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Every year, as the surface water temperature off the United States mid-Atlantic coast rises steadily from late spring through the summer, a pocket of uncharacteristically cool and crisp water gets trapped at the bottom of the ocean. Packed with nutrients this thick band of cold water, known as the mid-Atlantic cold pool, is a vital home for shellfish species. Extending at its seasonal peak from Nantucket, Massachusetts, to Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, the cold poll creates a diverse ecosystem ranging from algae(海藻)to fish — and some of the most valuable shellfish fisheries in the United States.

Now, however, two pressures have scientists worrying about whether the cold pool will last. The first is no surprise: climate change. Over the past five decades, climates change has destabilized the cold pool, causing it to warm and shrink. Compared with 1968, the cold pool is now 13℃ warmer and has lost more than one-third of its area.

The second concern is 1ess certain. In 2023, the US federal government approved plans to install(安装)98 wind turbines(涡轮机)off the New Jersey coast, covering an area of more than 300 square kilometers. Yet putting so many turbines to the seafloor could have unexpected consequences for the cold pool. That’s why Travis Miles, a researcher at New Jersey’s Rutgers University, and his colleagues are investigating. So far, Miles and his colleagues can’t definitively say what will happen to the cold pool, saying more research is needed to assess how climate change and offshore wind, together, could affect the cold pool. However, their initial analyses suggest the cold pool should be fine — at least in normal conditions.

New Jersey’s offshore wind plans are strongly opposed mainly by fossil fuel-industry funded efforts. Miles worries that an overabundance of caution or fear of potential impacts, including on the cold pool, might slow down the development of renewable energy. “...it’s quite clear that climate change is far more damaging than installing wind farms,” he says. “I don’t think any scientist would argue with that.”

【小题1】What do we know about the mid-Atlantic cold pool?
A.It forms in early spring.B.It’s a band of cold near-bottom water.
C.It serves as a habitat of most sea species.D.It extends from Nantucket to New Jersey.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “shrink” in paragraph 2 mean?
A.Break down.B.Get polluted.C.Dry up.D.Become smaller.
【小题3】Miles’ attitude toward installing wind farms can be described as ______.
【小题4】What is the best title for the text?
A.The Cold Pool Plays a Role on species
B.Opinions Divide on Offshore Wind Farms
C.Scientists Eye Potential Risks to the Cold Pool
D.Renewable Energy Helps to Race Against Climate Change
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The age of 18 is when a person legally reaches adulthood. But does this truly stand for our maturity? The very word “ADULT” can be broken into 5 parts containing qualities necessary for your personal development. 【小题1】


【小题2】 But no matter what, our parents would come and take care of us and wouldn’t hold us accountable for these acts. However, as an adult, we are totally in control of our life, including all our decisions and actions.


EGO — A small 3-letter word that has the power to damage a big 12-letter word — RELATIONSHIP. Getting attached to one’s ego has a harmful effect similar to holding a beautiful red rose firmly. 【小题3】 So it is time for us to get rooted to the ground and set our ego on fire.


In a world population of about 8 billion, each of us is 100% unique. We communicate with different kinds of people on a daily basis. Collective decisions for various issues involve interacting with people to reach an agreement. It is necessary to understand and respect each other’s beliefs.


When we listen to others, thoughts and ideas from them are directly transmitted (传达) to us. 【小题4】Listening effectively with the intention to understand and not to reply is the need of the hour.


We collect data in the form of parents’ suggestions on careers, friends’ advice on relationships or content that we read on social media. This data should be analyzed and questioned before reaching our own conclusions. 【小题5】

So you think you are an A-D-U-L-T?

A.This will help us to broaden our minds.
B.Check and see how many of these we have!
C.The stronger a person’s hold, the deeper the wound.
D.Our minds should be trained to work in the same manner.
E.An information system performs the following functions.
F.As a baby, we would cry unnecessarily or even mess up the place.
G.It’s time we stop spoon feeding of opinions by others and learn to take our own stand on matters.

Most people walk. But that seemingly simple act is actually a series of movements, each requiring their own timing and path. Not only that, everybody has a special style of walking, and if you know someone well enough, you can probably identify him by his movements, even from far away.

A new paper published in the Journal of Nonverbal Behavior presents a technique for making assumptions about a person’s entire personality based on their walk. The 29 participants first took the Big Five Inventory, a commonly used personality test helping predict patterns in a person’s thought and behaviour, social skills, tendency to worry, creativity and intellect and extraversion (外向性). The researchers then recorded and analyzed the gaits (步态) of each participant.

“We found that larger relative-upper-to-lower body movement was a strong predictor of aggression,” says co-author Liam Satchell, a PhD student at the University of Portsmouth. This research mathematically explains previous research where “distinctive” gait was helpful in predicting upcoming crimes through security cameras. If police officers were trained in recognizing aggressive gaits, they might be able to prevent crimes before they happened. Satchell adds, “Possibly a further scientific exploration could reveal more evidence that the behaviors of another person can be predicted from how they move through space.”

One such study has come out recently. PLOS Computational Biology published a model to predict the probability of the path and timing of the parts of the movement shared by all people, and even the movements shared by people who have similar personality traits (特点) or are in the same moods — like people who are aggressive or bad-tempered.

Dr. Lars Lau Rakêt, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Copenhagen, says, “In our model, we can combine information from thousands of movement patterns to get precise information about the structure of the movement, which ultimately allows us to judge whether the movement of an individual differs significantly from what we would expect to see in a given situation.”

【小题1】What did the study participants experience in the research?
A.They had their personality assessed.B.They completed a series of physical tasks.
C.They were monitored through security cameras.D.They were observed in various social situations.
【小题2】According to Satchell, in what field may their research results be applied?
A.Scientific exploration.B.Behavioral correction.
C.Security service.D.Personality development.
【小题3】What can Dr. Lars Lau Rakêt’s model assist researchers to do?
A.Recover missing information.B.Copy human behaviors.
C.Adjust undesirable personalities.D.Identify unique movements.
【小题4】What is the main purpose of the article?
A.To discuss how experiments change our perspective.
B.To present a new model for predicting human behavior.
C.To highlight the importance of applying computer science.
D.To introduce the findings about a person’s pace and personality.

Cheese and red wine are basic diets over the festive period, and if you love red wine and cheese, a new study will come as music to your ears. Researchers from low a State University have revealed that drinking red wine and eating cheese can help to reduce cognitive decline.

In the study, the researchers analyzed data from 1,787 adults aged 46 to 77, and asked them to complete questionnaires about their food and alcohol consumption. The results showed that cheese was the most protective food against age-related cognitive problems, even into late life. Daily consumption of red wine was also shown to improve cognitive function, while weekly consumption of lamb was shown to improve long-term cognitive skills. However, over-consumption of salt was found to increase the risk of cognitive decline.

Dr. Auriel Willette, who led the study, said: “I was pleasantly surprised that our results suggest that appropriately eating cheese and drinking red wine daily are not just good for helping us cope with our current COVID-19 pandemic, but perhaps also dealing with an increasingly complex world. Although we considered whether this was just due to what rich people eat and drink, clinical trials at random are needed to determine if making easy changes in our diet could help our brains in significant ways.”

While the reason for the link remains unclear, the researchers believe that cheese and red wine may protect some people from the effects of Alzheimer's.

Brandon Klinedinst, an author of the study, added: “Depending on the genetic factors you carry, some individuals seem to be more protected from the effects of Alzheimer's, while others seem to be at greater risk. Perhaps the silver bullet we're looking for is improving how we eat. Knowing what that involves contributes to a better understanding of Alzheimer's and putting this disease in an opposite path.”

【小题1】What is the study mainly about?
A.Basic diets over the festive period.B.Possible reasons for cognitive decline.
C.Feelings of pleasant music to people's ears.D.Effects of certain diets on cognitive decline.
【小题2】Which of the following increases the risk of cognitive problems?
A.Taking in too much salt.B.Eating cheese properly.
C.Drinking red wine daily.D.Consuming lamb weekly.
【小题3】What can be inferred from Paragraph 3?
A.Changes in our diet help our brains in significant ways.
B.The diets of wealthy people were not taken into account.
C.The study results need to be proved by more clinical trials.
D.COVID-19 pandemic makes our world increasingly complex.
【小题4】What does the underlined phrase “silver bullet" in the last paragraph probably mean?
A.Genetic factor.B.Easy solution.C.Special metal.D.Certain food.
