阅读理解-七选五 适中0.65 引用3 组卷192

Bad judgments are meant to feed our own personal ego (自我意识) and put others down, which is not the healthiest thing to do. Here are five reasons why you should stop it now.

You start finding faults in everyone. Judging quickly moves on to more private areas of your life. 【小题1】 You fail to appreciate them and start getting dissatisfied with them. You become critical of even those who matter to you.

Judging becomes a habit. If you judge people, sooner or later, it becomes a habit, and you start judging everyone around you for the tiniest of things. 【小题2】 And you might dismiss even the best of people through these microscopic judgments.

People begin to distrust you. If you pass judgments about other people in front of your audience, you will lose their trust. As they will begin to feel that if you can judge others in front of them, you can talk about them behind their back. 【小题3】

Judgment is a sign of unhappiness. If you are 100% happy with who you are, you are a lot less likely to feel the need to judge others. If you are self-assured, you will not feel the need to cast a downward glance at others. 【小题4】 Either way, it is a negative attitude.

【小题5】 If you’re judging others, you’re probably judging yourself pretty harshly as well. You often tend to think that if you are judging people by what they wear, someone might in turn judge you, which, as a consequence, makes you extremely concerned with your appearance.

A.You are viewed positively by people.
B.You start taking yourself too seriously.
C.Hence, seeing others positively shows we are positive people.
D.You judge their clothing, actions, success, values, and everything.
E.Likewise, you also judge because you feel you are better than others.
F.You start judging your close ones; friends, family members, partner, etc.
G.And no one wants to make friends with someone often talking unkindly about others.
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Apologies are commonly known as a sign of empathy(共情) in the workplace. But over-apologizing or excessively saying sorry when you don’t need to is a bad habit that can weaken your authority, and more importantly, it hurts your pride. 【小题1】, what can you do? Below are four alternatives to saying “I’m sorry”:

When someone bumps(撞) into you or they’re in your way

When someone bumps into you, saying excuse me or pardon me is more appropriate than saying sorry. 【小题2】.

When you have a question

Practice speaking up in meetings without apologizing first. You’re not interrupting or annoying if you have a question, so don’t assume you are.


“Thank you.” These two words are often more powerful than an apology. Try replacing feelings of shame with gratitude. Saying “Thank you. Let’s begin.” acknowledges that your colleagues waited for you.

When someone makes an unreasonable request for your time

Instead, say, “No, I’m not able to do that.” If people make unreasonable requests for your time, it’s wise to learn how to push back. 【小题4】. You may be worried about saying “no” because you fear people will dislike you or get upset. Typically, the opposite is true, and people will respect your honesty.

【小题5】 On the contrary, a well-placed apology can be very powerful.

A.Don’t apologize for taking up space
B.We cannot say “no” randomly
C.When a colleague offers you good advice
D.When you’re late for a meeting and make others wait
E.If you find yourself falling into the habit of over-apologizing
F.Remember, saying you’re sorry isn’t necessarily a sign of weakness
G.Stating your limits and expectations clearly doesn’t mean you’re being difficult

How do people respond when you have a talk with them? Maybe they brush your emotions aside or never listen to you. 【小题1】 Some tips will help you gain respect by communicating more effectively.

Use confident body language. This type of body language can increase your self-respect and help you earn people’s respect. Confident body language can include good eye contact and appropriate postures (姿势). Keep your eyes forward instead of down. 【小题2】

Improve your listening skills. Good listeners often come across as sympathetic and caring, which are admirable qualities. A skilled listener can make others feel valued and appreciated. 【小题3】 To improve your listening skills, start by paying more attention to people during conversations. Put your phone away and focus on what they are saying rather than what you want to say in response. Give them plenty of time to speak.

Avoid oversharing. It’s common to talk too much and start rambling (瞎扯) when you get nervous or want to make a good impression. But to gain others’ respect, you can’t ramble or talk too much about yourself. 【小题4】 Get everyone involved and talk about shared interests or hobbies. That way , people will start valuing your input and what you say.

【小题5】 Sometimes you may have a difficult conversation or come into conflict with others. If you get cross, people won’t take you seriously because they’ll think you’re too emotional and unreasonable. In that case, you should have the conversation in private instead of making a scene in public. You can also do it sometime after you’ve cooled down.

A.Keep calm and your anger in check.
B.There’s no need to fill every silence.
C.Therefore, he may be respected in return.
D.Try to make your message as clear as possible.
E.You might feel that you just don’t matter to others.
F.Don’t leave your arms crossed or hands in your pockets.
G.Instead, you need to slow down and find some common ground.

Healthy relationships with your partner and family members can improve your life and make everyone feel good about themselves. 【小题1】 Healthy relationships take time to build and keep. The more positive effort you put into a relationship, the healthier it should be.

People in healthy relationships love and support each other. 【小题2】 They are there for each other in the good times and the bad times.

【小题3】 They are less likely to have physical and mental ( 精神的) health problems. Healthy relationships can increase your sense of worth and belonging, give you confidence and encourage you to try new things and learn more about yourself.

People who are in a healthy relationship talk to each other regularly and listen to each other too. Misunderstandings can happen. 【小题4】 Making a real effort to understand what the other person is saying also helps. Double checking that you have understood correctly can avoid misunderstandings. To encourage more open communication in your relationship, you can set aside time to speak to each other, without interruptions (打断) and put yourself in the other person’s shoes.

Building healthy relationships with partners, friends and family is good for you. 【小题5】 Keeping good relationships with others takes time and effort. No relationship is perfect, but it is important that it brings you more happiness than stress.

A.They don’t just happen though.
B.Continuing them is also important.
C.It is best to be clear about what you want to say.
D.It is important that you both accept your differences.
E.They help each other practically as well as emotionally.
F.There are other things to consider besides having common interests.
G.People who have healthy relationships are more likely to feel happier.
