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A former starchitect (明星建筑师) who designed villas for Pakistan’s celebrities now rebuilds villages completely destroyed by natural disasters.

October 2005, a catastrophic earthquake claiming some 79, 000 people in Pakistan reduced the villages to ruins in mud. Yasmeen Lari, a then-65-year-old architect was there to help lead the reconstruction of settlements. Working with volunteer architects and engineers from Pakistan and abroad, she started drawing plans for earthquake-resistant homes.

Over the following decades, Lari designed various houses and devices inside. Lari’s shelters, inspired by traditional designs and made with sustainable materials such as bamboo, mud and lime (石灰) that are sourced locally first, can better withstand disasters. Bamboo homes on stilts (柱子) allow water to flow through, while cross-bracing (交叉支撑) provides strength and flexibility during earthquakes. Lari’s insistence on low-cost, zero-waste and zero-carbon buildings reflects her commitment to the planet.

This sustainable inspiration has fuelled many of Lari’s designs, which now include household innovations. For instance, more than 80, 000 of her well-received limecrete and smokeless cookstoves were built. The device, which won a UN World Habitat Prize in 2018, costs about E8 to make and is fuelled with agricultural waste. The stoves stand higher than flood levels, making them safer than smoky, open cooking fires on the ground.

Now at age 83, Lari is still fizzing with ideas about zero-carbon designs, skills building and self-sustaining villages.

【小题1】Which can best describe Yasmeen Lari?
A.Insistent and conventional.B.Productive and stubborn.
C.Innovative and committed.D.Economical and academic.
【小题2】What is an advantage of Lari’s shelters?
A.They accommodate homeless villagers.B.They are all made of local materials.
C.They follow traditional designs.D.They are resistant to earthquakes.
【小题3】What do we know about the stove Lari designed?
A.It costs a lot.B.It generates smoke.
C.It gains popularity.D.It burns animal waste.
【小题4】What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.From architect to humanitarianB.The greatest architect ever
C.Rebuilding destroyed villagesD.Designing household devices
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Singapore’s government has approved the sale of a laboratory-grown chicken meat. The American company that invented the product, Eat Just, says it is the first time lab-grown meat has received such approval anywhere in the world. Lab-grown meat — also called clean or cultured meat — is created from animal cells in a laboratory. The product is made without harming animals. The cells grow directly into the meat, outside of any animal.

The Eat Just product is to be sold as small pieces, called nuggets. The product is set to launch at a Singapore restaurant “in the very near term,” the company’s CEO Josh Tetrick told Reuters news agency.

Demand for alternatives to animal meat is rising across the world because of public concerns about health, animal welfare and the environment. Plant-based products — popularized by companies like Beyond Meat, Impossible Foods and Quorn — are selling in a growing number of stores and restaurants. But the development of lab-grown meat has been much slower than that of plant-based versions. The main reason for the delay is money. Lab-grown meat costs a lot more to produce.

Tetrick said the San Francisco-based company is also seeking approvals from U. S. government agencies. But he added that Singapore was a “good bit” ahead of the United States. The Singapore Food Agency said it examined data from processing, production control and safety testing before approving Eat Just sales. Tetrick said it is likely that the U. S. and countries in Europe and elsewhere will examine Singapore’s approval system and will attempt to create a similar process.

Eat Just was founded in 2011 and has raised more than $300 million, Tetrick said. The company is valued at around $1. 2 billion. Worldwide, more than 24 companies are testing lab-grown fish, cow and chicken meat. They are hoping to break into a new part of the alternative meat market. Financial experts at Barclays Bank have estimated the market could be worth up to $140 billion by 2029. Competitors in the market have also been able to raise large amounts of money and win support from well-known investors.

【小题1】What can we learn about the laboratory-grown chicken meat?
A.It has been put into market.
B.It is produced in Singapore.
C.It can be created without animals.
D.The sale of it hasn’t been approved in America.
【小题2】Why has the development of lab-grown meat been slow?
A.It focuses on public concerns.
B.More money is needed to produce it.
C.The approval system is very complex.
D.It’s not as popular as plant-based products.
【小题3】What is the last paragraph mainly about?
A.Eat Just has made great profits.
B.The development of lab-grown products is fast.
C.Competitors should be cautious when investing.
D.The market for lab-grown products is promising.

A Chinese fashion designer, Guo Pei, uncovered her exhibition Fashion, Art, Fantasy at the Auckland Art Gallery on Dec. 9. The six-month exhibition will show over 60 works from Guo’s two-decade-long career, inviting New Zealanders to experience the charm of her art.

The exhibition not only displays Guo’s representative masterpiece, The Yellow Queen Gown and Outfits never seen before in any other gallery or museum, but also features a series of unique public events, including an interview with the artist, the Chinese New Year Festival and a fashion fantasy ball.

“It is an honour to present the great work of Guo Pei to New Zealand, for the very first time,” says Kirsten Lacy, director of the Auckland Art Gallery.

Guo said in her speech that she wishes to share her love and inspiration in her work with the New Zealand audience. “I want my work to show integrity (正直), to spread love, and to express my civilization, along with the culture,” the artist said. “In reality, culture and art have no borders (国界); they belong not only to a single nation but to all of humanity. A country’s museum represents the culture and its people,” she noted. “Much of my learning has come from museums, which I am very happy to present and share with everyone.”

Guo herself also took part in an exchange by introducing her work to the audience, offering insights (洞察力) into the inspiration behind each creation.

The Chinese Ambassador to New ZealandWang Xiaolong said, “What makes Ms GuoPei so different is the ability to combine what is traditional, what is modern and contemporary (现代的) and even futuristic. Her art combines what is East and what is West. The products are amazing beauty filled with global art.”

Exhibition viewers, including the Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage, Paul Goldsmith, and Auckland Mayor Wayne Brown, showed their fondness for the craftsmanship (手艺) and elegance shown in Guo’s art.

【小题1】What can we know from Guo Pei’s speech?
A.She learns skills from books.
B.There is no borders in real life.
C.She would like to spread Chinese culture.
D.More museums should be built in the world.
【小题2】Why is Guo Pei so unique according to Wang Xiaolong?
A.She is devoted to art exchange.
B.She is good at expressing emotions.
C.Her art is a mixture of different factors.
D.Her work offers insights into the inspiration.
【小题3】What can we learn about the exhibition?
A.It lasts for six weeks.
B.It has attracted people globally.
C.It only displays Guo’s excellent works.
D.Its viewers showed strong interest in Guo’s works.
【小题4】What’s the best title for the text?
A.Chinese Fashion Gains World’s Popularity
B.Guo Pei Becomes a Pioneer in the Fashion World
C.An Exhibition Is Bein g Held in the Auckland Art Gallery
D.Chinese Fashion Designer Wins Admirers in New Zealand

Travel all around the world and back again. That’s the goal of Hudson and Emily Crider of Lancaster, Pennsylvania — who are aiming to complete this challenge in the year 2024. The couple has so far visited about 120 countries since they began traveling internationally in 2020.

When Hudson’s father suddenly passed away from a heart attack, the pair felt more encouraged than ever to set out on a cross-country journey in January 2017. “My dad was a huge supporter of our trip,” said Hudson. “And that just made us realize how short life is and we want to make the most of each day. So we decided to do what we want at once.”

Despite there being a lot of work ahead, the couple is still really excited about the journey. Seeing each country has been fun, but meeting people and recognizing the kindness of others all around the world has been Emily’s biggest takeaway. “There are ups and downs, but we’ve found people are kind and caring no matter where we’ve gone,” Emily said. She told the story of an Uber driver in Saudi Arabia who kept saying sorry for not presenting them with a gift upon their arrival in his country.

The couple has been able to make their world travels possible by saving for four years before the trip. They’ve also made money for their trip by teaching English online and creating their own content to cover flights. “The most helpful thing about keeping costs low is planning everything out ahead of time, as well as staying in cheap hotels, eating street food and using public transportation,” said Hudson.

For others who are looking to see the world, Emily suggested starting small and enjoying different places in your home country. “Think of the stories you want to tell someday — and then go out and live them,” Emily said.

【小题1】What did the loss of Hudson’s father influence Hudson and Emily to do?
A.Accept the job offer in a foreign country.
B.Take action to achieve their dreams.
C.Invite more people to join their trip.
D.Take enough exercise to keep fit.
【小题2】What has impressed the couple most on their journey?
A.Having chances to attend meaningful cultural events.
B.Enjoying the beauty of natural landscapes.
C.Listening to foreigners’ moving stories.
D.Experiencing different people’s goodwill.
【小题3】What does the fourth paragraph center on?
A.How the couple affords their journey.
B.The importance of leading a simple lifestyle.
C.The couple’s tips on saving money in daily life.
D.How the couple stays safe while traveling abroad.
【小题4】Which of the following may Emily agree with?
A.Great hopes make great men.B.Learn to walk before you run.
C.Traveling light makes you travel far.D.All good things come to those who wait.
