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Do you know how much India struggles to gather the waste plastic water bottles? According to a Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) report from 2012, India generates 15, 000 tonnes of plastics a day, of which the gathered ones only achieve 60%. The trashed-but-not-gathered plastic waste leads to land and water pollution. posing serious threat to the environment.

After seeing that, Ankur Chawla, a drink expert, undertook research to find a solution, after which he realised the biggest problem the country faced was disposing of plastic waste. To address it, he wanted to come up with a solution where they do not add to the problem of waste. Fortunately, Ankur was not alone. He met Bhrigu Seth who was into green farming. Both of them found that they shared a common goal and it didn’t take long for them to draft a plan of action. It is estimated that over 90 percent of aluminium(铝) drink cans in India are recycled. Instead, 70 percent of the cans are manufactured through recycled waste. After going through challenges at hand, the pair made up their minds.

Before taking the next step. both co-founders visited five-star hotels and took samples of water in aluminium cans, asking them whether they would give it a shot if something like that comes in the market. The pair received an overwhelmingly positive response. They then determined to launch Responsible Whatr, natural spring water drink packed in an aluminium can to solve the problem of waste plastic water bottles.

As one of India’s first natural spring water drink, Responsible Whatr offered an environmentally friendly and endlessly recyclable aluminium can. It’s a non-alcoholic drink that was launched with a vision for an eco-friendly future and an agenda to reduce single-use plastic pollution.

Going forward, Ankur and Bhrigu aim to cooperate with airports and ecommerce gates which would help them in directly reaching the homes of high networth individuals (HNIs). They also plan to tie up with corporate firms and cinema halls and join hands with NGOs that are fighting for the conservation of beaches and oceans.

【小题1】What inspired Ankur to conduct his research?
A.Plastics remained the major bottle material.
B.Uncollected plastics caused severe pollution.
C.Plastics accounted for most of the daily waste.
D.The amount of plastic waste was beyond control.
【小题2】What was Ankur and Bhrigu’s solution to the problem?
A.Creating a new packaging design.B.Developing an alternative to plastics.
C.Launching a rubbish sorting program.D.Increasing the recycling of plastic cans.
【小题3】What was Responsible Whatr aimed at?
A.Removing plastic pollution.B.Promoting aluminium cans.
C.Advertising non-alcoholic drinks.D.Advocating a sustainable approach.
【小题4】How do Ankur and Bhrigu plan to expand their market?
A.By cooperating with NHIs.B.By introducing new products.
C.By targeting profitable NGOs.D.By establishing diverse channels.
知识点:环境保护环境污染说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

The eastern Siberian landscape is not normally like hell. In winter it is blanketed in snow:in summer, its forests are lush(苍翠繁茂的). This year, however, the region is on fire, as one large parts of the Arctic Circle.

The fires began in June, caused by an extremely hot and dry early summer. It was the hottest June on record globally. In the regions that are burning, temperatures peaked at 8-10℃ warmer than the average from 1981 to 2010. This has dried out the landscape, producing tinder(易燃物)for natural forest fires.

So far, hundreds of above-ground fires have been recorded by satellites in the Arctic and sub-Arctic. It is estimated that fires within the Arctic Circle have produced more than 100m tonnes of carbon dioxide in a year. That is a lot. But burnt vegetation can regrow within a decade, and in doing so reabsorbs much of the released carbon dioxide. It is what is happening below ground that most worries ecologists and climate scientists.

Global warming will melt Arctic permafrost(永久冻土), releasing large amounts of stored greenhouse gases. But if fires in the region become more common, that could have even bigger consequences. Wildfires will release much faster and bigger amounts of carbon, rather than melting permafrost. The fires also produce black carbon which, if dropped on the Arctic sea ice by favourable winds, will darken its surface, making it more likely to absorb sunlight and melt. This decreases the reflectivity of the region and further increases Arctic warming.

Smog from the fires is blanketing much of Siberia. "What is scary about the Arctic fires is that they are driven by climate change, and there's very little you can do," says Thomas Smith. Few natural fires this big have ever been successfully managed. The only way to deal with the spread of these fires is to slow the rate of global warming. Don't hold your breath.

【小题1】What do we know about the wild fires in the Arctic Circle?
A.They are common yearly phenomena.B.They come earlier than usual this year.
C.They result from extreme weather.D.They destroy Siberian landscape.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “That” in Paragraph 3 refer to?
A.Hundreds of above-ground fires.B.100m tonnes of carbon dioxide.
C.Burnt plant life within a decade.D.Satellite distribution in the Arctic.
【小题3】What is the fourth paragraph mainly about?
A.The causes of fires.B.The consequences of fires.
C.The working principles of global warming.D.The characteristics of Arctic warming.
【小题4】Which word best describes the author's attitude toward the Arctic fires?


What Indonesians commonly do is put their trash in their personal garbage area which is usually located at the front of their houses, right at the side of the street. Put trash there, and the garbage collectors with their big garbage trucks will pick it up.


The country has a quite detailed way of sorting its wast — down to the color of the glass waste and the type of paper that can be put inside the garbage bin. Some common public garbage bins are available in the German apartment/housing area:

1. Blue bin — for paper and cardboard. Greasy(油腻的) pizza box goes to the gray bin!
2. Green and white bin — for glass, different bins for different glass colors!
3. Yellow/orange bin — for plastic and metals.
4. Brown bin — for biodegradable goods.
5. Gray/black bin — everything else that can’t be recycled such as used diaper, animal waste and ashes.

Some items don’t belong in your housing area’s public garbage bins. Items like used batteries, electronics, unused paints, and light bulbs must be returned to special locations so they can be recycled. Other items such as clothes, oversized trash and furniture are advised to be sold or donated.

South Korea

Here are the types of garbage bin provided in South Korea:

Food Waste, anything that could be eaten by animals
Recyclable Waste
Oversized Waste, mostly electronics and furniture
General Waste, anything that doesn’t belong to the other types.

Because the food waste bin is reserved for anything that can be eaten by animals, eggshells, crustacean shells and bones are fairly forbidden from it. You have to separate the bones from your meat waste, put the meat waste in the food waste bin and put the rest of the bones in the general waste bin.

【小题1】How do Indonesians usually deal with their trash?
A.By paying someone to throw it.
B.By throwing it into a public garbage bin.
C.By wrapping it in a plastic bag and throw it away anywhere.
D.By putting it in an appointed place to be collected.
【小题2】What will Germans do if they don’t need furniture any more?
A.Donate it to others.B.Put it in the blue bin.
C.Return it to special locations.D.put it outside the room.
【小题3】What kind of waste will be put into the general waste bin in South Korea?
A.Cardboard.B.Chicken sandwiches.C.Crustacean shellsD.Second-hand furniture.

One million species face extinction, more than ever before in human history, according to a UN report released in May. And humans should be responsible.

The Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) based the assessment(评估)on some 15, 000 sources considering the causes and results of environ- mental changes over the past 50 years.

The findings are clear and alarming. The researchers have found that about 25 percent of the world’s plants and animals are at risk of extinction. These include sea and land animals. Even the domesticated(驯养的)animals are at risk: Over 9 percent of the domesticated ani- mal species used for food and agriculture might have been lost.

There are some big problems. This rapid decrease of the natural world endangers global food safety and quality of life. For example, about 4 billion people rely on natural medicines, produced by the disappearing species, for their health care. And losses of species that pollinate(授粉)plants threaten up to $577 billion in crops each year.

The researchers identified five drivers responsible for the unpleasant news. They think at the top of the list is the change of land and sea use. The change in ecosystems towards agriculture, aquaculture and other human developments has led to changes in the natural living space of species. It is followed by the direct overuse of creatures (harvesting crops, cutting down the trees, hunting and fishing) and climate change, including rising sea levels and increasing extreme-weather events, wildfires, floods and droughts. The final causes of species extinction are pollution, especially plastics, and the spread of non-native species that can displace or kill native plants and animals.

The researchers say it is time for humans to make a change. They think maybe a new global way to save food and refuse waste in our life could turn the tables. Whether that is possible is an open question.

【小题1】What is the main purpose of the first paragraph?
A.To introduce the topic of the text.
B.To introduce the schedule of the report.
C.To introduce humans’ sense of responsibility.
D.To introduce the history of human development.
【小题2】What does paragraph 3 mainly show?
A.The reliability of the findings.
B.The species of animals worldwide.
C.The seriousness of species’ reduction.
D.The risky experiences of the researchers.
【小题3】What is the biggest threat of species’ survival according to the researchers?
A.Climate change.
B.Natural disasters.
C.Changes of their living space.
D.The direct overuse of creatures.
【小题4】What are the researchers in favor of?
A.Changing our living habits.
B.Spreading non-native species.
C.Limiting native plants and animals.
D.Stopping discussing the food problem.
