阅读理解-七选五 适中0.65 引用1 组卷26

Exams are an important type of assessment almost all students will need to undertake.

The best way to study is not to recite it all in hours or minutes before an exam. 【小题1】 It is important to manage this stress and find ways of helping to reduce it.

How do you face such an important day? If you have not been able to study the complete contents till now, don’t long to finish it all. Firstly, prepare a test kit for the duration of your examination. 【小题2】 Put the bag and everything else that you might need in one place. This will help to reduce your worries in the morning.

When you arrive at the hall, surround yourself with friends who are supportive or just go through your notes quietly. 【小题3】 You’ll be affected if you do not know the answer to any topic. Therefore, do not go round asking crazily for the answer. This will just upset you and send you into panic mode.

【小题4】 Before the examination starts, make sure your question paper is complete. Read the instructions carefully. Settle the easy questions first. Divide your time carefully for each question and move on to the next question even if you have not finished the first.

Finally, after each paper, go home and rest. 【小题5】 Try not to discuss the answers with your friends. You should not allow anything to upset the rest of the examination.

A.Try to relax and remember to fill the answer.
B.When you are in the examination room, follow these steps.
C.Always make it a point to study the subjects which you find easier to learn first.
D.In your bag, collect all your supplies such as pencils, several pens and other important writing materials.
E.Do not worry about what you could have done or haven’t done.
F.Many students are nervous when they are facing their first examination.
G.Exam stress affects most students in various ways.
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All living things need clean, fresh water to survive. Ninety-seven percent of the water on Earth is in the ocean. The salt in the ocean water makes it unusable for drinking. Another two percent is frozen in the ice caps and glaciers on the Earth. This leaves one percent of the water on Earth available for us to use. 【小题1】 Where you live, the amount of rain that falls, and how water is collected and reserved all affect the amount of cool, clear water available.

One factor that we can’t change is where it will rain. The amount of rain an area receives affects the amount of water available for use. Some major cities are located in areas where they can get water from the ground. Other areas use surface water from lakes, rivers, or streams. 【小题2】

According to a study done by the state of California, the average person uses over one hundred gallons of water per day. Water is used for drinking, taking a shower or bath, brushing teeth, washing hands, cleaning dishes, doing laundry, and flushing toilets. Using water wisely is important.

【小题3】 Today, we have many helpful tools to help us save water. There are low-flow shower heads and faucets(水龙头), dishwashers and washing machines that use up to 50% less water, and toilets that use only one-third of the water that they did a few years ago. Installing these items in your home is the first line of defense against wasting water.

There are many other ways you can help. Don’t leave the water running when you brush your teeth. Take a shower rather than a bath. 【小题4】 If you find one, let your parents know. A good way to have cool water available all the time is to keep a pitcher in the fridge. This way you won’ have to wait for the water in the pipes to bring you colder water to drink. Only run your clothes washer and dishwasher when they are full. This can save hundreds of gallons of water a year.

【小题5】 Learning to use it wisely will ensure that it will always be available. So, make a fuss and conserve water. It’s worth it!

A.It’s also important to fix leaky faucets.
B.Water is an important natural resource.
C.All of these will help to conserve water.
D.There are many factors that affect the amount of water available for you.
E.No matter where you live, there are many ways you can help conserve water.
F.Those places with no water readily available must pipe water in from far away.
G.No matter where we live, we must be careful with the water we have in our part of the world.

Everyone struggles writing. 【小题1】 Writing is hard. All writers struggle at some point. And even if writing has come easily for you, at some point in your work as a student ,eventually you're going to hit a roadblock(路障). 【小题2】 When the writing was going well, what was happening? When the writing wasn't going well, what was happening?

【小题3】 Most people's negative writing experiences happened because of some specific requirements like an exact length. They focus on and worry about what the final product has to look like, like how many pages for a research essay, or if it is in the second or third language, or grammar, like whether it gets communicated in the right language.

Another problem can arise when the need to do well on a paper is extremely important, like a timed essay exam, or a college application essay, or a research paper at the end of the term, and it's tied to the entire grade for the class. So worrying about what will happen if they don't do well- get bad grades, or don’t get into college - creates anxiety.     【小题4】

Try to move to more positive projects. Usually when writing comes easily, the writers feel they have something important to say. 【小题5】 What personal understanding of the subject can you bring to your paper? Why is this subject important? For whom is it meaningful? Who will be reading it? What is it that you really want to say to readers? Those thoughts can cause writing's change for all writers.

A.Grammar is not the first thing to think about.
B.The teacher suggests asking yourself positive questions.
C.So take a moment to think about your past writing experiences.
D.And that can make it harder to get the writing done.
E.You are not alone if you have had problems with your writing.
F.Writing comes with few problems.
G.Focusing on the end makes it really hard to get started.

Why is a compliment so impactful? One of the most important things to humans is to feel valued and respected by others, says Vanessa Bohns, a social psychologist, who has researched compliments. According to her research, people feel “significantly better” after both giving and receiving a compliment. 【小题1】

“You handled that situation so well.”

Bohns recently used her favorite compliment when she saw a server address a difficult situation with a customer at the bar. “I like it so much because you use it in anxious moments where the other person is often unsure of whether they handled a situation OK,” she says. In situations that call for a compliment, don’t second-guess yourself. Give your compliments generously. 【小题2】 That concern is unfounded.


This compliment — one of Bohns’ favorites — works well among romantic partners and close family members. “It’s a beautiful way to highlight how their presence turns life into something meaningful, despite boring routines of our everyday lives,” she says. If you’re afraid that giving a compliment like this will feel strange, you’re not alone. 【小题4】 If it makes you personally feel like the bar is lowered for you to give a compliment if you write it down, or if you practice saying it out loud or giving your pet cat the compliment first, do that.

“Hey, great dress!”

Feel free to compliment strangers. In Bohns’ research, students on a college campus were told to approach a stranger of the same gender and compliment them-about, for example, their nice shirt. Before heading out, the study participants tended to underestimate their positive effect while overestimating how annoying it would be. Across all contexts, strangers are more likely to be pleased than confused. Plus, who knows? 【小题5】

A.I love the way you bring out the best in people.
B.Respect is essential when you deliver compliments.
C.One way to overcome this fear is to do a practice run.
D.You make even ordinary moments feel extraordinary.
E.You might make a new friend in addition to making someone’s day.
F.With that in mind, we asked her to share some of her favorite compliments.
G.People sometimes worry that they’re going over and will start to sound insincere.
