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To fight against learning loss over the vacation, Tennessee is funding (提供资金) the delivery of surprise books to keep almost a quarter million kids interested in reading.

In response, Governor’s Early Literacy Foundation (GELF) has taken a step further by expanding its K-3 Home Library program to include all lower grade students in a public school across the state. Working in partnership with Scholastic, the program will provide 1.2 million books for over 200,000 students, teachers and librarians.

To ensure the books reach their intended readers, they will be delivered directly to the homes of participating students in six packages filled with grade-level books, at no cost to families or schools. One parent who joined the program last summer said her son struggled to read but was improving every week. These couldn’t have come at a more perfect time. A Morgan County educator praised the program for getting much-needed books into the hands of students who may not have access (使用的机会) to them at home, for it can have a significant impact on their overall academic performance.

“If we don’t get reading right, everything else can go wrong,” said James Pond, GELF President. “Our goal is to encourage a culture of reading in Tennessee. We achieve this by meeting students and providing them with the books and resources they need to become lifelong learners. We hope other states look to us as a leader in early literacy (读写能力) efforts.”

Most parents reported that their children were excited to receive the books and said they were valuable to their families. The books included in the Home Library program were selected by a group of 28 Tennessee educators. With this program, Tennessee is showing that it takes vacation learning loss seriously and promises to improve literacy rates for its young students. It’s a model that other states would be willing to follow.

【小题1】What is the K-3 Home Library program about for all lower grade students?
A.Teaching them how to read books.
B.Making books accessible to them.
C.Providing financial support for them.
D.Encouraging them to be lifelong learners.
【小题2】How will kids get the books?
A.Librarians offering them to kids.
B.Teachers collecting them for kids.
C.Scholastic donating them to kids.
D.GELF mailing them to kids’ homes.
【小题3】What’s most parents’ attitude to the program?
【小题4】Which is the main idea of the text?
A.Tennessee’s vacation reading program does work.
B.Grade-level books play significant roles at school.
C.Improving students’ literacy needs proper measures.
D.Kids’ early literacy has a deep effect on their growth.
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Getting Lost in a Good Book Can Help Keep You Healthy

I’m a novelist and it’s obviously in my interest to encourage people to read. But reading isn’t just for pleasure, or only a way of improving literacy skills and factual knowledge. 【小题1】

Firstly, reading helps to lengthen attention spans(持续时间) in children and improves their ability to think clearly. Stories have a structure that encourages their brains to think in sequence, to link cause, effect and significance. 【小题2】 The more they do it, the better they get at it.

Also, reading can help people learn to empathize (产生共鸣). A recent study at the University of Michigan found that there had been a 48% decrease in empathy among college students.【小题3】 In a computer game, you might have rescued a princess, but you don’t care about her, you just want to win. But a princess in a book has a past, present and future, she has connections and motivations. We can relate to her. We see the world through her eyes.

【小题4】 Reading exercises the whole brain. When we read and imagine the landscapes, sounds, smells and tastes described on the page, the various areas of the brain that are used to process these experiences in real life are activated, creating new neural pathways. In other words, our brains model real experiences as if we were living them ourselves. This doesn’t happen when we’re watching TV or playing a computer game.

Reading a good novel appears to be beneficial to our mental health too.【小题5】Reading not only avoids feelings of loneliness, it helps us to reduce the stress and forget our own problems for a while.

A.Encouraging reading could overcome this.
B.It is important to learn this skill as a small child.
C.As a matter of fact, reading is far from a passive activity.
D.As the old saying goes, “You’re never alone with a book.”
E.But those who did not enjoy these activities had lots of loss.
F.It might actually be good for our mental and physical health too.
G.When we read a good book, we’re trying to find out its main idea.

There was once a famous doctor in a university hospital in Japan who was known for being very strict with his students. When this doctor scolded his students for “slow movement of hands” or “weak concentration,“ the students easily felt down. But one student was different. All the time, this student only repeated “yes,” and seemed not to care about what was being said. Instead, the student concentrated on strengthening his talent. Later, this student became the only one to inherit the know-how of surgery from the doctor. Watanabe Junishi, a Japanese doctor and writer,   praised such “wise dullness” in his new book, The Power of Insensitivity.

The message of this book is that while being sensitive is preferred in general, in everyday life being insensitive is more useful. I argues that insensitivity, or the dullness of emotions or senses, is not a shortcoming but a talent. Those who do not find any inconvenience in a strange place to sleep, those who immediately forget anything bad that has happened, and those who are not affected when scolded or criticized by others are the types of people with the talent to be insensitive.

This is not the same as being lazy. The author advises readers to concentrate their abilities inward and to maximize them rather than using up abilities outward on other people or surroundings. insulting words have expanded blood vessels (血管) and thus better circulation. People with insensitivity become less sick after eating bad food. There are also theories that argue that those with sensitive sight or hearing age earlier than others. Cancer is more likely to be cured when the patient takes things easy.

In human relationships, such as marriage or companionship, seeking perfection only increases pressure and tends to break down relationships easily. The author’s advice to avoid responding to each and every piece of criticism and to stay firm at one’s own center has already provided me with strength.

【小题1】What is the purpose of the first paragraph?
A.To show the teacher-student relationship in Japan.
B.To tell a story of a medical student.
C.To introduce the topic to be discussed.
D.To highlight the importance of concentration.
【小题2】Which of the following people shows “wise dullness”?
A.A foreigner who finds it hard to adapt himself to a new environment.
B.An employee who often ignores criticism and is unwilling to work.
C.A traveler who is particular about everything about other countries.
D.A student who seldom considers small conflicts as a big deal.
【小题3】Why did Watanabe Junishi write the book The Power of Insensitivity?
A.To make a fortune and earn a reputation.
B.To show focusing on the inner world can be beneficial.
C.To suggest the book as the best treatment for cancer.
D.To demonstrate the power of insensibility to maintain relationships.
【小题4】What’s the attitude of the writer of the text toward the power of insensitivity?

How do you keep a library when you've got no room for your books? With rising rents and record numbers of young people having to move with their parents, it's clear that we are a moving generation.

As a student in Leeds I moved three times in four years, in London it was seven times in three years. Regularly having to load our possessions into laundry bags and boxes takes a lot of our finance and energy, but the effect on our book collections is rarely considered. Keeping a collection of beloved books in a damp flat with no shelves, which you'll probably have to move out in six months' time, is a challenge. Deciding which books to keep and which to reject becomes increasingly difficult. Do you hold on to the books you know you'll reread or do you keep the to-be-read pile intact ?

Donating books to a charity shop or local school may be virtuous, but when you haven't had time to read them since your last move, it becomes depressing. There's a copy of Much Ado About Nothing I've been moving around with for nearly a decade because it is the only piece of Shakespeare in the marketplace.

“Just buy a Kindle!” you might argue - but for many people, books are more than just books. They offer us an emotional connection to the past, to the person who gave them to us. They are a way to brighten up a dark flat; they are a link to home; they are the hardest thing to move and the most enjoyable thing to unpack. They can't be removed.

So what if you are already lacing your second move this year and can't bear the thought of pensioning off more of your beloved books? You start reading more. Read all the books in your current bedroom and work out if they're worth the trip; give away as many books as you can; leave books with trusted friends to be reclaimed at a later point. Start looking at your books creatively.

【小题1】Why has the moving generation appeared? (no more than 15 words)
【小题2】What makes the author keep a copy of Much Ado About Nothing? (no more than 10 words)
【小题3】What is the main idea of the fourth paragraph? (no more than 10 words)
【小题4】What does the underlined phrase “pensioning off” in Paragraph 5 mean? (no more than 3 words)
【小题5】What would you do with your books when you have to move? Give a persuasive reason, (no more than 25 words)
