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Reading is a healthy habit that everyone should develop from childhood because of the benefits that come with it. 【小题1】 Therefore, take your time and start by reading slowly. The following will discuss the effects of not reading books, so you can basically consider and judge where you are and understand how reading can be beneficial.

【小题2】 People who don’t read and don’t like to read find it harder to learn than people who actually read. For example, most students who fail to develop a reading habit find it difficult to get through school. This then leads to students dropping out, which is bad for society. Reading is a habit that strengthens the brain and develops your inborn love of wanting to learn more. Therefore, not being addicted to books closes you off from this.

Narrow mindedness. Reading a variety of books broadens the readers’ mind. Most people who don’t read have a certain narrow mindedness to them that can easily be noticed. 【小题3】 When you don’t read, you’re forced to take everything at face value and then create and shape your views in this way.

Low brain power. One advantage of reading is its ability to improve brain function. Reading can help people become better thinkers and use brains more effectively. People who don’t read usually have low brain power because they don’t exercise the brain as much as readers do. 【小题4】

Poor imagination. Reading books allows you to tap into your imaginative power. 【小题5】 This is important because it expands (拓展) your thought process as well as the ability to understand. People who don’t read books usually are short of the inspiration necessary to create imagination. This makes it difficult to be creative.

A.Learning difficulty.
B.The reason for this is simple.
C.Such exercise strengthens the brain.
D.Inability to fully understand the world.
E.It then makes you picture what you read.
F.It is developed slowly just as any habit would.
G.The ability to read is important in today’s world.
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My morning routine varies little from day to day. I walk the dog, eat breakfast at the kitchen counter with Katie and Matt, and then settle in for a day at the computer. And because I work mostly from home, I have learned that little walks into the outside world are important for psychological well-being. So before I begin attempting to put sentences together, I walk over to a little coffee shop in my neighborhood, and chat with the folks behind the counter.

The coffee shop is on the other side of the historic Chesapeaker & Ohio Canal from my house. Whenever in season, tourists line up to take a slow boat, if not to India, at least into the 19th century.

One warm day last fall, I turned the corner to see one of the boatmen sitting alone on the boat, bathed in early-morning light. He was playing the violin. The scene stopped me in my tracks. What I witnessed could only be described as a perfect moment. Ten seconds at most. But months later I still remember just standıng there, watching, listening, and taking it all in.

We all have such moments put before us. Little surprises. Whether we’re wise enough to see them is another thing.

I thought of the violin man one Sunday afternoon while reading the biographies of those killed in the Columbia incident. The specialist Laurel Clark, talking from the shuttle a few days before it was to land, said it was blissful to see the simple unexpected wonders of space like a sunset. “There’s a flash; the whole payload bay turns this rosy pink,” she said. “It only lasts about 15 seconds, and then it’s gone.”

I once had a friend who had a strange habit that never stopped to amuse me, maybe because I never quite knew when she was going to spring it on me. It could come in the middle of a particularly lively dinner with old friends. Out of the blue, she’d say, “Stop! I want to remember this moment.” I realize now, after her death, what wise advice that is.

【小题1】The author goes out for a walk every day in the morning mainly because __________.
A.she needs to walk the dog and enjoy the fresh air
B.she considers that it is good for her physical health
C.she hates to be left alone at home when others are out
D.she benefits psychologically from contacting the outside world
【小题2】The underlined word “blissful” in Paragraph 5 probably means __________.
【小题3】The main purpose of the passage is to tell people to __________.
A.develop a good habit
B.enjoy life to the fullest
C.catch the valuable moments in life
D.be willing to follow friends’ advice

Like most people in their 20s, I almost never talked to older people before last year. Then the pandemic began. Laid off from my staff job, I started freelancing (从事自由职业). Stringing together stories for the “70 Over 70” newspaper, I found myself mostly talking to people over 80.

For me this may have been a professional accident, but I can’t recommend the experience highly enough. The old have been uniquely affected by the pandemic. They’ve lost some of their last years of life. But they still manage to feel wonder and an energetic curiosity, when so many of us feel anxious and lost.

As I’ve interviewed seniors over the past year, my conversations have taught me equanimity — basically, how to be cooler-minded. Donalda McGeachy, a 101-year-old living in a nursing home, told me, the pandemic may be bad, but it’s been only 18 months. That's nothing compared with the loneliness and uncertainty she experienced during the six years of World War II. These conversations have also encouraged me to avoid regret. Peter and Sjanna Leighton married and divorced in their 20s, then found each other again in their 50s and remarried. For them, regret over the shared decades they lost comes with the miraculous (不可思议的) happiness of their remaining time together. And these conversations have reminded me about the genuine joy of putting in effort and taking pride in your work: Travis Mayes spent years struggling to develop his brisket (胸脯肉) recipe and prove himself to his Dallas-area customers. Now the self-described “barbecue man of Garland” won’t stop just because he’s approaching 80.

When we’re young, we hear that we’re supposed to turn to our elders for advice. But the elders I talk to have no patience for polished proverbs about how to build a meaningful life. Instead, the lesson I take from them is: to enjoy what’s wonderful.

【小题1】What can we infer about the author from the text?
A.She’s a freelance journalist.B.She’s a published writer.
C.She’s a professional caregiverD.She’s a popular cook.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “equanimity” in paragraph 3 mean?
【小题3】Which of the following best describes Travis Mayes?
A.Considerate and demanding.B.Ambitious and hard-working.
C.Caring and generous.D.Proud and outstanding.
【小题4】What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?
A.To remember the three seniors.B.To show her passion for work.
C.To share a valuable lesson with readers.D.To introduce the influence of the pandemic

My husband came across the program from his father's high school graduation 90 years ago. It was the Class of 1928 and their class motto (格言)was, "Build for character, not for fame. "

I'm pretty sure society has done quite the opposite to that one. These days, we have people who are famous for simply being famous. They haven't done anything particularly impressive, but they do take great selfies (自拍照). We are all crazy about fame these days, mainly thanks to social media. All we want is for people to follow us, friend us, like us or share our posts. We are nearly mad about fame.

"Build for character, not for fame. ” is based on the belief that one is looking up and ahead. That's an encouraging idea, especially today, when most of us have our heads down, looking at the screens of our smartphones. Looking ahead and building for character takes thought and intentionality (意向性). One can be intentional in building for fame as well, but fame often relies heavily on the right timing and connections as well as the creation of a base of fans and supporters. Character isn’t decided by the ideas of others. Character is built with self-discipline (自律)and a willingness to learn from difficulties. Character grows inside and needs no praise.

Fame depends on people looking at you, while character is who you are when no one is looking. Fame often comes with jealousy (嫉妒)--a feeling that time is running out or that someone better than you is coming to steal your fans. Character is marked by feeling fulfilled and being generous . There is satisfaction that comes with the reward of achievements, but at the same time, good character willingly holds the door open for others who are also hoping to achieve.

This graduation season, speakers will tell new graduates to get out there and build a better world. The best way is to build character, the kind that runs deep and can carry you through lifers storms. Build character with courage, justice (公正) and strength. Build character by respecting yourself and others . Build character with kindness, hope and love. Build for character and you will build a better world .

【小题1】What does the author think of people nowadays?
A.They're mad about achievements.
B.They want to be famous very much.
C.They're trying to build for character.
D.They like doing everything impressive.
【小题2】What does building for character" require people to do?
A.Connect with others at the right time.
B.Mind their behavior when being looked at.
C.Behave themselves and learn from hardships readily .
D.Look ahead and accept other people's advice willingly.
【小题3】The underlined word "fulfilled" in Paragraph 4 probably means “________".
【小题4】Why does the author value "building for character”?
A.It inspires people to achieve more.
B.It enables us to build a better world.
C.It allows graduates to get a good job.
D.It helps us   again   respect from other people.
