.

“There are imagery-based systems for interviewing people who witnessed a crime to guide them through trying to visualize it as accurately as possible,” Kosslyn says. Imagination is an issue, but understanding noncommitment better could help develop ways of getting more accurate eyewitness evidence, he says. “That’s worth a lot.”

【小题1】What does noncommitment to mental imagery refer to?
A.Imagining a scene in one’s mind vividly.B.Remembering the size of a ball exactly.
C.Picturing things in one’s mind partially.D.Forgetting a person’s hair colour entirely.
【小题2】Why do people ignore some details when visualizing things?
A.They fail to realize.B.They have poor memories.
C.They lack a rich imagination.D.They think in a wrong way.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “hierarchy” probably mean in paragraph 5?
【小题4】What is the last paragraph mainly about?
A.The potential value of the research.B.The further prospect of the research.
C.The importance of looking for a witness.D.The difficulty in finding evidence of a crime.
