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Mya finished playing a Christmas carol (颂歌) and looked up at her piano teacher. “You played that very well,” Ms. Jackson said. “How would you like to join some of the other students and play carols at the shopping center this Saturday afternoon?”

“I can’t,” Mya said quickly.

“Lots of kids are shy,” Ms. Jackson said, “but the best way to overcome your fear of playing in public is by actually doing what scares you. Remember, our art festival is going to be right after Christmas. You’ll have to play in front of an audience then. Playing at the shopping center this weekend would be great practice.”

“I’m sorry. I can’t be there,” Mya went on. “My great-grandmother invited my family to the Christmas party at her retirement community that afternoon.”

Mya didn’t add that she was relieved to have an excuse not to have to play at the shopping center. The thought of playing piano with so many people around made her stomach clench into a knot.

On Saturday morning, as Mya helped Mom and Dad wrap presents for Great-Grandma, she thought about her friends playing the piano at the shopping center. She pictured hundreds of shoppers hanging around and listening while going from store to store. Some of them would take breaks from shopping to sit on benches and watch the piano players. “I’m so glad I won’t be there,” she thought to herself.

When Mya and her parents arrived at the retirement community, they greeted Great-Grandma with hugs and wishes for a merry Christmas. Mrs. Carmen, the party activities director, showed a short holiday movie first. Then they played games, and the residents opened their gifts.

“We usually end by singing Christmas carols,” Mrs. Carmen said. “But our pianoplayer wasn’t able to make it today.” “Mya plays the piano,” Great-Grandma announced, smiling proudly.

“Wonderful,” Mrs. Carmen said. She smiled at Mya. “Mya, would you like to play while we sing? It would be such a help.”

Mya was about to say she couldn’t do it.
She sat down on the bench and played “Silent Night”.
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