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It’s rare that you see the words “shyness” and “leader” in the same sentence. After all, the common opinion is that those outgoing and sociable guys make great public speakers and excellent net-workers and that those shy people are not.

A survey conducted by USA Today referred to 65 percent of managers who believed shyness to be a barrier to leadership. Interestingly, the same article stresses that roughly 40 percent of leaders actually are quite shy — they’re just better at adapting themselves to situational demands. Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and Charles Schwab are just a few “innies”.

Shy people take a cautious approach to chance. They listen attentively to what others say and absorb it before they speak. They’re listening so they can learn what to say. Along the same lines, shy people share a common love of learning. They are intrinsically (内在地) motivated and therefore seek content regardless of achieving an outside standard.

Being shy can also bring other benefits. Remember being in school and hearing the same kids contribute, until shy little Johnny, who almost never said a word, cut in? Then what happened? Everyone turned around to look with great respect at little Johnny actually talking. This is how shy people made good use of their power of presence: they “own” the moment by speaking calmly and purposefully, which translate to a positive image.

Shyness is often related to modesty. Not to say that limelight-seekers (引人注目的人) aren’t modest, but shy people tend to have an accurate sense of their abilities and achievements. As a result, they are able to recognize mistakes, imperfections, knowledge gaps and limitations.

Since shy people have a lower desire for outside rewards than outgoing ones, they’re more comfortable working with little information and sticking to their inner desires. Shy people are also more likely to insist on finding solutions that aren’t primarily apparent. Albert Einstein once said, “It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s that I stay with problems longer.” Obviously, finding certainty where uncertainty is typically popular is a huge plus for any successful person.

【小题1】What is the traditional belief to the shy people?
A.They are good at making friends.
B.They are not popular with people.
C.They like making speeches in public.
D.They are unlikely to become leaders.
【小题2】What does the underlined words refer to?
A.Shy people.B.Public speakers.
C.Net-workers.D.Survey conductor.
【小题3】What makes shy people succeed more easily according to the author?
A.They focus on achieving themselves outside rewards.
B.They make the best of the power of presence actively.
C.They realize their abilities and imperfections clearly.
D.They perform more confidently than outgoing people.
【小题4】How does the author support his ideas?
A.By making contrasts and giving examples.
B.By quoting authorities and making evaluations.
C.By explaining problems and providing solutions.
D.By giving definitions and presenting research results.
知识点:科普知识 社会问题与社会现象说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

How does an ecosystem (生态系统) work? What makes the populations of different species the way they are? Why are there so many flies and so few wolves? To find an answer, scientists have built mathematical models of food webs, noting who eats whom and how much each one eats.

With such models, scientists have found out some key principles operating in food webs. Most food webs, for instance, consist of many weak links rather than a few strong ones. When a predator (掠食动物) always eats huge numbers of a single prey (猎物) , the two species are strongly linked; when a predator lives on various species, they are weakly linked. Food webs may be dominated by many weak links because that arrangement is more stable over the long term. If a predator can eat several species, it can survive the extinction (灭绝) of one of them. And if a predator can move on to another species that is easier to find when a prey species becomes rare, the switch allows the original prey to recover. The weak links may thus keep species from driving one another to extinction.

Mathematical models have also revealed that food webs may be unstable, where small changes of top predators can lead to big effects throughout entire ecosystems. In the 1960s, scientists proposed that predators at the top of a food web had a surprising amount of control over the size of populations of other species—including species they did not directly attack.

And unplanned human activities have proved the idea of top-down control by top predators to be true. In the ocean, we fished for top predators such as cod on an industrial scale, while on land, we killed off large predators such as wolves. These actions have greatly affected the ecological balance.

Scientists have built an early-warning system based on mathematical models. Ideally, the system would tell us when to adapt human activities that are pushing an ecosystem toward a breakdown or would even allow us to pull an ecosystem back from the borderline. Prevention is key, scientists say, because once ecosystems pass their tipping point (临界点) , it is remarkably difficult for them to return.

【小题1】A strong link is found between two species when a predator ______.
A.has a wide food choiceB.can easily find new prey
C.sticks to one prey speciesD.can quickly move to another place
【小题2】What will happen if the populations of top predators in a food web greatly decline?
A.The prey species they directly attack will die out.
B.The species they indirectly attack will turn into top predators.
C.The living environment of other species will remain unchanged.
D.The populations of other species will experience unexpected changes.
【小题3】What conclusion can be drawn from the examples in Paragraph 4?
A.Uncontrolled human activities greatly upset ecosystems.
B.Rapid economic development threatens animal habitats.
C.Species of commercial value dominate other species.
D.Industrial activities help keep food webs stable.
【小题4】How does an early-warning system help us maintain the ecological balance?
A.By getting illegal practices under control.
B.By stopping us from killing large predators.
C.By bringing the broken-down ecosystems back to normal.
D.By signaling the urgent need for taking preventive action.

A food allergy (过敏) is a medical condition that occurs when the body’s protection system perceives certain foods as a threat and responds to them with an allergic reaction.

Symptoms (症状) of a food allergy

【小题1】 However, a severe reaction can take up to a few hours following exposure. Symptoms can range from mild to severe. And they may differ each time a specific allergen appears. Symptoms can include: a skin rash or hives, swelling of the face or lips, or feeling lightheaded or dizzy. 【小题2】 That can send the body into shock or make it difficult to breathe.

Judging a food allergy

Doctors consider a number of factors when investigating a food allergy. Those include both a patient’s symptoms and family history of allergies. A physical examination may be performed to rule out any other conditions. 【小题3】

Treating a food allergy

It may not be possible for a patient to completely avoid foods that induce (导致) an allergic reaction. For minor reactions, you can take some medicine. For severe reactions, however, turn to doctors for help.


The only sure way to prevent an allergic reaction to food is to carefully avoid the allergens. This can be a difficult process. That requires patients to carefully study food labels to ensure the food is safe for them. 【小题5】 So it’s necessary to inform family or friends of the food that can cause a food allergy.

A.Avoiding harm from allergy.
B.Preventing an allergic reaction.
C.Not everyone knows what a food allergy is.
D.But many people don’t know the allergens.
E.Other tests can include blood test or oral food challenge.
F.An allergic reaction to food usually occurs within minutes.
G.For some people, certain allergens can bring a severe reaction.

Black taxis have been a common sight in London for many years. Now these taxis and their drivers have become the focus of a new study into Alzheimer’s (阿尔兹海默症). For those on the outside, it may seem that behind the wheel of these black taxis are just common people who help move us to our places. But hidden within their brains is a map of London’s streets that has put GPS technology to shame for many years.

“The knowledge”, the test for London’s taxi drivers, stands among the hardest tests one could ever experience. It includes remembering information repeatedly from the memory of minute details about between 25, 000 and 56, 000 streets in London, depending on who’s taking the test, from the Trafalgar Square to the tiniest residential lanes (居民巷).

Usually, the hippocampus (马体) feels the influences of Alzheimer’s most. The hippocampus controls the brain’s short-term memory and spatial memory (空间记忆) systems. University College London and Alzheimer’s Research UK are coming together to study these taxi drivers’ brains. And the taxi drivers’ hippocampi continue to grow as they go on doing the job for more years. This suggests that perhaps there’s something we can do to reproduce the influence on the general population.

Lead researcher Hugo Spiers was part of the team which 20 years ago found that, like birds’, the taxi drivers’ hippocampi slowly got bigger. In fact, research has found for years that any animal that requires detailed spatial knowledge of their land experiences growth in the hippocampus.

Spiers’ team hopes to deal with Alzheimer’s by studying the taxi drivers “brains, since the hippocampus becomes smaller with the development of Alzheimer’s. To collect more information, Spiers has asked thirty London’s taxi drivers connected to an MRI machine to drive around. The machine will allow the researchers to keep a real-time watch on the workings of the hippocampus. “It’s been a joy to help scientists fight the disease,” said taxi driver Robert Lordan.

【小题1】What can we learn about “The knowledge’?
A.It lasts for a few minutes only.B.It invites some residents to be testers.
C.It is a great challenge to people’s memory.D.It is usually held in London's busy streets.
【小题2】What does the research on animals show?
A.Animals’ hippocampi are quite different from humans’.
B.The new study can do good to animals as well.
C.More detailed studies on animals’ brains are needed.
D.Animals’ hippocampi are similar to humans’
【小题3】Why do researchers watch taxi drivers with an MRI machine?
A.To decide who has the largest hippocampus.
B.To find out what their hippocampi are doing at work.
C.To know how Alzheimer’s develops in their brains.
D.To test whether the machine influences the hippocampus.
