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How to release your art potential? Traditionally. people may bury themselves in learning painting skills at a studio and begin from drawing lines. However, Maggie Wiebe, a 21-year-old girl from Stamps School of Art &Design at the University of Michigan, has her own method.

Wiebe and her school friend Jessie Rice are trying to do something that shows their love for art and also benefits the environment. For the past year or so, they have tended a garden at their campus farm, planting a variety of colorful flowers, as well as flax (亚麻) to make linen and paper to be used in art.

Inspired by a group of old ladies in Canada who plant sustainable art materials and post their videos on social platform YouTube, Wiebe learned about how to plant, harvest and separate fibers. She planted different fruits and vegetables traditionally used to dye (给……染色) fabrics. She then put their peels (外皮) into boiled water and added hot pressurized air to make a dye. For her, it’s a demanding but enjoyable process.

Wiebe and Rice plan to eventually buy some land in Detroit to grow these sustainable art materials—a dye, fiber and pigment garden— “a bigger version of what we’re already doing”, Wiebe told Minnesota News. “We’d set it up like an organization where artists can volunteer a few hours a week and then use all of the plants that we grow. ”

Wiebe also likes fiber-based art, such as quilting, weaving and sewing. She has applied those techniques to her recent works, displayed as part of the annual Senior Exhibition at her school. During her sophomore year, Wiebe joined the Michigan Daily as an illustrator, learning to conceptualize and complete complex illustrations on tight deadlines. Wiebe’s works received a lot of help from others. “Because the art school doesn’t have departments, we have studio coordinators who take care of each studio. “she said. “I see them every day, and they’ve helped me a lot. ”

【小题1】What can we learn about Wiebe from the first two paragraphs?
A.She realized her potential.B.She longed to be a gardener.
C.She was fond of growing plants.D.She had an environmentally friendly mind.
【小题2】What did Wiebe learn from watching videos
A.To get fibers eventually.B.To peel fabrics skillfully
C.To grow plants traditionally.D.To dye fabrics individually.
【小题3】Why is Detroit referred to in Paragraph 4?
A.To review Wiebe’s future plan.B.To present Wiebe’s contribution.
C.To display Wiebe’s future prospect.D.To promote an application of Wiebe’s idea.
【小题4】Which of the following best describes Wiebe’s work?
A.Practice makes perfect.B.Creativity is productivity.
C.Unity is strength.D.Curiosity is motivation.
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United Airlines is aiming to have electric aircraft flying regional routes by the end of the decade, part of the company’s goal to fully reduce its carbon footprint to net zero by 2050.

Those battery-powered aircraft are being developed by Swedish start-up Heart Aerospace, from which United Airlines placed an order for 100 planes in July 2021. United Airlines has pushed heavily into a variety of lower-emission forms of aviation, not only announcing plans to buy electric air taxis and vertical aircraft, as well as hydrogen-electric engines but also investing in the companies behind the advanced technologies.

“We cannot continue doing and operating our business the way we do; it is important that we change it, and the way we’ re going to change it is through investing in technology,” Mike Leskinen, United Airlines Ventures president, said in an interview as part of CNBC’s ESG Impact virtual conference on Thursday. “Existing technology is going to either cause us to fly less, which is an unacceptable alternative, or continue with a carbon footprint, which we believe is equally unacceptable,” Leskinen said.

Heart Aerospace, which recently redesigned what will be its first electric aircraft which is now called the ES-30, plans to have the planes enter service in 2028, said Anders Forslund, the company’s CEO and founder.

The 30-passenger planes will be driven by electric motors with battery-derived energy, allowing the planes to have a fully electric range of 200 kilometers. The planes will also include a reserve- hybrid engine powered by sustainable aviation fuel, allowing it to have an extended range of up to 400 kilometers with a full flight.

United Airlines could potentially offer those shorter routes not only with greater frequency but at a lower cost. Leskinen said. “As we adopt electric aircraft, I think the cost for a 30-seat aircraft or a 50-seat aircraft, as the industry evolves, is going to be lower than a traditional aircraft,” he said. For small cities, this means they are “going to get either service that they didn’t have before or greater frequency of service,” he added.

【小题1】What message did Mike Leskinen try to deliver in paragraph 3?
A.Economic benefits should come first.
B.Environmental protection should come first.
C.Economy and environment should be equally valued.
D.Economy and environment can’t be balanced.
【小题2】What do we learn about the electric planes mentioned in the text?
A.They will offer short-distance flights.B.They will fly faster than traditional ones.
C.They were developed by United Airlines.D.They each can hold 30 passengers at most.
【小题3】What did Leskinen try to stress about the electric planes in the last paragraph?
A.Their security performance.B.Their potential benefits.
C.Their operating modes.D.Their possible problems.
【小题4】Which would be the most suitable title for the text?
A.ES-30 Will Be Driven by Electric Motors
B.The Airline Industry Faces New Opportunities
C.Heart Aerospace Plans to Develop Electric Planes
D.United Airlines Aims to Have Electric Planes Flying

We're often told the importance of protecting the earth for future generations and children at St Oswald's CE Primary School certainly agree.

Nine-year old Isobel Kelleher from the school's Hummingbirds class thinks adults need to pay attention. “Sometimes they can be busy and I don't think they believe they can make a difference, but if everyone does a little bit, it all adds up.” she tells HuffPost UK. “We started looking at plastic pollution in our oceans and the things like plastic bags that are polluting them,” she says. “Fish can eat the plastic and they can die, or we might even eat the fish ourselves.”

Mr. Timms, Isobel's teacher, has been leading a new project at the school which encourages children to creatively raise the awareness of the need to be more environmentally-friendly. The entire Hummingbirds class, which is made up of nine-year-old and ten-year-old pupils, has been busy writing poems and creating online videos to warn adults about the serious situation of our oceans and wildlife.

Mr. Timms thinks children play an important role in teaching us how to take care of the things around us. "We sometimes don't know how much we can really learn from children." he says. "It is really a pleasant surprise to see parents come in and say that their children have been asking them to stop using plastic and to recycle more, and even stopping them from using plastic straws.”

Mr. Timms is proud of his Hummingbirds class. “The message that they would like to send to the world is simple: stopping this isn't someone else's job, and it won't be OK if we just leave it.”

【小题1】What does Isobel Kelleher mean in paragraph 2?
A.People shouldn't eat fish any more.
B.Adults have done their part pretty well.
C.Everyone can do something to stop pollution.
D.Plastic pollution is already too serious to be solved.
【小题2】How does the Hummingbirds class deal with the pollution?
A.By preventing people using plastic bags.
B.By picking up waste plastic in oceans in person.
C.By teaching students to write poems creatively.
D.By warning adults about the pollution with poems and videos.
【小题3】What can be inferred from Mr. Timms' words in paragraph 4?
A.The project has already proved effective.B.Some parents are angry with the project.
C.Children are good at looking after parents.D.Adults ought to learn a little from their kids.
【小题4】What's Mr. Timms's attitude towards his Hummingbirds class?
【小题5】What does the underlined word “this” in the last paragraph refer to?
A.Using plastic strawsB.Plastic pollutionC.Protecting the earthD.The Hummingbirds class

Whether due to genuine concern for the environment or the widespread criticism of plastic among consumers, many companies have invested heavily in reducing their use of plastic packaging, which may indeed have a positive environmental impact. But another trend that’s grown out of the anti-plastic movement is a lot less positive: overpackaging. More and more brands have begun adding unnecessary paper packaging on top of plastic packaging in order to make their products look more environmentally friendly, without actually reducing plastic waste.

Unfortunately, there’s a very good reason companies are adopting this clearly problematic approach. Through a series of eight studies with more than 4,000 participants, we found that consumers will accept a product’s packaging as more environmentally friendly if it’s plastic with an additional layer of paper than if the product is visibly packaged in identical plastic packaging but without the paper. These perceptions (认知) in turn make consumers both more likely to buy a product, and willing to pay more for it.

Part of what makes this overpackaging trend particularly harmful is that it is much valued by consumers who reported engaging in more eco-friendly behaviors. They were more likely to view overpackaged products as environmentally friendly. As a result, the very consumers who are most interested in pushing companies to make sustainable choices are likely unintentionally encouraging the environmentally harmful practice of overpackaging.

The good news is, overpackaging isn’t the only way to signal sustainability and attract such consumers. In our studies, we found that instead of additional paper packaging, simply adding a minimal packaging sticker to plastic packaging could clarify the misperception that overpackaged products are more sustainable, Especially for products for which plastic is necessary to ensure safe transportation and lengthen shelf life, this kind of clear messaging can help reduce consumers, discrimination against the responsible use of plastic packaging.

Of course, minimal packaging stickers certainly should only be used if a brand has actually ensured that it is using the minimal possible packaging, ideally under the supervision of a trade organization or regulatory body that maintains clear, consistent standards.

【小题1】What can we learn about overpackaging according to paragraph 1?
A.It calls for less investment.
B.It involves the proper use of paper.
C.It has a positive environmental impact.
D.It causes over-consumption of materials.
【小题2】What do the eight studies find about consumers according to the text?
A.They care about the environment.
B.They are always following the trend.
C.They like comparing products’ qualities.
D.They prefer beautifully-decorated products.
【小题3】What function is expected of minimal packaging stickers?
A.To help products stay fresh longer.
B.To improve the brand’s popularity.
C.To correct consumers’ misunderstanding.
D.To present more information about products.
【小题4】What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.Minimal packaging stickers have been widely used.
B.Advantages of minimal packaging stickers are overestimated.
C.The use of minimal packaging stickers should be strictly regulated.
D.The use of minimal packaging stickers is a solution to over-packaging.
