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In the world of contemporary art, there are artists whose creativity and originality challenge the established boundaries, attracting the public with their wisdom. One of these innovators is the famous Chinese artist Cai Guo-Qiang, whose art installations (装置艺术) leave everyone speechless.

With an imaginative mind and an unconventional approach, Cai Guo-Qiang has become a master of fireworks display, employing the gunpowder of fireworks in his art in a truly extraordinary way. Through the mastery of said material and the explosions controlled, Cai creates installations that go beyond expectations and take the public on an unforgettable journey.

One of his most important creations is the installation titled “The rise of butterflies”. In this work, Cai uses a combination of gunpowder and paper to create a striking cloud of flying butterflies. The delicate winged creatures move back and forth in the air, creating a magical and ephemeral effect that goes against the laws of gravity.

But perhaps one of the most curious and daring installations of Cai Guo-Qiang is “The garden of ephemeral sculptures”. In this work, the artist uses controlled explosives to sculpt shapes in huge blocks of ice. As the explosions occur, the icy figures gradually transform, creating an ephemeral and ever-changing scene. It is as if the sculptures come alive for a brief moment before disappearing completely.

Cai Guo-Qiang is an artist who breaks the limits of imagination. His installations transport us to a world of magic, where fire and gunpowder become tools for creation. He combines aesthetic (审美的) beauty with unusual elements, making his works unique and fascinating. Without a doubt, Cai’s impact on contemporary art is undeniable. His installations have attracted audiences around the world and will inspire future generations to break free and find beauty in the unpredictable (不可预测的).

【小题1】Which might be the best title for Cai Guo-Qiang?
A.An explosive genius.B.A creative sculptor.
C.A traditional painter.D.An artistic pioneer.
【小题2】What does the word “ephemeral” mean in the passage?
【小题3】What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.Cai’s impact on art is unpredictable.
B.Cai’s success results from global recognition.
C.Cai’s art changes traditional concept of beauty.
D.Cai’s art inspires artists to think outside the box.
【小题4】What is the text most likely to be?
A.A diary entry of Cai Guo-Qiang.
B.A profile of celebrity in a magazine.
C.A scientific research paper on fireworks.
D.An advertisement for a fireworks company.
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There will finally come a day when The New York Times ceases (停止) to publish stories on newsprint. Exactly when that day will be is a matter of debate. “Sometime in the future,” the paper’s publisher said back in 2010.

Nostalgia (怀旧) for ink on paper and the rustle of pages aside, there’s plenty of motivation to ditch (放弃) print. The infrastructure required to make a physical newspaper-printing presses, delivery trucks—isn’t just expensive; it’s excessive at a time when online-only competitors don’t have the same set of financial requirements. Readers are migrating away from print anyway. And though print ad sales still dwarf their online and mobile counterparts, revenue (收入) from print is still declining.

Overhead may be high and circulation may be lower, but rushing to eliminate (淘汰) its print edition would be a mistake, says BuzzFeed CEO Jonah Peretti.

Peretti says the Times shouldn’t waste time getting out of the print business, but only if they go about doing it the right way. “Figuring out a way to accelerate that transition would make sense for them,” he said, “but if you discontinue it, you’re going have your most loyal customers really upset with you.”

Sometimes that’s worth making a change anyway. Peretti gives the example of Netfix discontinuing its DVD-mailing service to focus on streaming. “It was seen as blunder,” he said. The move turned out to be foresighted. And if Peretti were in charge at the Times? “I wouldn’t pick a year to end print,” he said “I would raise prices and make it into more of a legacy product.”

The most loyal customers would still get the product they favor, the idea goes, and they’d feel like they were helping sustain the quality of something they believe in. “So if you’re overpaying for print, you could feel like you were helping,” Peretti said. “Then increase it at a higher rate each year and essentially try to generate additional revenue.” In other words, if you’re going to make a print product, make it for the people who are already obsessed with it. Which may be what the Times is doing already. Getting the print edition seven days a week costs nearly $500 a year—more than twice as much as a digital - only subscription.

“It’s a really hard thing to do and it’s a tremendous luxury that BuzzFeed doesn’t have a legacy business,” Peretti remarked. “But we’re going to have questions like that where we have things were doing that don’t make sense when the market changes and the world changes. In those situations, it’s better to be more aggressive than less aggressive.”

【小题1】Peretti suggests that in face of the present situation, The Times should ______.
A.make strategic adjustments
B.end the print sedition for good
C.seek new sources of leadership
D.aim for efficient management
【小题2】It can be inferred from paragraphs 5 and 6 that a “legacy product” ______.
A.helps restore the glory of former times
B.is meant for the most loyal customers
C.will have the cost of printing reduced
D.expands the popularity of the paper
【小题3】Peretti believes that in a changing world, ______.
A.traditional luxuries can stay unaffected
B.cautiousness facilitates problem-solving
C.aggressiveness better meets challenges
D.legacy businesses are becoming out dated
【小题4】Which of the following would be the best title of the text?
A.Shift to online newspapers all at once
B.Cherish the Newspapers still in your hand
C.Keep your Newspapers forever in fashion
D.Make your print Newspapers a luxury good

A 14-year-old teenager was named “America’s Top Young Scientist” after winning this year’s 3M Young Scientist Challenge, a national science competition. He was given the title for creating a bar of soap (肥皂) that fights low-grade skin cancer and also awarded $25,000 for his research.

Heman Bekele, who is a freshman at WT Woodson High School, moved to Virginia from Ethiopia, where he observed people constantly exposed to the sun and suffering from skin cancer. While he didn’t initially give it much thought, as the competition drew near, he remembered his experiences in Ethiopia and decided to focus his research on skin cancer.

Heman started doing experiments at home and doing testing on digital models. He learned much about dendritic cells (named for their tree-like branches), which boost human immune (免疫的) responses. In his submission video to 3M, Heman explains, “When skin cancer cells develop, they weaken dendritic cells in the body, allowing the cancer to take over.” He said the soap contains agents that could potentially reactivate dendritic cells that help eliminate the cancer cells.

The soap can be applied to the skin every couple of days and then the person with skin cancer will start to see progress. “The average price of skin cancer treatment in the US alone is almost $40,000, but my bar of soap only costs $8.50 to create, and it can have the same effects as something that people would pay thousands and thousands of dollars to try to get,” Heman said.

For now, Heman said he has a five-year plan. At the end of it, he hopes to have created a nonprofit organization where he can provide accessible skin cancer treatment to as many people as possible. But to achieve his goal, he would have to get his treatment through clinical trials and have it certified by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), he said.

【小题1】What does the author intend to tell us about Heman in paragraph 2?
A.The memory of his childhood.B.The inspiration for his invention.
C.The spread of skin cancer in Africa.D.The reason for his moving to Virginia.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “eliminate” in paragraph 3 mean?
【小题3】What advantage does Heman’s soap have over common treatments for skin cancer?
A.It is more affordable.B.It takes effect at once.
C.It has fewer side effects.D.It is suitable for all skin cancers.
【小题4】What does Heman think his top priority is?
A.Starting a nonprofit enterprise.B.Distributing his soap to patients.
C.Obtaining a drug production license.D.Applying to perform human trials.

If you ever find yourself yawning during a long video call, you may soon see yawns(哈欠)spread to the other faces on your screen. Your pet under the desk may even join in.

Yawns can spread even between dogs and humans, as reported in 2008 and 2012. At the time empathy-the ability to put yourself in another’s shoes—was one of the most probable explanation. But new evidence suggests this reasoning is wrong.

To get a better understanding, researchers examined whether dogs’ yawning follows the same behavioral patterns with humans. For instance, people are both more likely to yawn with friends and families than with strangers. Besides, women, on average, report greater feelings of empathy than men, and catch yawns more frequently. But earlier this year, when researchers analyzed previous studies of yawning in dogs, they found no sign of this bias(偏向).

How often do dogs catch yawns from humans who are nice or not so nice to them? In another study, an experimenter would either play with or pet the dog, or plainly ignore the dog and avoid all eye contact. The antisocial experimenter would also show the dog a treat and command it to perform a trick, and then eat the treat themselves. But this did not affect the dogs’ yawning.

It’s still unclear why we yawn in the first place. One hypothesis is that yawning is a stress response that increases alertness by increasing blood flow to the brain and cooling it. “Having yawns spread could help coordinate(协调)a group’s alertness. However, this is one nice evolutionary story that we don’t have that much evidence for. This doesn’t mean your dog doesn’t have empathy at all. Instead, the study shows that animal minds are still a mystery,” says Alex Taylor, an evolutionary psychologist.

【小题1】What is the purpose of paragraph 1?
A.To introduce the topic of the passage.
B.To clarify the definition of the yawn.
C.To describe yawning through an example.
D.To make an overall outline of the passage.
【小题2】What can be learned about dogs’ yawn from the passage?
A.Dogs catch yawns as a result of empathy.
B.Female dogs yawn much more than male dogs.
C.Dogs tend to yawn more after a familiar person.
D.Dogs’ yawning follows a different pattern from humans’.
【小题3】According to paragraph 4, what may the antisocial experimenter do to dogs?
A.Ignore the dog even if it yawns.
B.Hurt them cruelly.
C.Make no eye contact with them at all.
D.Give a treat to them when they perform a trick.
【小题4】What can we infer from Alex Taylor’s words?
A.We yawn to spread alertness to others.
B.We need to explore more about yawns.
C.Dogs may have no empathy at all.
D.Humans’ yawning behavior arose from evolution.
