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Niels Eék, psychologist and co-founder of mental health and self-development platform Remente, gives advice on how to manage your mental health when returning to work.

The prospect of going back to work may cause some nervousness and anxiety, especially after spending so long with limited face-to-face contact. Upon returning to the office, you may want to keep track of how much time you are devoting to work when you return home in the evenings.

Remote working can blur the boundaries between your professional and personal life, so it’s important to re-establish this division, particularly if you have spent the last four months working from home. Reading and receiving emails and messages outside of working hours can make some people feel more anxious. To avoid this, you may want to set clear boundaries at home, where you do not address work emails during certain hours, to give yourself time to relax ready for the next day.

Of course, some tasks may be urgent, so ask your manager to phone you if something needs to be immediately addressed. That way, you don’t need to be constantly checking your device and can instead focus on your own mental and physical well-being. Go to bed at a time that allows you to rise well-rested, cook nutritious meals that you enjoy, or perhaps take an evening walk to relax. Returning to work is likely to be a shock after so long, so make sure to do what you need to do to feel relaxed each evening.

Talking to a friend or colleague can be extremely useful when addressing these anxieties. It is good to remember that these feelings are something that many people face, so being open about your emotions is nothing to feel uncomfortable about. “Remember that it is OK to tell your friends and co-workers that you need some time out” as you return to regular interactions with people after months of isolation. It may take some time to adapt to the change in circumstances, but this is totally normal.

【小题1】What will happen to the people who return to office work?
A.They will need more career development guidance.
B.They will have to check their emails constantly.
C.They will feel more relaxed than working at home.
D.They may suffer from some mental problems.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “blur” mean in Paragraph 3?
A.Mix up.B.Focus on.C.Break away.D.Set up.
【小题3】How can you avoid being disturbed after work in the evening?
A.Telling your manager you need rest.
B.Checking your device repeatedly for messages.
C.Confirming urgent and vital things to be addressed.
D.Telling your colleagues to spare you some time.
【小题4】Which can be a suitable title for the passage?
A.How to manage your physical health at work
B.How to deal with anxiety as you return to work
C.Advice on a better performance at office work
D.Advice on striking a balance between work and life
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The art of keeping a diary isn’t something new. 【小题1】 People keep diaries because they feel that there is something important enough in their lives to keep track of. However, one’s definition may differ from another’s point of view. Although many diaries are for personal satisfaction, others use it for business purposes, in order to keep a historical record for generations. 【小题2】

1. To record and recall events and issues

【小题3】 The diary can be a valuable tool to determine many things about past situations and events. You can look at recorded history as a mixture of diaries recorded by historians. Past records are all that we have to go on when we want to know history. If they are incorrect, the results can be deadly.

2. To honestly express your own thoughts and feelings

Many people are reflective and like to reflect on past situations and events. Recording thoughts and feelings will help others to understand why you do what you do along with past experiences which may have been either pleasant or unpleasant.

3. To have better self-reflection

This is similar to meditation (沉思). You reflect on past mistakes in order to avoid repeating them in the future. 【小题4】 I often reflect on the mistakes that I have made when dealing with circumstances, situations, and people. Sometimes people see diaries as an honest written self-assessment of situations which you may have been involved in, problems that you came across, and the steps that you took to solve them. It is often used in the workplace so that the incoming replacement will have an excellent idea of what to expect during performance of the job.

4. To increase vocabulary and improve writing skills

The only way to become more expert at performing a task is by doing it. Practice makes perfect and keeping a diary will help you to improve your communication and writing skills. 【小题5】

A.There are many different types of diaries.
B.The more you write, the better you become at writing.
C.This is probably the primary reason that diaries are kept.
D.I have found this type of reflection to be helpful in my personal life.
E.Below is a list of reasons that people may choose to keep a diary.
F.There are many who choose to create and use diaries for various reasons.
G.It often helps when we communicate our feelings and problems to others.

My family moved several times as I grew up, so “new kid” was a name I heard often. Even now, I remember the feelings of every awkward first day of school: uncertain, nervous , out of place. When I think of those days, what sticks out are the moments when someone made me feel welcome. I realize we can create space for others with something as simple as a “Hallo”.

1. While Holding the Door

This might seem like a small act, but has the power to cause a ripple effect.【小题1】 However they are feeling, this act of kindness can throw bright light on their day. Your smile and simple greeting could empower them to create joy for others.

2. In Tougher Times

If you notice someone feeling uncomfortable or out of place, create a warm and inviting space by taking the time to say hello.【小题2】It can serve as a wonderful skill throughout life.

3. At Your Coffee Shop

Lines aren't ever fun. But if you have a few extra minutes in your day and you notice someone in a hurry, let them go in front of you! This is the perfect opportunity to create space to make someone's day.【小题3】

4. In the Grocery Line

【小题4】Showing someone you care is, though! The next time you're in the grocery line, put down your phone and say hello. Chances are you'll make someone smile.

5. With an Extra Dose of Courage

Sometimes saying hello takes some courage. That's okay!【小题5】You can never know the friendship or opportunity that such a small act of courage can bring about.

A.Why not try to maintain old friendships?
B.All you have to say is, “Hello! Go ahead. ”
C.Asking someone how their day is might not seem like a big deal.
D.Opening your eyes to the wellbeing of others is a powerful skill.
E.It's natural to feel uncomfortable in those completely new situations.
F.It can be hard to be the first to say hello, but have faith and be brave.
G.You never know who might pass through and what they might be experiencing.

Curious people are interested in the world around them and are full of questions. Being curious is an excellent way to expand your knowledge base, help you strengthen your relationships and improve your memory as well as health. 【小题1】 So why not take some steps to try to become curious?

Read widely. Choosing something you are already interested in makes it easy to start becoming curious. Reading is one of the best ways to widen your knowledge base. There are books on every topic, from politics to cooking and to gardening. Think about your interests and choose one to start learning about. 【小题2】

Start with the question. 【小题3】 That means that we spend most of our time focusing on finding a solution, and that we forget to acknowledge the importance of the question. If you want to become curious, take time to thoroughly consider and reflect on questions.

【小题4】 It means being more aware of your feelings and your surrounding. Try to become more conscious of curiosity. Make an effort to remind yourself to find something to spark (激发) your curiosity each day, The next time you see a movie, challenge yourself to find something new to look into.

Avoid routines. A set routine is considered an active enemy of curiosity. 【小题5】 In order to stimulate (刺激) curiosity, change things up a bit. Try to find a different way to do some of your daily tasks. For example, whether you walk or drive, take a different path. Chances are that you'll notice something new.

A.Be mindful.
B.Get a book and find out more.
C.Many people are creatures of habit.
D.Become aware of your daily reading routines.
E.In a word, curiosity is beneficial to you in many ways.
F.Questions about curiosity can be found in a lot of books.
G.Studies show that we are always too eager to get to the answer.
