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Culdesac, which describes itself as “the first car-free neighborhood built from scratch in the US”, admitted its first 36 residents in Tempe, Arizona, US, earlier this year. In a country as car-dependent as the US, Culdesac is nothing short of visionary. The $170 million (about 1.24 billion yuan) neighborhood, with its white buildings and narrow walkways, is expected to hold around 1,000 people when the full 760 units are completed by 2025, according to The Guardian. Similar projects in Charlotte, North Carolina, and Houston, Texas, are also underway, said Bloomberg.

Although some densely populated coastal US cities like Boston and New York City are walkable and have adequate public transportation options like bus and light rail, the vast majority of Americans are entirely dependent on cars to get around. In the 2018 US Census, it was found that roughly 85 percent of Americans relied on a car to get to work.

This reliance on cars doesn’t come cheap, unfortunately. In a 2023 study, the American Automobile Association said that it costs an average of about 89,000 yuan per year to own and maintain a car in the US.

So, what is stopping Americans from deserting cars and embracing relatively cheaper alternatives like e-bikes? In a word, unsafe roads that prioritize cars over people. According to a 2018 report by the World Health Organization, the US traffic death rate is 12.4 deaths per 100,000. At the same time, pedestrians and cyclists in the US are often blamed for being hit by drivers rather than the other way around.

Still, there’s hope. By embracing a new car-free way of living, US projects like Culdesac can provide an alternative way of living that’s both healthier and more affordable and, in turn, influence others to live a better way as well. As Vanessa Fox, a 32-year-old resident of Culdesac, said, “For some, cars equal freedom, but for me, it’s a restriction. Freedom is being able to just simply walk out and access places.”

【小题1】What can we learn about Culdesac from paragraph 1?
A.It will be put into use soon.
B.It is thought to be forward-thinking.
C.It follows several successful projects.
D.It is the world’s largest car-free neighborhood.
【小题2】Why do Americans hesitate to give up cars?
A.Maintaining a car is cheap.
B.Roads conditions are unsafe.
C.E-bikes are not widely available.
D.Public transportation is inadequate.
【小题3】What influence can car-free projects like Culdesac have on American society?
A.Restricting freedom of movement.
B.Increasing residents’ sense of responsibility.
C.Encouraging people to explore their communities.
D.Promoting a healthier and more cost-effective lifestyle.
【小题4】What is the best title of the passage?
A.Living Car-free in the US
B.Improving US Road Conditions
C.A New Trend: Energy-efficient Cars
D.A Dilemma: Car-free or Car-dependent
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For those who may not be familiar, there is no such thing as a bicycle grants(补助金). As a matter of fact, there are a number of organizations and programs offering bicycle grants to bicyclers all over the world. Now of course, you can't simply receive money, because you want to buy a new mountain bike. Usually, those awarded grants are working on improving the quality of life. People are excited about the bicycle grants. This type of influence and achievement is gaining the attention of various companies that want to help by providing the necessary funding.

Eastman Kodak Company

Kodak has developed a fund called the “ Kodak American Greenways Awards". They are cooperating with the National geographic Society and the Conservation fund. Each year, they present grants as high as $2,500. The“seed” grant award is awarded to organizations that focus on improving blueways, greenways, natural areas, and trails.

US Government

The government has developed their only program for bicycle riders, called " The US Department of transportation's Recreational Trails Program". The government’s program is primarily focused on funding trail projects. The benefits of the fund is recreation, which includes bicycling, hiking, in-line skating, snowmobiling, all-terrain(地面)vehicle riding, and so forth. The great addition to the fund is that they distribute the funding to all the states. This means that everybody has the opportunity of receiving bicycle grants.

Bikes Belong Coalition

The Bikes Belong Coalition makes putting more people on bicycles their priority. They advocate for a better environment, recreation, sports, and better health, by way of bicycling. At the same time, they provide funding for supporting projects and bicycle facilities. Some of the projects they accept are paved lanes and bike paths. Applications for their grants can be submitted by either a facility class or a supporting class. Also, Bikes Belong Coalition are not quick to award bicycle grants to those who have been awarded in the past 3 years. This is partially due to their limited amount of funding

【小题1】What's the main purpose of the bicycle grants?
A.To encourage a healthy lifestyle.B.To make bicycles more popular.
C.To advertise their companies.D.To give money to bicyclers directly.
【小题2】Who can receive grants offered by the US government?
【小题3】What’s the primary purpose of the passage?
A.To explain the reason for the latest bicycle grants.
B.To attract more bicycle riders around the country.
C.To organize a big event of bicycling across the country.
D.To introduce some organizations of the bicycle grants.

Across the fashion industry, many top designers have faced accusations of cultural appropriation (挪用).

Designer Jane Kellock, who has worked with brands such as Topshop, said she doesn’t believe designers deliberately go out to rip off (剽窃) cultures. “Design is a mish-mash (大杂烩) of different styles, cultures, ideas — and that’s what makes it interesting,” she said. “I really, genuinely don’t think that designers look at other cultures and think ‘I’m just going to copy that and I’m going to rip off that culture’.”

Dr Serkan Delice, a lecturer in cultural and historical studies at the London College of Fashion, is currently researching the debate over fashion and cultural appropriation. He said that fashion designers are often accused of cultural appropriation because of the speed at which the industry moves. “In most cases, unfortunately, designers don’t even have time to undertake proper research and appreciate a culture.”

One question that often comes up when the chat around cultural appropriation happens is: “What about people of color wearing clothes designed by white people?”

In 2016, designer Marc Jacobs appeared to defend his decision to style white models in dreadlocks (细发辫). Responding to the criticism, a comment from his official account said: “Funny how you don’t criticize women of color for straightening their hair.”

Dr Delice said cultural appropriation only “happens when there are power inequalities between different cultures”. “We are still living in a world where white people and institutions are much more powerful than black and brown people and their institutions. So it wouldn’t be cultural appropriation because cultural appropriation implies that a more powerful culture is using another less powerful culture.”

So what should designers do? Dr Delice believes that designers should make sure people from different cultures take part in producing the clothes that are inspired by them. “That’s the only solution. In other words, if you’re doing a runway show (时装秀), then you need to use the original inhabitants of that region, or in the production process.”

【小题1】What does Jane Kellock think makes design interesting?
A.The cultures it reflects.B.Its impact on culture.
C.The mixture of various elements.D.Its focus on cultural exchange.
【小题2】Why do fashion designers often face accusations of cultural appropriation according to Serkan Delice?
A.They deliberately copy different cultures.
B.They show little respect for certain cultures.
C.They lay emphasis on powerful cultures.
D.They don’t have time to fully appreciate other cultures.
【小题3】Designer Marc Jacobs is mentioned in the text to prove that ________.
A.cultural appropriation shouldn’t be criticized
B.the powerful cultures are more valued by designers
C.using elements from other cultures isn’t cultural appropriation
D.cultural appropriation occurs when inequality exists between cultures
【小题4】What does Dr Delice think designers should do?
A.Get inspiration from different cultures.
B.Get the source of their inspirations involved in the production process.
C.Organize more runway shows with local elements.
D.Learn about the origins of cultures from local residents.

Anxieties (忧虑) about children and reading are not unusual, but news that fewer than half of those aged between 8 and 18 admit to actually enjoying it — the lowest level since 2005 — should raise a red flag. The survey, conducted by the National Literacy Trust ahead of World Book Day last Thursday, also showed a worrying picture of growing inequality.

10% of 3,000 parents interviewed across the UK said they were too stressed to read to their child because of economic pressures. And the percentage doubled among those who described themselves as struggling with financial problems. However, the sales data for the last year, released by an organization called Nielsen BookScan, showed a 15% increase in the overall number of children’s books sold compared with 2019. If poorer families are spending less of the money invested in children’s reading, it follows that richer families must be investing more.

Therefore, what is to be done? At a time of financial stress, libraries have a key role to play. A positive sign that they are doing so came with borrowing figures for last year. Libraries are where children of all ages go to choose books for themselves, different from bookshops, which is always influenced by parents’ budgets and tastes.

This is why the libraries are such an important part of the reading ecology. However, libraries have long been in the frontline (前线) of cuts to public services, especially libraries in schools. While prisons in the UK have libraries, primary schools are not. The result, according to one survey, is that 14% of kids have no library space at all. This disadvantage is more serious in the north of England, where children’s reading scores are lower.

As Children’s Prize winner in 2021, the author Cressida Cowell wrote an open letter to the prime minister, Boris Johnson, calling for an annual investment of £100 million a year in primary school libraries. Her demand should be taken seriously, as it directly meets the needs of children most badly affected by the cost of living crisis.

【小题1】Which statement does the author probably agree with?
A.Families with financial problems are on the increase.
B.Family income influences children’s chance of reading.
C.Children are not willing to read because of study pressure.
D.Some UK parents can’t afford the time to read books for children.
【小题2】What can we infer about libraries in the UK?
A.They tend to reflect parents’ tastes.
B.They exist in every prison and school.
C.They have already got enough financial support.
D.They promote equality in children’s reading to some extent.
【小题3】What does the author think of Cressida Cowell’s open letter?
A.It satisfies all citizens.B.It will be taken into account.
C.It offers reasonable advice.D.It will solve the problem of inequality.
【小题4】What is the best title for the text?
A.Reading: a Mirror of Economy.B.Children’s Reading: a Gift for All.
C.Libraries: the Key to Reading Ability.D.An Interview: Poor Families Are in Need.
