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How to Properly Recycle Your Paper and Cardboard

If you receive pizza deliveries or packages regularly, you probably have a pile of empty boxes sitting somewhere in your house. 【小题1】 For example, the pizza boxes you’ve been “recycling” are actually getting thrown away by employees at the recycling center. 【小题2】 Due to Earth Day, we’ll help make sure you’re recycling them the right way.

According to the University of Southern Indiana, one billion trees’ worth of paper is thrown in the trash annually — and that’s just in the US. I spoke with some recycling experts and here’s what I found out about the right way to recycle paper and cardboard.

【小题3】 For example, you can recycle a delivery box, but not a contaminated(受污染的)pizza box. This is because the oils from the pizza saturate(浸透)the cardboard, making it unrecyclable. 【小题4】 A recycling center employee advised cutting out the contaminated part of the cardboard and placing it in your compost(堆肥)bin.

Before you bring the cardboard to your nearest recycling center or put it in a bin for pickup, break the boxes down so that they’re lying flat. 【小题5】 If possible, remove the tape from the boxes before taking the cardboard to the recycling center, as well. Saving the employees a step can help make the recycling process more efficient.

A.This helps make more room in the bin.
B.It helps protect the other materials in the bin.
C.There’s a right way to recycle your paper and cardboard.
D.Therefore it’s important that we make sure to recycle as much as we can.
E.However, it is not completely impossible to recycle contaminated boxes.
F.While you may think you can recycle any cardboard and paper, that’s not the case.
G.The same goes for the shiny wrapping paper you thought would be fine to put into the paper recycling.
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Mathematics is one of the most fearful subjects for many students.   【小题1】. As a result, they often lack confidence at school. Following are some techniques used by professional tutors to build up their confidence.


Some students may have a gap in their knowledge, which needs to be properly fulfilled. They often do not understand lessons because of the weak foundation. Professional math tutors begin with simple math concepts, allowing these students to make good progress and creating a positive impact on them.

Taking new approaches

Similar to solving math problems to arrive at the correct answer, some methods work for some but not for others. Therefore, professional math tutors ensure to assess the abilities of the young learners so that they can customize the approaches of learning according to the individuals' capability. 【小题3】. Moreover, it will help them to believe in their skills.

Giving space and time

Some students cannot rush through topics because they will miss out a lot. They can get stuck into a critical problem, and they might take a bit more time than others to learn a new method or lesson, which is completely fine. 【小题4】.

Removing math myths

Some students have a misconception that either they are good at math or they are not. Such perspective discourages the children from understanding math. Professional tutors ensure to drive off such myths from children's mind. 【小题5】, which will make them excellent in anything.

In a way, professional math tutors help the students build math confidence by overcoming math anxiety. In this way, the fear in math among young learners goes way and they are able to learn in an easier way.

A.Bridging the gap
B.Beginning from the basics
C.They help students in believing working hard
D.It will allow the students to learn more quickly and easily
E.They find it difficult to learn different mathematical methods
F.You should think out of the box to make solving difficult math problems
G.Professional tutors encourage such students to be patient and take time in learning

How to Show Respect

Whether you’re talking to your best friend or a stranger, respecting them shows that you’re kind and considerate. Here are some easy ways to show respect in your life.

Listen to others.

Practice active listening to show you respect others. 【小题1】 Nod your head and ask follow-up questions to stay focused in the conversation. Even if you disagree, try to consider the point of view before responding.

Confirm(肯定)people’s opinions.

When you’re talking to someone, confirm their opinions in your own words. You can also mention their achievements to let them know you see how hard they’ve worked. You could say something like, “What you just said was really cool. 【小题2】 ” Or, “I can tell you’ve worked super hard to get your business off the ground.”

Apologize when you’re in the wrong.

It shows a great deal of maturity (成熟). If you mess up, a simple “I’m sorry” goes a long way. Try not to make excuses for yourself. 【小题3】 For example, if you forgot a deadline, you could say, “I’m really sorry. I’ll be setting reminders so this doesn’t happen again.”


If you make a promise to attend an event or make plans with someone, come through on your end of the deal. Being reliable shows respect for people’s time. Have your materials in order and complete all the necessary work ahead of time. Just say no if you can’t promise. 【小题5】

A.Stick to your word.
B.Wait to talk instead of merely listening.
C.I can tell you’ve thought a lot about this topic.
D.Watch and be quiet when someone else is talking.
E.It can be tough at first, but it’s better to be honest.
F.Excuses are useless if you want to correct your mistakes.
G.It might also be helpful to have a plan to avoid such mistakes again.
